We asked 100 of our high performing students their secrets for earning millions in commissions on Expertnaire. And we discovered that...

If you wish to make your first ₦750,000 with just your smartphone within the next 12 weeks even with zero followers on social media...

Then there's one secret you need.

Hey there,

My name is Uche Okoro.

And I'm the Digital Content Manager at Expertnaire.

Some years ago I was fed up and wanted to quit my bank job.

This was because I figured out the traditional 9-5 route wasn't for me.

But the problem was I didn't know how to break free.

Well, if you're like me...

Then | want to share with you the best business model you can start within the next 3 days with just your phone and you could be working from home or wherever you like...

In fact, in my opinion, this is the perfect online business model as it has helped many of our students make an extra ₦100,000 N200,000 and even 750k a month...

Some of them like Favour



And like them you can do this too without:


Or even spending hundreds of hours to learn like most new skills require.

And youd be using just your phone and Internet connection.

In fact, you can start and within the next 3 days be like Rita who started earning money within 3 days of joining Expertnaire.

Or Gift who started making money within one week of joining us

Or Jessica whos a stay-at-home mom and does it part-time and still earns money regularly

And it's not just them...

We have many students like them on Expertnaire who are making lots of money online with just their phones, travelling all over the world on all-expense paid vacations, driving new cars, taking care of their families and enjoying themselves.

People like Emelda...

Olajide Joy...

Moses Owulo

So if you've ever dreamed about having an online income, here's the secret:

There are lots of people out there who have great products and need people to help them make more sales.

The cool thing is they are willing to pay you as much as a 90% commission on each sale you help them make.

To help you understand what that means, let's say a product is ₦30,000.

A 90% commission means you earn ₦27,000 on each sale.

Multiply it by 5 and that's ₦135,000.

Multiply that by 10 and you've made a cool 270k.

And you can do this in a day, week or month. Depending on you.

Just to show you, here's Faith earning ₦17,500 (70% commission) from one sale of a ₦25,000 product.

Here's Bawa, whos a mother of 5 making multiple 50% commissions from a N62,500 product:

Here's Ifunanya making close to 50 sales of one product in a single day:

Even if she earns just 10k per product. That's almost 500k earned in one day.

And this is simply how affiliate marketing on Expertnaire works.

You dont need an office or warehouse or worry about product delivery, shipping and logistics because youd be dealing with digital products only.

You also dont need any prior experience selling online either...

Doesnt matter if you've never ran a business before or even sold anything in your life.

What you just need to do is to simply recommend someone else's product on Expertnaire and you collect a commission.

Like Ishaaq...

Great Egere...


Now the thing is...

To get products like this that would make you lots of money like our successful affiliates, these products need to be:

And also have proof of producing real results.

Which is where we come in as we have hundreds of amazing digital products like this on Expertnaire.

But not just that, we regularly release a list of the best selling products on our platform showing you what people are buying.

So you don't need to be confused about what to sell.

Now that we have that covered, the next step is knowing how to sell.

Well, the cool thing is we can show you how to get started in just 3 days as you've seen from other people's results already.

And that's because aside paying over 4 billion Naira in commissions since 2019, we've also trained over 100,000 affiliates.

In fact, this is what makes Expertnaire different.

Unlike so many affiliate platforms out there that are mostly interested in how much money they're pocketing from you, what makes us different is how interested we are in the success of our affiliates.

And that's because we know that the success of our affiliates is also our success.

This is why we dedicate most of our time to training and teaching newbies.

The amazing thing is many of these newbies used to be struggling students, corpers, stay- at-home moms and low income earners who had never made a single Naira online before.

These people were used to surviving on pocket money from their parents, guardians, husbands and boyfriends.

But now, they make as much as 250-400k monthly.

Some of them like...

Now the next step is getting people to see what you're selling.

This is what is referred to as traffic and is where you get your customers.

This is the most important step by far.

And if you're going to make any money you have to make sure you get this right.

And getting it right means getting lots of people who are interested in what youre selling and also have money to pay for it.

