Finally Revealing...
The 3 Untapped Secret Formulas That Made a Complete Newbie to Amazon KDP $2,434 in His Third Month of Starting Without Knowing Anything About Writing
You can easily do this on your smartphone or laptop...
Watch the video below to see how he did it...
- Are you currently struggling to make good dollar$ online and live above the current realities of the country?
- Are you new to making money online or Amazon KDP and just want to get it right on your first trial?
- Have you been publishing on Amazon KDP but your sales report keeps showing $0.00* with that little star beside it?
- Or you’re stuck at $100-$300 months and want to take your earnings to $500-$1000+
Making your first dollar online, or even on Amazon KDP...
Getting it to $10, and then $100 can be a very difficult task especially with millions of books published on Amazon competing for the same keywords.
Yes, I Totally Understand
Because I went through all of these before hitting the little known golden markets and niches on Amazon KDP where the big spenders are currently spending their money.
Yes, I was just like you not too long ago.
Life felt frustrating before now because living and spending in a country where $1 is about N770 with no significant increase in income is something else.

You feel it too, right?
Yeah, and it’s crazy how prices of things can get because of this constant dollar appreciation against the naira.
That’s the reason I started looking out for easy ways to make some money in dollar$ and spend in Naira
Just imagine being able to make $500-$1000 in a month using these secret untapped formulas.
And if you follow my simple steps, you will soon experience torrential flow of sales on Amazon KDP
The same formulas that a newbie deployed and raked in $2,434 in his third month of publishing
I’ll tell you how this guy got this kind of result in a moment as I share with you these crazy formulas and the exact market to hit.
And if you apply them as instructed, you won’t have to worry about sales again

My sales on Amazon KDP didn’t start the way they are now.
Yes, I remember jumping on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to have my own share of the millions of dollars Amazon send to publishers every month.
That was after I heard about how top guys were cashing out every month from Amazon publishing some 20-30 page books that they didn’t have to write themselves.
What did I do?
I quickly watched some Youtube videos, started implementing immediately. Created my account, got a book ready and published it.
The Action Taker is Here!!!
Guess what happened next...
Yes... That was what Amazon wrote beside my book on my KDP bookshelf.
I felt so bad and frustrated.
A book that took me over 3 weeks to put together. I later realized I went against Amazon’s terms – the reason I swore not to listen again to anyone NOT DOING what they are teaching.
And the worst part?
The book never made a single sale before it was blocked.
So I gave up. No more Amazon KDP – you won’t blame me, right?
But not until I found someone who was actually into Amazon KDP raking a good amount of money every month.
I grabbed him by the legs – followed him everywhere
"I must learn this Amazon KDP thing"
I just wanted to make $100 first – at least let me believe that it actually works
The teachings this time were quite simple and straightforward.
I quickly restored my ruthless implementation spirit. Started publishing immediately – this time I could do a book in a day.
And Boom!

$364 made in my first month of starting again…
That’s over N270,000 in a month publishing some books with a few pages.
Not so much anyway, but a good start for someone who just wanted to make his first $100 online
And ever since, the dream of earning in dollars and spending in naira came to stay
See how subsequent months looked like…

$300-$500 per month became a norm until I tapped into a crazily untapped market using 3 secret formulas
And Boom!!!

Wow!!! $2,045?
That was over N1.5million in just a month!!!
This didn’t seem real.
Appeared too good to be true – but it is what it is.
As sales got even crazier I decided to try these three secret formulas in a completely new Amazon KDP account I created with someone else’s details…
And the result?

$1,276 in the third month of creating the account.
That's over N950k on a second account. Things started getting real.
I can hear you scream crazy!!!
Yes, it’s crazy indeed!
You can easily do this on your android phone or laptop. You’re limitless!
And you know the best part?
You don’t have to know how to write to be able to do this. Just start and use the same methods I’ve been using to write even up to 3 books in a day and publish the same day on Amazon while my royalties $$$ keep rolling in.
Feels like magic, right?
If you’re someone like me, you would desperately want to know what these 3 formulas are and how you can deploy them to scoop your own share of the KDP million dollar pay while providing real value
Here’s the 3 Untapped Secret Formulas You’ve Been Waiting For
It’s a brand new video training I created that shows you step-by-step how to milk mouth-watering amount of money from Amazon KDP even if you’re just starting now… even if you have tried Amazon KDP before and felt it didn’t work for you.
I call it the...

