After My Students And I Have
Earned $3,120 Within 60 Days, This Quiet Expert
Finally Decides To Go Public And Says:
You can now collect as low as $1,200
in as little as 60 days from this 29.8 Billion Dollar Industry
By using my little-known MHC System...
You can collect $654, $918, and $1,200 a month
creating medium-content books, short stories, and 20-45 paged documents...

watch this video
Dear friend,
Right now, a small but fast group of Nigerians are bringing in as much as $654, $918, and $1,200 in as little as 60 days.
Using a little-known MHC system of creating medium-content books, short stories/articles, and 20-45 paged documents from this 29.8 Billion Dollar Industry.
You know the best part, these groups of people… Use just their phone and Internet Connection...
And do not need to go through the near-to-death strain almost all online entrepreneurs go through at Amazon or other publishing sites.
And this may sound ridiculous, but…
They don't necessarily need to write a single word or paragraph…
Yet, they rake in a disturbing amount of money every month.
The good news is, you can make as much money as them with half the effort.
By tapping into this 29.8 billion Dollar industry with great success.
Just Like…

And 42 others, of which you'd get to read their own stories soon.
Now you might be wondering what this industry is all about…
And how you can tap into this system to make as much as $654, $918, and $1,200 for yourself.
You see…
It all starts with this picture below...

The Largest Retail Company In The World
This powerful corporation is not just the biggest retail company in the world… But it facilitates more than $578.2 billion US dollars every year. It is affiliated with 10,585 million stores around the globe… It has more than 37 million users every single day…
According to Forbes, Walmart is the largest retail public company in the world and has been so for 10 years at a stretch… And yet strangely, very few people have been able to immerse themselves in this opportunity… But the few 1% who know about this groundbreaking novel opportunity are killing it!
that's exactly why i'm writing to you today.
Amazon was founded in the garage of Bezos' rented home in Bellevue, Washington. Bezos' parents invested almost $250,000 in the start-up. On July 16, 1995, Amazon opened as an online bookseller, selling the world's largest collection of books to anyone with World Wide Web access.
By GO Banking Rate, Amazon's net worth as of the quarter ending Dec. 31, 2021, was $438.118 billion.

My name is Kenny Akinola.
In the last six months, I have been creating and uploading...
- 12-15 paged documents
- Short Stories
- And low-content books
with just my smartphone and have made royalties from them.
Best Part is...
I earn passively, even on days, weeks, and months without working or lifting a pin.
I wouldn't tell you any concocted lies about a Grass to Grace story as others do.
Life was practically fair to me before I started creating and publishing low-content books, but it became much better after I did…
I could afford nearly everything I needed, pay my school fees, and sort out some of my family bills…
Life wasn't so bad…
But something stood out for me and changed my perspective on publishing books forever…
this happened when amazon terminated my account
I'm sure this doesn't sound new to you… (especially if you are Nigerian). Because just between June 2022 - September 2022… More than 3,272 Nigerian and foreign accounts have been blocked, flagged down, and terminated. Leaving tens of thousands of people permanently out of the publishing business.
Mine was no exception so after 3 months of fruitless trials and failures, I knew I had to do something quick to keep me on my toes… And that was when I found one unique system…
An MHC System that not only gives you access to millions of book lovers… But directs your foot on the right path on how to create low-content books fast without having to publish thousands of them first… Before earning in dollars.
You see, There is much information on the internet about how to upload and publish low-content books on different sites. And also how you can start earning royalties… A quick Google search will show you more than 200 million results on how to do this…

