After testing & fine-tuning this secret system...
making over 100 million naira in the last 18 months...
Top Marketing Expert finally reveals...
How You Can Get Your Own Share Of The Money People Like You Are Making Every Week On WhatsApp...
Report me to EFCC if you try what I'm
about to show you and you don't get results.
Dear Friend,
If all goes well, in the next few minutes, you could have in your hand a very powerful weapon. One that will open a brand new stream of steady income for you.
Now, I'll be quick to admit...if you're a beginner, this powerful weapon won't make you millions immediately, but it could start making you at least =N=200,000 per month-depending on how seriously you take it.
By the way, if you make =N=200,000 monthly, in one year, that would be =N=2.4 million. Many intelligent graduates don't even earn this much yearly.
I personally do transactions that run into millions of naira monthly on WhatsApp.

This wasn't always the case though...

A few years ago, I was a broke intern with NNPC (Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation).
I say broke because I was earning =N=20,000 monthly, and with the economic state of Nigeria, I could barely achieve anything with that money.
I couldn't buy new clothes...
I had just one pair of shoes + my safety boots.
Not that I didn't like shoes.
I did.
I mean...
Who no like better thing?
But there was no money to buy it.
Around that period, I was having issues with my dad, so I couldn't even ask him for money.
I resolved to make things work for me, and make money, no matter what it takes. I wasn't going to do anything illegal though.
It was this resolution that led me to attend a seminar where they would teach us how to make money online.
I heard about the event on radio and luckily for me, it was close to my house, so I found my way there.
The organizers of the seminar showed us different skill sets and the various ways they could be monetized online.
I was already learning graphic design then, but the seminar motivated me to take it seriously and find ways to monetize it.
My first few design gigs came from Facebook, but they were not really consistent. I was only getting 1 or 2 gigs per month and that wasn't enough.
I had to find a way to get more gigs and make more money.
It was this search that led me to discover how to sell anything on WhatsApp and make a lot of money off it.
Since then, I've sold my design services, fashion accessories, phones & laptops, information products, coaching and consulting services, etc.
In over 5 years of doing business on WhatsApp, I have generated millions of naira in revenue for my different businesses, and in the last 18 months, I already generated over =N=100 Million.
So I believe I'm qualified to tell you one or two things about WhatsApp.
Top experts like Emeka Nobis, and Bruno Nwogu have gotten results from my teachings on WhatsApp Marketing.

Why should you pay attention to WhatsApp?

According to Hootsuite, in 2019, 85% of all Nigerians on the internet were active on WhatsApp, making it the most used platform.
Now for some context...
In Nigeria, there are over 20 million people who actively use the internet.
So 85% is like 17 million people...
I mean, 17 million people freakinnn use WhatsApp in Nigeria!!!
You should definitely pay attention to it!

If NASDaily, one of the top content creators in the world with over 40 million followers says he is building his company on WhatsApp, then there must be something really special about the app.