Here’s what makes up the Triple H
• Formula 1 (First H) – Hybrid books
• Formula 2 (Second H) – Heir books
• Formula 3 (Third H) – How-to short books
That's exactly the same formulas my student (Ken) used to make $2,434 on his third month as a beginner publisher on Amazon KDP
I’m going to tell you more about this formula in a minute…
Remember Ken never knew anything about Amazon KDP.
In fact, he started as a complete beginner.
If you have published on Amazon KDP before, the difference between you and Ken is this…
While you started publishing with some other methods, Ken started publishing with the Triple H formula.
He was able to make about $30 in his first month with only 7 sales.
He didn’t even start at the beginning of the month.

On his second month, things started falling into place and by the end of the month...
Over $300 bagged.

With this result I even predicted up to $1,000 in his third month but the crazy Triple H Formula said NEVER…
And at the end of the third month...
BOOM!!! $2,434 made

You see how interesting this thing gets…
$2,434 for in his third as a beginner without running any advert.
$318 on his second month...
and $2,434 on his third month.
That's about $2,782 within the first three months of publishing on Amazon KDP
This is more than N2million in just 3 months...
Subsequent months even got crazier.
Sounds so unreal, right?
Another shocker here is that he even stopped publishing after the second month yet his books were still selling in an amazing way.
That's the reason you need to build a business that doesn’t always need your presence to run effectively and still made you good money.
I’m sure you must be wondering why you’re just hearing this for the first time
Yes, not everyone is aware of this… Not everyone does this
And here am I cutting for you the same soap I and my student use to rain down some good $$ on Amazon KDP
See what some other students of the Triple H Formula are doing in this untapped markets

And some of my students even make up to these amounts of $$ on daily basis

Is this not amazing?
A funny fact is this…
• These people used to be where you are now
• They had little or no experience
• Some of them earlier published over 50 books with no reasonable sales
• Some didn’t even know how or where to start yet they used the Triple H formula to get themselves these results you see here
The Triple H Formula makes it easy for them to stay ahead of the game - just like it did for this guy

Here's also Jane - a stay at home mum - who was willing to make some money from home.
She was introduced to Amazon KDP - published 8 books and made $2 in two months.
Can you imagine?
Anyway, I introduced her to the Triple H Formula and she did $531 in her second month of deploying the formula.

Now, if what you’re thinking is this…
• “But Ndu, I don’t know anything about writing or publishing. Would I be able to do this?”
• “I’ve already bought two different courses on Amazon Kindle Publishing but not getting good results.”
• “I just want a working system that makes me good amount of money online without bringing 2 people under me”
It’s fine… they are valid thoughts.
If you’re just starting, this is a good time to start with what works with ease.
And if you’ve tried Amazon KDP before but couldn’t make enough, this is also a good time to dust your back and go again but this time, you’re going again with what works.
Amazon KDP Triple H Formula is NOT Like Any Other Course Out There
And if you’re still thinking if this is a good fit for you at the moment, here’s some of the things my students have to say about the Triple H Formula and my teaching method

Here's some of the reviews my students dropped...