However, just because you have access to this information doesn't mean you know how to build a successful publishing business…
Reasons why 95% of publishers who start this business get frustrated and eventually fail. Well, bad for them and good for you because you are reading this now.
- If you have been trying to make passive income by publishing low-content books with no luck…
- Perhaps you have published hundreds of books but made no sales…
- Or maybe you have been bombarded with excess information by most content creators, and now you don't even know where to start…
- Or maybe, like me, your account has been banned, blocked, or permanently terminated, and you are completely out of the publishing business…
One thing remains certain—it’s not your fault… Most of these publishing sites do this without any reason whatsoever… Even when you keep to all their policies, rules, and regulations. And that's why you should have more than a backup plan…
…something bigger and better!
It's a solution that allows you to create digital books, publish them online…
Utilize customers from the world's top retail companies and other top bookseller partners so that you get paid from book royalties
Think of it this way —a partnership business model where over 6000 top booksellers worldwide are constantly creating publicity…
And bringing your book before their viewers.
The best part of this is…
You can do this as
- A student…
- A school dropout…
- A sit-at-home mum…
- A youth corp…
- Employed or unemployed.
And you don't have to create thousands of books before you can start earning.
So let's get down quickly to why this system is different and how you can use it to penetrate this market.
But before I show you…
Here's who this system is for:
You see, when many publishers are not getting their desired results in the publishing business…
They feel running ads will be the solution to earnzxing thousands of dollars on book royalties that are not optimized in the first place…
Listen, running ads is good (and not the problem here)...
But if you want to make so much money from book publishing...
You'd have to consider seriously;
- Your Niches
- Keyword optimization
- And design
And that's what my Multiple Hack System(MHC) will show you.
A system that
- Empowers you to publish your books on millions of publishing sites
- Show you how to get in front of millions of readers.
- And how to position yourself in the publishing world with the right techniques and tools.
It's like the first-ever hacking power where you can legally rig the system to your own advantage…
It gives you absolute leverage into publishing and earning book royalties.

The first-ever publishing platform that gives you access to Walmart—America's biggest chain store with 10,585 million retail stores in the globe with zero exclusivity

Publishing has never been easier with ‘KOBO WRITING LIFE.’
What exactly is 'kobo life?’
'Kobo writing life' is a Canadian-based publishing company…
The second biggest publishing site in the world—right after Amazon.
With over six million ebooks and a customer base of nearly 275 million… in 190 countries.
And in partnership with more than 6000 top bookstores worldwide.
You can instantly earn as much as 70% royalty payments on your books.
And your books get uploaded to the eyes of 275 million people within 72 hours.
The best part:
Unlike Amazon Kindle Publishing…
You can upload your books on other platforms, including Amazon Kindle Publishing.
It can only get better!
No other publishing site can help you tap into this massive internet goldmine faster than Kobo Writing life.
You may be asking…
How can you get started on Kobo Writing Life…
And I will show you how shortly, but before I do…
Here’s what you need to know:
When looking at publishing on Kobo… Your books are not only available at their online store…
Your books are also available not only at Walmart but also at:
- Chapters/Indigo (Canada)
- WHSmith & Waterstones & Sainsbury’s (UK)
- American Booksellers Association (indie bookstores) US
- Rakuten (Japan)
- FNAC (France)
- Mondadori and La Feltrinelli (Italy)
- BOL (Netherlands)
- Independent Bookstores (New Zealand)
- Angus & Robertson (Australia)
You may not know some of these retail stores, but they are big players in various countries.
Imagine how much you can make when you publish your books in less than 72 hours…
Citizens of these countries get to see your books in their various online and offline stores.
As you can see…
Relying only on Amazon Kindle Publishing in your publishing business is risky…
Your account may be banned…
Blocked or permanently terminated…
And on that basis…
If you would like to make as much as $1,250 - $2,120 using my multiple hack system….
Here’s an invitation letter to enroll in the
Ultimate Amazon KDP Course and it'sAlternative For All Devices
A training and private community for writers, nonwriters, newbies, and anyone who wants to make thousands of dollars from digital publishing without their account being blocked or banned
See What Some People Are Saying About Me
Thanks for your mentorship so far ma.
I so much appreciate everything you do.
Within just one month of knowing you.
My life wasn't the same way it was two months ago
I so much appreciate everything ma
And I believe more results are still coming

Thanks to Coach Kenny @Kekedrdm7 for a great mentorship so far..
I made a Decision months ago and today I’m enjoying the benefits.. Best Coach of all time

Despite her profession, she finds time to deliver KDP mentorship to the best of knowledge. I can't imagine how selfless a person can be till I came across her. Thanks for the help, Coach Kenny