The common advice for affiliates as regards getting customers is running paid adverts.

That's because it's fast.

And also because Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube have billions of users. And if you're willing to pay them, they'll help you show your products to their users.

But because most newbies can't afford to spend any money on marketing and getting customers...

Especially after spending money joining a platform or getting a course.

The next best alternative is using free traffic.

Which is something many people dont know how to do.

Many others also ignore it. And those who try get it wrong.

Which is because they depend on their family and friends... Or harass their contacts on social media to buy what they're selling. Some also believe they need to have lots of followers first.

Some others assume they have to dance or do ridiculous things online to get customers.

But what if there was a sure way you could start making as much as ₦750,000 monthly doing affiliate marketing on Expertnaire without running ads or spending money on marketing or even dancing on camera or having lots of followers?

Someone like Maria who makes amounts like this...

And she doesn't run ads or spend a single dime on marketing or looking for customers.

Or Joanna who makes a consistent six figures weekly...

And she doesn't dance on camera

Or Anna who has made over 20 million Naira within the past 4 months without paid ads.

So how's it possible?

How do they do it?

Well, there's a simple 3-step formula they use.

In fact, with this simple 3-step formula, you could make a cool 100k - 200k weekly using just Instagram and TikTok and without having lots of followers or even dancing.

People like Adekeye Rukayat...

Princess Iyamu...

Roseline Anyanwu...

All do this.

So, what is this 3-step formula and how does it work?

Well, this 3-step formula for getting free traffic, making tons of sales and earning lots of money is straightforward.

Step number 1 is simply making viral videos for social media.

I know this might sound overwhelming for you.

I too used to think going viral was hard.

I mean, I had posted 100s of videos online and I'd never gotten up to 1,000 views before.

That's until I stumbled on a template some of our affiliates are now using to go viral in minutes.

We decided to test them and we started having our videos going viral immediately.

Video 1 - 24,000 views

Video 2 - 14,000 views

Video 3 - 9,000 views

And these videos brought in almost 2,000 new followers for us.

Now imagine this as an affiliate.

That's a potential 2,000 new customers into your funnel.

For free.

Just by posting short 5-15 second videos.

And even if just 1% of those 2,000 customers buy what you're selling, that's a cool 20 sales.

And if you're selling a product with 10k commission, that's a cool 200k made.

Remember, you didn't run a single ad or pay anyone to get this.

It was completely free.

We also didn't have to dance or act like a clown in the videos.

We also didn't have lots of followers. As this wasn't even a big account.

In fact, 91% of our views came from people who were seeing our content for the first time.

Which means even if you have zero followers or it's a brand new account, you can use this same templates we're using to make viral videos and it'll work for you.

The cool thing with making viral videos is you don't even have to show your face.

So that means even if you're shy...

Or you struggle with getting in front of a camera...

Or you don't want people to know it's you, it's okay.

In fact, you can create faceless content on social media that goes viral bringing you thousands of followers and potential customers.

So you can do affiliate marketing completely anonymously and entirely faceless. It's up to you.

In fact, we have so many people who used to be shy and couldn't get in front of the camera before they started affiliate marketing on Expertnaire.

Here's Maria who went from 0-100k followers on TikTok

Here's Timothy:

And here's Ifunanya who is terribly shy but has made over 10M+ on Expertnaire

And she now makes an average of 500k weekly.

So we're very certain you can do this and it'll work for you.

But it's one thing to get attention by going viral. It's another thing to turn this attention into sales and money.

There are so many popular people, celebrities and influencers on social media with thousands of followers and millions of views and yet are still broke.

That's because they don't know how to convert all that attention into money.

But I don't want that to happen to you.

And that’s what takes us to step number 2.

So instead of just posting viral videos and stopping there, you need to get these people into your customers list on WhatsApp or email.

And to do this, you need to make your case as convincing as possible.

Now making your case convincing doesn't mean you're begging or harassing them.

Instead you'll be using specific words that speak directly to your target prospect's desires, frustrations or problems.