Founder of multimillion dollar company, NairaBet, and member of the House of Representatives, Author of two best selling books - Small Business Big Money & How To Sell To Nigerians, Akin Alabi says selling on WhatsApp is a goldmine.
So, we have data to back our claims, and then we have people who can readily confirm that selling on WhatsApp can make you a lot of money.
At this point you already know that if you have WhatsApp on your phone, and the only thing you use it for is to chat and view people's statuses, you're leaving a lot of money on the table.
Now, you may be asking...
How does this WhatsApp thing work?
Make sure you pay attention and get rid of all distractions right now because I'm about to show you how this whole WhatsApp thing works.
I'll be answering these 3 questions
1. How is money made online?
2. How does making money on WhatsApp work?
3. How can individuals, businesses or brands take advantage of WhatsApp to make an extra 500k to 1 million naira?
Let's start with No 1.
How is money made online?
To answer that question, we need to first look at how money is made.
So Mr. A needs Yam, and Mr. B has Yam.
Mr. A then gives Mr. B money in exchange for the Yam.
Money is a product of value creation.
When you have the ability to meet someone's need, they will give you money.
So how money is made online is not different from how money is made offline.
The only difference is the medium.
Mr. A needs yam, Mr. B has yam
Mr. A sees Mr. B's advert on Instagram
Mr. A contacts Mr. B, makes payment and the Yam is delivered to him.
So basically, when you can meet people's needs, they will pay you money.
Does this make sense?
This brings us to question 2
How does making money on WhatsApp work?
Same old formula
You have to be solving a problem and actively selling the solution to people.
The difference is that your medium becomes WhatsApp.
So Mr. A needs yam
Mr. B has yam
Mr. B posts his yam for sale on his WhatsApp status
Mr. A sees it and pays for it
The more people that see Mr. B's yam, the more likely it is that he'll sell more quantities of the yam.
So to make money on WhatsApp you need:
1. A hot product/service
What is a hot product?
It is a product that is so valuable to people, and they are willing and able to pay for it.
It could be anything.
It's not you that determines whether it's hot.
It's the customer.
When a lot of persons are responding to a product and buying it, then that product is a hot product.
It doesn't have to be your own product. It can even be an affiliate product.
2. The right audience
Without the right audience, you'd be wasting your time. None of your offers will convert.
Some people cry that they're not making sales on WhatsApp when the only people there are their family members.
How can you have just 30 views and you want to make millions on WhatsApp?
It can't work.
You need the right audience, and you need a large number of them.
For example, you can't be selling baby milk to teenagers.
Your business will fold up in no time.
If you want to sell baby milk, you have to advertise to mothers.
So you need to find a way to get the right kind of people to your WhatsApp.
One way we do that is to give them a free gift that will be very beneficial to them.
For example, if you're a realtor you can create a free e-book and title it "10 things you need to know before you buy any land in Port Harcourt"
This will attract people who want to buy land to you.
Do you get the point?
3. The ability to sell and close
If you have a hot product, and the right audience, but you don't ask them to buy what you're selling, you won't make any money.
This is not a time to be shy
This is a time to go all out
This a time to sell your product shamelessly regardless of what people think.
The world runs on selling.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for selling.
The only way to make money is by selling something.
If you miss this, then forget about making money on WhatsApp.
Let's move to the third question.
How can individuals and brands leverage on WhatsApp to make an extra 500k to 1 million naira monthly?
The answer remains the same
- Get your hot product ready. It doesn't even have to be your product, it could be an affiliate product.
- Build your audience, or transition your already existing audience to WhatsApp.
- Form a relationship with them via your content and sell to them.
There are people like you doing this and succeeding at this.

Ursula Okolie
Ursula is one of my good students who runs an eyewear business on WhatsApp.
She does a minimum of N400k monthly selling eyewears on WhatsApp

Emmanuel Akpe
Emmanuel is my good friend. He makes around N5 million monthly selling trainings on WhatsApp.

Caleb Nwanneka
Affiliate marketer
Caleb my guy is a top affiliate marketer with Expertnaire. He does around N2 million weekly selling affiliate products using WhatsApp.
It is doable!
The challenge is that some people don't know how to do it.
So they want to cut corners.
They start doing things like sending unwanted broadcast messages, stealing contacts, paying bots to extract contacts from groups, trying to sell to people even if they aren't ready to buy, they can't advertise the right way, etc.
If you want to succeed at this, then you need to calm down and really learn how it works.
You have to stop wasting your time and energy, and focus on what works.
When you learn how to sell on WhatsApp the right way...
You will...
There's a lot you can achieve when you have consistent 6-7 figures hitting your account weekly and monthly.
So let me pause and ask you a question.
Would you like me to show you how you can make an extra 500k to 1 million naira in the next 90 days using WhatsApp?
If you said yes...
Then I'll like to ask for your permission to make you an offer.
Can I go ahead?
So after over 5 years of selling on WhatsApp and generating over 100 million naira in sales...
I have put together a training to teach you how to make at least 500k - 1 million naira on WhatsApp in the next 90 days.