Ultimate Amazon KDP Course and it's Alternative For All Devices is for:
You are in safe hands, and I will walk you through what you will get once you enroll for this course.
Here is everything you would get when you enroll today
The Account creation, setup, and launching Module.
How to set up your kobo account from scratch in 5 minutes or less with zero risk of getting banned or blocked.
In this module, you will learn…
The 5 unique solid steps to setting up your 'no-risk-ban' kobo account and earning what you deserve on book royalties.
How to convert over 10,585 million daily shoppers at Walmart and other top retail stores and make their mouth-watering customers.
The secret 'no sweat method' of avoiding the 30% tax Nigerians pay to online publishing websites (will show you an easy hack method to avoiding this route)
5 things to do to keep your account safe and keep your earnings flowing, even on days you create nothing.
The N-A-R Research model
How to successfully optimize the best keywords and topics that sell your books fast
99% of book publishers make 4 common mistakes…
They are confused and think running ads is the key to making sales on publishing sites, but that’s far from the truth.
Because like I said earlier, Niches, keywords, and designs are far more important than ads.
That is why in this module, you will be learning…
The 4 most common mistakes 99% of digital publishers make and why you must avoid them at all costs to scale your business.
The 5 book niches that are guaranteed to skyrocket your earnings and keep your customers yearning for more
The S-T-E-N book models top publishers use to keep loyal customers buying over and over again
How to successfully create content with the right keywords
The unconventional step-by-step research process for creating the best low-content books
The content creation module
How to create mouth-watering books that leave your readers begging for more without writing them manually
In this module, you will learn.
The best keyword optimization method-How to use the right keyword to optimize your book so your book isn't lost in space
The 'hit-back kobo technique' of creating books without having to write a single word
How to create a book description, title, and subtitle in 5 minutes or less without having to crack your brain and even if you can't write a single correct sentence
This technique will keep customers' eyes glued to your book and stop them from scrolling past your page.
5 easy methods of creating content from your phone or laptop fast.
One secret tool that grants you access to professional writers that could help you edit your content
( you only have to pay a tiny fraction of your book royalties)
One unique method to avoid plagiarism with my PEC technique.
How to create one unique best-selling book guaranteed to skyrocket your earnings in the next 20 years passively.
The Book cover and designs module:
How to create beautiful and captivating professional book covers and designs
How to use 5 top secret tools to design your book and create stunning covers that keep your customer's eye glued to it and stop them from scrolling past.
How to select the right colors for each kind of book and the one color you should never use.
Free tool kit to convert and measure accurate book dimensions for any book you create.
The Publish and earn module:
How to publish your book successfully with zero mistakes and earn royalties without the fear of your book being banned, blocked, copyright struck, trademark infringement.
Here is what you'll learn in this module…
How to publish your book successfully on kobo without a book ban or any of the above using my secret 'watchdog technique.'
The right pricing would always keep you at the top of your customer's minds without making them feel they have been ripped off.
( if your prices are too high, your customers won't buy, and if they are too low, you will earn lower royalties, and your customers won't buy either).
How to select the right pen name for your book ( if your name sounds off to foreign citizens …they won't buy from you)
How to easily get access to other publishing sites that exclude all Nigerians from publishing on their site – they will accept you if you do this one thing.
(Always remember the money is in the numbers)
Will That Be All You Will Get Once You Lay Your Hands On Ultimate Amazon KDP Course and it's Alternative For All Devices?
Hell No! Far from It…
You will say I’ve gone out of my mind when you see all that I will give you when you lay your hands on this course.
But before I show you all of that…
Let me share this with you.
When I began my publishing journey…
Even though I tasted some success which some people dream about…
I realized that most people struggle to keep up with the rules and regulations of each publishing site…
Being accountable to someone…
And most importantly, having someone who they can talk to anytime and anywhere…
Looking back…
I don’t want you to lay your hands on my course and regret ever getting the course…
And that’s why…
I'll be adding these more powerful bonuses for you.
To further ease the journey for you and help you make more money.
Bonus 1
The Ultimate Amazon KDP Course and its Alternative For All Devices Support Group.
In this Support Group…
You will be under my watch… I’ll get to see where you are at…
What you’ve been doing
And how you can get better.
There will also be:
Healthy competition—challenge and pairing with an accountability partner to help you grow…
Also, there will be:
weekly calls…
The goal of these calls is to get feedback and how to get better.
Bonus 2
Amazon KDP Guide for beginners
You see, even though you can make as much as $2,200 alone publishing on Kobo Writing Life…
Kobo Writing Life allows you to publish on other publishing sites.
And I will advise casting your bread upon many waters.
This module will show you how to create your Amazon account rightly…
The kind of books to publish on Amazon…
And how to position your books for them to be seen.
Bonus 3
Scale Your Sales With Amazon Ads
Are you looking for ways to double your sales on Amazon KDP?
In this module…
I’ll guide you on how to double, triple, and quadruple your sales on Amazon by running profitable Amazon Ads.
Bonus 4
How to publish on Lulu, Smash Words, Barnes & Nobles
You are not limited to making money alone through Amazon KDP or Kobo Writing life…
I’ll show you how to create accounts in Lulu, Smash Words, and Barnes & Nobles and publish your books here…
But you must meet the terms and conditions to publish your books on these sites.
Curious To Know How Much This Course Will Worth?
I'll tell you in a moment…
But not until I let you in on this one last finger-licking bonus
My exclusive lifetime mentorship
Yes, because I want you to succeed this much, I'll forever be accountable to you.
I will hold you by the hand and take you through all the steps you need to succeed, provided you are willing to do the work.
The best part is this in-house mentorship is for a complete lifetime (crazy, right?)
I will show you how to achieve all these if you lay your hands on The Ultimate Amazon KDP Course and it's Alternative For All Devices Course.
If I’m to place a real value on any of these bonus offers…
I’ll price each of them at N20,000, totaling N100,000…
But you’ll get all of them free if you take action today.
But, Don't Sweat It. You won't Need To Break A Bank To Get Instant Access.
Here’s the thing…
I could charge high for this course and just let a few people get access to the course, the special bonuses, and my private coaching group…
But this wasn’t my goal when I was creating this course…
My motivation was to help those whose accounts have been banned…
Who doesn't know where to begin…
Who seems to be tied to Amazon…
And that’s why I prepared the course so that even an average Nigerian can lay his hands on it.
But you see, the price may not be so forever…
If you drop every excuse and take action today….
You will be able to get the course, the special bonuses, and access to my mentorship group at:
I’ll keep the latter part of this letter short…
Because I’ve invested so much in this course and know that if you act on everything, I’ll show you…
You will make this money back in less than 60 days.
But I’m not here to tell you what to do with your money.
And if you'd pass on this, that's fine. No pressure.
But if you'd like to get your hands on this course…
It would be nice to have you on board.
However, before you lay your hands on this course…
Here’s my…
Slam dunk, No Sweat 40 days-Money-Back Guarantee
As you can see, I’ve put in a lot of work on this program.
The testimonials give you an idea of how valuable this course is…