And once you use these particular words, you’re going to get lots of people begging you to take their money.

You'll be waking up to notifications like this:


As you can see, 5 sales of a 21k product already and it's not even afternoon yet.

And this...

That's 45 sales in one day by Ifunanya.

And even if you're selling a product with just ₦5,000 commission, that's a cool ₦225,000.

But the issue with coming up with this kind of powerful words is that you have to do a lot of research and brainstorming.

But good news!

We’ve done all of that for you.

And if you read to the end of this page, we'll share it with you.

Which takes us to step number 3


Now when you start getting 200, 300, 500 potential customers daily or weekly, there’s a strong likelihood that you’re going to get overwhelmed.

And the one thing you don’t want to do is spend all your time on WhatsApp responding to people.

Time you could have used to make more sales.

Or enjoying yourself.

Plus affiliate marketing should be a freedom business.

Which means whether you’re not with your phone, you’re traveling, sleeping, on vacation…

You should still be making sales and lots of money without spending so much time on your phone.

You should be getting results like this…


And this...

So that’s the 3-step formula for this affiliate marketing system.

And it’s simply:

And it doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or a complete dummy.

We have newbies who had never made a single kobo online before getting results like this...


And this...

It also doesn’t matter if you have zero followers on your social media…

This system will work for you.

All you need is:

And I know you already have number 1 and 2.

And if you're willing to follow simple instructions, I'm here to help you with number 3.

And that's our affiliate marketing training program called the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program.

Now we created this program for anyone who's looking to start affiliate marketing and start earning as much as 100k, 200k and even 750k in a month with just your phone.

We also made sure that the instructions here are so simple and straightforward that complete newbies who have never sold anything online before can use them and start making money in as little as 3 days.

In the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program we'll show you:

We'll also show you:

And we'll do this by giving you the "How to Pick a Hot Offer" checklist.

This our secret tool is what will help you pick the very best offers and products on Expertnaire that are guaranteed to help make money for you and your family.

So, whether you're new to affiliate marketing…

Or you've heard about it, and the information out there feels confusing or overwhelming...

Or maybe you've already started affiliate marketing and struggled to really understand it and make it work for you...

We've broken it down in this program in such a way that anyone can take these ideas and start making 250k, 400k and even 750k every month online.

Like this


And this...

And because we know how important it is to get customers for your business...

Especially as a newbie who doesn't have money to spend on advertising and getting customers...

That's why we added our Free Traffic Accelerator training on how to get customers FOR FREE on social media.

So with this, you do not need to spend money to get customers and traffic, especially as a beginner.

Meaning you can basically start for free and start making money as soon as possible.

We'll be showing you how to grow a following and get traffic from TikTok and Instagram without dancing or doing anything ridiculous.

You'll discover:

Plus, more importantly, how to turn Instagram and TikTok views into customers that will buy what you're selling.

With the ideas here, you'll practically be bringing in 100 new potential customers into your customers list every week for free.

In Free Traffic Accelerator Training, you'll discover:

And when you start making it, you can decide to quit your job and do affiliate marketing full-time. If that's what you want.

You'll also see how to film, edit, and post content in as little as five minutes per day.

And no, it doesn't have to look professionally polished.

Just good enough to get views and turn those views into customers.

I'll show you how to do this.

I'll also show you how I make at least 15 ready to go videos in just one hour.

These affiliates we've shared their results with you spend maybe 2-4 hours per day pressing their phones.

But they're able to hit these huge figures every week because they use our special 3-step formula for making viral content.

It's the same formula they use to engineer high performing videos over and over again.

And they do this without spending a lot of money or using special equipment or even having any special video editing skills.

They basically use their phones, simple video editing apps on their phones and our special 3-step formula.

And they're making 6-7 figures monthly with simple low budget videos.

Here's an example:

We'll also be giving you our Automatic Content Generator.

This is where we share our library of content that you can easily use to create yours.