I have different packages inside this program, and I'll like to show you how each of them can help you turn your WhatsApp into a cash spilling machine.
- The WhatsApp Millionaire Mindset: the most important part of this training is actually this mindset part.
I've discovered that to make millions from your business, you need to first become the kind of person that can make millions.
You need to start seeing it in your mind. You need to get your mind right about money.
You'll also be learning how making money online works and how to have the right mindset and attitude towards money.
How to Optimizing your WhatsApp for conversions
- In this part of the training, you'll learn how to set up your WhatsApp in a way that makes it easy for you to make sales.
We'll be covering...
- The WhatsApp Cashout System.
- How to finding your target market and route them to your WhatsApp.
- How to grow your customer base on WhatsApp.
- How you can create high converting offers that people can't say no to.
- The different types of buyers on WhatsApp and how to make them give you money.
- Practical ways to persuade anyone to buy your product or pay for your service. If you understand this one well, you can go from zero sales to sold out every freakinnn month.
- How to make people read your broadcast messages or DM's without skipping a line. This means that your adverts or marketing message will convert 10X better than they normally would.
Lead generation and automation:
In this part of the training, you'll be learning everything about lead generation and automation.
Getting the right kind of people to your WhatsApp and automating the process so that you can focus on more important things.
We'll cover...
- WhatsApp lead generation and automation.
- Running ads from Facebook to WhatsApp
- Utilizing WhatsApp Tv's
- Starting your own WhatsApp TV
- How to structure your WhatsApp adverts so that they can convert without stress.
- How to a tribe of loyal followers/customers
- How to stay ahead of Mark Nsukkabag and his crazy policies, so that when they change anything in their system, it doesn't affect you or hurt your business.
Money Back Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
The things I teach in this course are not aspire to perspire stuff...
They are thing's I've done and still doing to make money on WhatsApp.
My methods work like magic.
I'm so sure of this, that's why I will give you a full refund with no questions asked if you try what I teach in this course and nothing works for you.
Just send a message with proof that you actually did the work. I'll refund you immediately without asking questions.
And here comes the best part...
I'll be giving you access to some amazing bonuses when you purchase this training today.
Bonus 1:
My book WhatsApp Cashout blueprint (N5k value)
This material has made a lot of people millionaires. It's a book where I teach different strategies you can deploy to make crazy money on WhatsApp. Ensure you lay your hands on this material. It's power packed.
Bonus 2:
Content creation masterclass (N50k value)
If you do business online, then you will agree with me that for you to build your KLT (know, like, trust) factor, you need to show up daily with valuable content.
That's where the problem is...
People want to show up daily, but they don't know what to post.
So I put together this training to teach anyone who is willing to listen, my secret system of never running out of content to share.
If you are really serious with your online business, then you shouldn't miss this!
Bonus 3:
The N35 billion interview with my mentor Ronald Nzimora (N100k Value)
Ronald Nzimora started his business with N930 naira while living in an uncompleted building at festac, Lagos. Today, He has build a business that generates N35 billion in revenue every year.
In this interview, I asked him a lot of questions, and he shared key lessons he learnt from building his business empire. To book a consultation session with Ronald, you'd have to pay N750k. So this session can't be worth less than N100k.
Bonus 4:
How to make 10 million naira per year from WhatsApp groups (50k value)
My good friend Osagie Merry did 10 million naira in pure profits in 2020 by selling his products via WhatsApp groups. I brought him on this live session to share his secret techniques and strategies and You'll get access to this mind blowing session once you get the training.
Bonus 5:
The WhatsApp Marketing Podcast - Value: N50k
The WhatsApp marketing podcast is a series where I host 3 of my friends; Tamilore, Emeka and Emmanuel who have done nothing less than 50 million naira from WhatsApp alone.
They share the story of how they started and what has helped them stay profitable.
Bonus 6:
How to sell out your online class on WhatsApp - Value: N50k
If you're an information marketer, or you'll like to make money from selling your knowledge, then this bonus is specifically designed for you.