I'm so sure of this.
That’s why I will give you a full refund with no questions asked if you try what I teach in this course and nothing works for you.
But only on the condition that you have utilized every one of the resources on this course and can show proof for it…
If not…
Yeah, you heard it right…
I only want to work with serious and committed minds ready to put up the work and little effort and understand success takes time and commitment.
Having cleared the air on this…
We have come to the Bridge of Decision.
You may be familiar with the story of the Lion who thought, lived, and ate like a sheep…
Until he met another Lion who revealed his real self to him.
This Lion was stuck at the bridge of decision…
Should he return to the paddock and keep thinking and acting like a sheep?
Or should he join his fellow lion in the forest and become the lion he was meant to be?
You are at the bridge now…
Would you like to keep doing what you’ve been doing that hasn’t worked for you…
Or do you plan to learn everything on your own?
Or would you rather learn from me, who already understands the rope and can make your journey an easy one?The choice is yours to make…
And now is the time to make a choice.
I'll leave you to your decision.
P.S. Please understand that results are not typical.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic or commitment to using this product as instructed.
If you're unwilling to accept that, DO NOT CLICK THE BUTTON.
The Course is for both Amazon KDP and KOBO Writing Life
If you follow all the steps I will show you, become part of my community, use my unique system and bonuses, and still don't get results (which I strongly doubt).
I will pay you every last kobo of your money within 30 days of the course purchase. No questions asked, no hard feelings but provided you show me proof that you did the work if not, PLS DO NOT BUY THIS COURSE.
Yes, you will be included in my private community, where I will be available to answer all your questions and hold you by hand till you start seeing the result.
of course you can, part-time, full time whatever works for you.
How does "life-time access" sound to you? When you pay for this course, you have lifetime access to all my precise, well-explained videos that you can finish within 14 days, start applying and start seeing results immediately.
You would also be added to my private community and mentorship program available to you for a lifetime.
Absolutely! This program is specially designed for all devices—Android, iOS devices, laptops, and other.s
Please remember results may vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, commitment to work, and work ethic. If you follow all my instructions religiously, you could be smiling to the bank within 60-90 days.
yes, this program is specifically designed for non-writers, even if you cannot make a correct line of sentence, writers, and newbies who wants to earn Passive income creating medium-content books.
If by now you still think this is an empty course or scam, then I suggest you do not bother buying this course ( we only want to work with serious-minded people ready to take their financial life to the next level)
Absolutely, but you just wouldn't know when. So I advise you make use of this opportunity now before it increases.
last call !
Get Into The Academy
Secure your place in the community of those
who want to turn their phones into dollar ATMs
N20,000 before the clock goes down !
Becomes N25,000 soon
You missed out!

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Is this product worth it?
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