So instead of relying on luck or waste time trying to come up with ideas, we'll be giving you a playbook with so many ideas guaranteed to work over and over again.

We'll also be showing you how to use AI to come up with content for your page in 5 minutes or less.

Alongside this, we'll show you how to set up a 30 Day Content Calendar - along with when you should post and how many times you should post in order to grow your business.

So you'll have something to post every single day.

And you don't have to rack your brain for this.

That's why we've compiled our best Viral Video Templates and giving them to you COMPLETELY FREE as part of this program.

You see, many people go viral unexpectedly.

In fact, if you ask them how, they can't even explain.

That's because what they do is just pump out content and hope for the best.

It's why they end up having only one viral video in 6 months or 1 year or never at all.

But with our special Viral Videos Templates, we'll be giving you a system that will help you pump out tons and tons of viral videos every day.

These 450+ templates are guaranteed to work and are designed to flood your social media pages with more traffic than you can handle.

With them you can:

So, instead of waiting for one banger video, we'll show you how to make multiple banger videos over and over again...

Without spending a lot of time or money...

Or needing to shoot in special places...

So whether you're doing this for the first time and so you're not experienced...

Or you've been doing it before but without results...

Don't worry.

With what we'll be sharing with you, we've got you covered.

Affiliates are even using this same idea to win different sales challenges on Expertnaire, win prizes and make lots of money.

And that's because it works for every kind of product you want to promote or a niche you want to focus on.

We'll also share our mini Canva training with you as part of the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program.

This is where you'll learn how to create simple, engaging graphics using Canva.

This is to help you promote your products more effectively because quality graphics help boost your sales.

Plus, you can always decide to monetize this skill by charging other people money to design simple and stunning graphics for them.

The decision is yours!

Our goal with this Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program was to create the most comprehensive affiliate training program for anyone looking for the quickest way to get started with affiliate marketing.

But to make sure you get to your first ₦750,000 as fast as possible within the next couple of weeks, we knew it was important you get all the support and guidance you need.

And this is going to come in two ways:

First of all, we decided that instead of paying the normal ₦10,000 fee to access Expertnaire…

Or buying an affiliate marketing course and then paying an extra ₦10,000 to access Expertnaire...

You’re going to get the opportunity to test everything we'll be showing you for the next three months on Expertnaire for FREE.

So we'll be giving you a free Expertnaire affiliate account for the next 3 months.

That's number one.

Now for number two...

As a special bonus for those who sign up today, we have a couple of free gifts for you.


The First 1-5 Sales Using WhatsApp Blueprint by our CEO Toyin Omotoso

This will show you how to make your first 1-5 sales on WhatsApp with the current contacts you have.

Meaning you can start selling to people already on your contact list before going out to get more customers.

Many newbies started with this and it helped them grow from scratch.


Get Your First 500 Followers & Customers FOR FREE On Instagram and TikTok Blueprint.

Here's where I’ll show you how to get your first 500 followers and potential customers for free on Instagram and TikTok.

My job here is to show you how to build an audience organically and with this I'm going to show you exactly how to do it.

Here's Maria who went from 0-100k followers on TikTok in a few months.

We've had people like Roseline go from zero followers to making a consistent 6-7 figures on Expertnaire with TikTok

And Joanna who uses TikTok as her primary source of traffic

All go viral from using the ideas shared during our meetings with other affiliates using this same free traffic system.


₦300 Million Naira Super Affiliate Secrets

This is a collection of recordings where we'll interview some of our highest earning top affiliates who use this same free traffic system to make tons of sales.

This is where we dive deep into what they do and how they're making tons of sales and money with free traffic.

On these interviews we:

This is them basically sharing all the secrets of their success and strategies every beginner should be copying.

Here's what people are saying about some of these interviews:

And Joanna...


WhatsApp Sales Script/Dialogue

This will show you how to have conversations with your potential customers on WhatsApp and how to know potential time wasters so you kick them out.



And as a special bonus, you'll also get my Private Blackbook containing over 200 top affiliates and content creators on Instagram and TikTok who are using this same system.