This is just me prioritizing your growth and success on Amazon KDP
You’d even be shocked that this business model DOES NOT involve;
• Hiring of writers
• Facebook or Google ads
• Bringing 2 people under you
• Begging people to buy your book
• “My customer is on your timeline”
Just A Crazy Sales Driven System
It has changed people's lives for good
And it will do the same for you if you let it
Are you ready?
Here's What You'll Find Inside The Triple H Formula:
US Bank Account Creation
Different ways to create your US bank account to kickstart your journey on Amazon KDP and receive your royalties
Account Setup and Success Tips
You’d discover the correct way to setup your accounts and success tips you need to know so that you don’t make the same mistakes others make
First Formula – The Hybrid Formula
You'd learn how to deploy this crazy formula that turned a $55 per month publisher into a $1,838 cash cow with less than 30 books in her KDP bookshelf. I'd also teach you the best seller content strategy using my special content structure
The 7 Days Window Hack
Here you’d learn about Amazon’s secret book release trend that keeps you ahead of the game once applied well. Plus an advanced research strategy that makes you different. With this, you’d know exactly when to hit the market.
The Hybrid Plus Strategy
This is an extra to the hybrid formula - no one else talks about this. It is a money spinning strategy that can easily make you $1k-$5k monthly with less than 5 books. With this strategy you don’t need to bother about competition because there’s none.
Second Formula - The Heir Book
In this formula, I’ll teach you another secret leverage system that no other person talks about. It’s a value based formula that makes you appear as a life saver and you get paid for it.
Third Formula - How to Short Books
You’d learn a simple yet very effective method of creating 20-30 page short books and getting paid handsomely for it. I’ll teach you a research technique with which you’ll never run out of book ideas.
Total value of this triple H formula is N150,000
Here's some outstanding bonuses you're going to get if you get this NOW
Bonus 1
Already made template {book manuscript} with this you see exactly what I do and how you can do the same.
WORTH N10,000
Bonus 2
How to remove the 30% withholding tax so you can receive your full royalties every month.
WORTH N30,000
Bonus 3
Free access to some premium tools I use to make this an easy ride.
WORTH N95,000
Bonus 4
Free access to my Triple H community where we support each other's growth.
WORTH N20,000
Here’s everything you get today with the Amazon KDP Triple H Formula
- How to easily get your US, GBP & EURO Bank account details
- Account setup and success tips
- The hybrid formula
- Amazon’s secret book release trend
- The hybrid plus strategy
- The Heir book formula
- The How–to short book formula
- A million dollar template that can form as a guide
- Access to the Amazon KDP Triple H community
- Access to premium tools that make life easier for us
- How to remove the 30% withholding tax
Total Value With Bonuses N305,000
Let’s be honest…
If you’re asked how much you’d like to pay to access this N305,000 worth of amazing sales driven formulas, that can take you to your first/next $500-$1000 (370-740k), what amount would you first think of?
50k – 100k?
That would even be fair enough considering the value you’re about to get.
But No!
You won’t have to pay up to that
You see, I’ve tried to cut out all fluff and give you only what is working presently for me and a host of other students.
This way you won’t have to hit and miss.
And I was considering giving you everything The Triple H Formula has to offer + all bonuses for just N30,000
But since you’ve made it this far, for a limited time, I’ll give you everything for only
We hope to take it back to N30,000 soon
So hop in NOW while you have the chance
Amazon KDP Triple H formula is the fastest way to get to your First/Next $500-$1000 months
Especially if you do what I instruct you to do just the way I and my students have been doing them to rake in $$$
Now, I know you may be thinking…
“But Ndu, I’m a very busy person. I may not have enough time for publishing”
I can tell you that I have simplified the process so much that you can easily create and publish a book in a day even with your busy schedule.
If you can find a few minutes to press your phone and check some stuffs out, then you can as well do this in-between easily.
The course content is simple, easy to understand and entertaining as well.
All you need to do is to go through the step by step videos, implement them and be sure of getting good results like these ones

You've Seen The Results And The Testimonies...
If you’re interested…
And you’re ready to build a successful and fail proof online business
That makes you enough money on a monthly basis…
So who exactly is this program for?
This program is for you if;
• You want to learn this secret untapped formula that actually works
• You’re a student and want to start earning good income already even before graduating
• You’re already a publisher but want to up your publishing game
• You want to take your income to $1000+ per month
• You want to earn more than most ‘KDP gurus’ out there
• Investing in knowledge means a lot to you
In fact, as long as you want a better life for yourself and people close to you, this would be most beneficial for you.
I am so confident that if you implement these formulas the way I’ll teach you, your KDP dashboard will definitely change.
Although results differ – which means each person’s result is always different. Yours may not be like mine or that of my students (could even be more) but you’d see results.
And if you don’t, I’ll personally look into what you’ve done. If you really did as I instructed and didn’t make a sale after 90 days, I’ll give you back every bit of fund you used to get this program.
Fair enough, right?
See you in the Triple H community.
Hoping to hear you say some of the things my students are already saying about this course.
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