My friend Emmanuel Abolo and I have done millions of naira from selling our information products and classes on WhatsApp and In this session we will be sharing the secrets with you.
If you want to go from zero students to sold out, then you need to get your hands on this fast.
Bonus 7:
1 million naira in 90 days challenge by Ronald Nzimora (100k value)
The N35 billion man, Ronald Nzimora, put together an 11 part training a while ago, to teach people how to make their first million in 90 days using the internet.
So while I was putting this training together, I asked him if he would permit me to give my students access to that training, and he agreed.
So, when you pay for the WhatsApp millionaire secrets training, you'll get free access to this challenge as well.
Bonus 8:
Sales and Objection handling scripts (20k value)
I have been actively involved in the sales and marketing space for about
5 years, and I’ve seen lot’s of business owners lose money and customers.
This is because they didn’t know what to say in the sales conversation.
They didn't know how to handle objections and convert people from prospects to life-long customers.
That is why I put together this material to help entrepreneurs and growing businesses.
Inside, you will find:
- sales opening scripts
- objection handling scripts
- and sales closing scripts that you can readily adapt to your specific business to start closing sales like you never did before.
Bonus 9:
A list of over 20 High converting WhatsApp TV's you can advertise on (30k value)
Instead of going to test different WhatsApp Tv's and fail at it, throwing away your hard earned money...
I have put together a list of 20 high converting WhatsApp Tv's you can advertise with.
Make sure you don't miss this.
Total value of Bonuses = N455,000K
But you get them for free today when you grab this course.
I know for a fact that if you apply even a tiny fraction of what you learn from this course over the next 1 year, you will come back and pay me 10 times the amount you invest in getting it.
You may already be asking...
How much is the training?
Now I can start telling you I won't charge 300k or 200k bla bla bla
But I'm sure you've seen a lot of those before
Let me go straight to the point already.
I'm really going all out to help you get your own share of the money people like you are collecting on WhatsApp.
So for a token of 25,000 naira, you'll get access to everything I've listed here.
See I don't intend to preach too much on this...
Look around you...
Dollar is 590...
Things are not getting any better, and truly the government doesn't care.
Are you happy with your financial situation?
I mean...
If things go on like this, will you be able to care for your family, friends, etc. and live the life of your dreams?
Only you can answer this question correctly.
Have you answered the question?
Now you can close this page and act as though you never read anything...
or you can take a bet on yourself, buy this training and start applying what I teach.
When you click on the button, it will take you to a payment page where you can make payment with your card, or you could use the bank transfer option just below the payment page.
Once your payment is confirmed, you'll be given access to the download page automatically.
Here's what people who have
worked with me are saying...
In 2020, Olamide purchased my blueprint, and as you can see in the screenshot below, he was blown away by the information and promised me he'll make his first million next year.

Fast forward to December 2021, he now makes N3 million per month on WhatsApp

And not just Olamide, there are a lot of other people with similar results...
He made N1.2 Million after learning from me

N450,000 made after learning from me

Over N150,000 made after implementing...

What price did I have to pay before I got to
100 million naira in sales on WhatsApp?
If I had to list the courses I've paid for,
the ones that worked, the ones that didn't work,
the books I bought,
the masterminds I've paid for,
the money I've spent on ads,
the products I've launched and they failed,
the products I've launched and they worked, etc…
I've spent at least 5 million naira to get here today.
So what I'm doing for you is to save you stress, time, energy and money.
You don't have to spend your own 5 million naira
You don't have to fail as many times as I did
Just take the shortcut,
get this training, implement what I teach and start making money.
I really can't wait to hear your success story.
Click on the button below to get in now.
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- Expertnaire is NOT an advertising or marketing agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer advertising, financial or investment services services.
- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Joseph Don, the product's vendor.
- This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
- Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
- All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
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