When I say 200, I mean 200 affiliates and creators on Instagram and another 200 on TikTok.

That's because the journey is easier when you're learning from someone who's already achieving the same results you want to achieve.

So you can look at what they're doing for inspiration.

And as an extra bonus, you get to be part of our Affiliate Sales Challenge where you stand a chance to win smartphones, laptops, cars, vacation trips abroad and cash prizes.

Here are some of our past winners:

And you're getting all of this for just ₦20,000 when you click on the link below to get the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program and join Expertnaire.

To recap, let's go over what you stand to gain when you join Expertnaire right now through the Zero To Million Accelerator Program for ₦20,000 by clicking on the link below.

You'll be getting:

You'll have access to actual Expertnaire staff during these monthly meetings.

You'll also be getting:

Plus we’ll show you how to:

And you'll be getting 5 free special gifts too:

All for just ₦20,000 when you click on the link below.

We're practically giving you every single thing you need to succeed for the next 12 weeks for less than 200 Naira a day.

Think of it like this...

How many businesses could you possibly invest N20,000 in and have the possibility of making 750k within the next 12 weeks?

That's almost 40x your investment in just 12 weeks. And we have people who've done amounts like this and even more.

And remember that affiliate marketing doesn't have to be hard.

Neither does it have to take a lot of your time.

Affiliate marketing on Expertnaire is the best business anyone can start right now

I can assure you that as a complete newbie, there isn’t a better, easier, faster, or surer way to start making money quickly online especially with no experience and just your phone and Internet connection.

See what some of our students have to say about affiliate marketing on Expertnaire:

But the truth is that unless you know the right things to do, it could take you a while to figure out.

That's why we created the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program.

So you have a few options like:

Or instead of doing all of this, you listen to people who have done it over and over again, and use the same templates they've used to achieve success.

So by this time within the next 12 weeks, you could be on a beach or at a nice restaurant somewhere, sipping a cold drink while your phone is printing money for you in the background.

Or maybe you’ve been planning to move to a new apartment…

You want to get a car…

You want to change your phone

or get a laptop

Or you just want to enjoy yourself on a vacation…

Or you want to take better care of your family...

Then the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program is what you’ve been waiting for.

So click on the link below to get it now.

You could even go on to become a top affiliate or even a super affiliate, earning over 10 million naira in one year, just as we've seen with so many others on Expertnaire.

Like this

All because you listened and got the Zero To 1 Million Accelerator Program by clicking on the link below.

The beauty about affiliate marketing with Expertnaire is how it can help you achieve the next step in your journey in success and life.

You can decide you want to move from being an affiliate to becoming a product vendor like Abraham Aiyejinna, to whom we paid over 100 million Naira in 2022 alone.

Or Damilola Oluwa, who we've paid over 50 million Naira as a vendor

Or Caleb Nwanneka, who we paid 11 million Naira in one week, and then he went on to make over 140 million Naira in commissions as an affiliate and vendor.

Or Caleb Nwanneka, who we paid 11 million Naira in one week, and then he went on to make over 140 million Naira in commissions as an affiliate and vendor.

We help people make money online.

But our success depends on you making sales…

Which is why we want to equip you with the skills you need to make your first sale online.

So click on the link below to start with these 3 simple steps used by nearly every successful affiliate on Expertnaire within the next 3 days and you could be making a cool 750k in 12 weeks.


See you on the inside.

Uche Okoro
For Expertnaire

Here are some of our past winners:

IMPORTANT: Earnings And Legal Disclaimers

Expertnaire is an online marketplace for promoting very useful digital products and is registered as a trademark of 7Star Systems Nig. Ltd.

This product is created by Expertnaire coaches and owned by Expertnaire.

The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not an event, a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.

This product is protected by Expertnaire’s 30 days refund policy.

Expertnaire is NOT a marketing agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.

Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.

All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor’s contact details will be provided upon product purchase)

All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.

Your information will be provided to the product’s vendor upon successful completion of this sale.

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