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Secrets To Becoming An Unstoppable Affiliate Sales Machine
ALSO: Presentation of Cars, Cash & Other Prizes to Winners of The 72IG Challenge
You missed out!
October 27, 2022, 9am - 3pm
Victoria Island, Lagos (Full Address will be provided after registration)
518 Seats
Here Is Another Opportunity For You To Meet With, Learn From & Network With the Best of the Best Affiliate & Internet Marketers In Nigeria
Dear Affiliate...
I want to specially invite you to the next and biggest Expertnaire affiliate summit so far.
Back in February this year, we held the first ever offline event like this for Expertnaire affiliates and it was massive.
People attended the event from all over the country, even from the far North.
Check the Gallery Below To See People's Feedback After the February Event.
But what was more important was the massive value people got from attending this event.
Many people met their mentors, teachers, role models and even students for the first time ever.
People who attended went home with prizes - cars, cash gifts, phones, laptops, books, goody bags etc.
But the biggest impact of all was what changed in the lives of the attendees and affiliates after this event.
Like Dr. Morkly from the event feedback above correctly predicted...
"It was the birth of new super affiliates"
Since then we've had several affiliates go from struggling in their businesses to 6, 7, 8 and even 9 figures.
Lives have been changed, lots of money has been made and businesses transformed.
Which is why we've decided to hold another physical event this year.
But this won't be like the event in February.
This will be different in many ways.
This particular event is going to be the nitro boost for your business.
It is going to boost your mindset and move your income to a new level.
This upcoming event in October is titled:
Secrets To Becoming An Unstoppable Affiliate Sales Machine.
To ensure that you get the best, we have gathered some of the top internet and affiliate marketers in Nigeria to share their knowledge with you and help you grow your business and income.
Here's What You Can Expect to Learn From Each Speaker At The Event:
Founder, Expertnaire
Many people assume anybody can figure out how to sell online and that all it takes is to run traffic and fill up a list.
But the truth is, whatever your mind cannot conquer yet, you can't conquer.
Which is why it's so important you learn and adopt the mindset necessary for the shift your affiliate marketing business is about to experience.
Because it's one thing to grow your business slightly, but how do you make it grow 5X, 10X, 20 and even 100X what it is right now?
How do you achieve 100% of your goals in a fraction of the time you thought necessary?
And once you've established your mindset you'll be able to stay focused when doubts arise and your confidence wavers.
Author & Founder, Kairos Systems
In case you don't know him, Ronald Nzimora is a grandfather when it comes to the internet marketing industry in Nigeria with more than 15 years experience.
What you will learn from this guru is how super affiliates use the magic of offer creation to sell better than average affiliates.
You'll understand why your prospects don't purchase FASTER and how you can accelerate this process.
You can't even afford to miss this.
Digital Marketing Consultant
Oyekunle Damola is a traffic generation expert that is the silent weapon hired by a lot of high hitters to help them run their traffic.
He'll show you what the MAJORITY of internet marketers get WRONG when it comes to paid traffic and how to get up to a 50% increase in your sales by tweaking your traffic generation strategies.
Certified Youtube/Adwords Expert
It is no longer news that there is a ton of traffic to be gotten from Youtube. The problem is, most people don't know how to do this.
The Prof will be sharing updated strategies that affiliates can use to get quaility leads and traffic from Youtube.
8-Figure Affiliate Marketer
Caleb is someone who has mastered the art and science of building massive lists fast.
You've probably heard people parrot those magical six words many times:
"The money is in the list"
Imagine what would happen if you could get 100 - 500 new customers every single day...
How much closer would you be to achieving financial freedom?
This is why you need to come and learn from Caleb how he builds massive lists.
Super Affiliate
Olatunji Michael is a super affiliate who has been making millions of dollars online as an affiliate for more than 7 years.
He has so much to share from his wealth of experience.
Best Selling Author & Law Maker
We will also be having Oloye Akin Alabi who is als the author of Small business, big money and How to sell to Nigerians.
He will be sharing his secrets of selling online.
Here Are 5 More Reasons Why You Shouldn't Miss This Upcoming Affiliate Event For Any Reason:
(1) This is going to be the number one event of its kind in the whole of Africa.
It's going to be the largest gathering of affiliates in Africa inside one building.
You can't afford to be found missing on that day.
This is the closest thing to an All Star event, and this is not just about affiliate marketing.
But for the entire sales and Internet marketing industry in Nigeria.
(2) This is going to be a perfect opportunity to network.
This is one of the major reasons why I go to physical events.
This summit will be attended by top affiliates, many who are 7, 8, & 9 figure super affiliates, niche gurus, vendors on Expertnaire, big time Internet marketers, freelancers and entrepreneurs who've taken their businesses from zero to dizzying heights.
You can't come to a gathering like this and not leave with at least one phone number that could change your life within the next few years.
(3) This is a perfect opportunity for you to meet with your mentors (probably for the first time ever) and connect with them.
I wish I could have the opportunity to meet with some of my mentors like Gary Halbert, Joe Sugarman, Clayton Makepeace, Mike McGroarty etc before some of them passed.
I think about it every now and then.
It hurts me but there's nothing I can do about it.
This is your chance.
And it's a chance of a lifetime.
(4) We'll be presenting 5 Lexus cars to the 5 winners of the 72IG Challenge and we want you to be a part of the celebration.
You know, the biggest impediment to many people's success is their environment.
Which is why people grossly underestimate how important it is to be close to winners.
To make you understand what I mean, here's an example:
Princewill Chuka (wearing a face cap in the picture below), was in the crowd the last time we presented cars to the last set of winners.
He wasn't one of the winners then.
But this time around, he will be collecting the keys to a Lexus.
That could be you too.
You have no idea what being in the same room as winners could do to your mindset and your business.
(5) You'll be getting some goodies...
You will get an Expertnaire gift bag containing Expertnaire branded items like t-shirts, caps etc.
This event will also be the official launch of my new book titled - "How to Really Win at the Game of Affiliate Marketing"
When you attend, you'll be getting an autographed copy directly from me - FREE.
And some lucky people will be getting some random gifts like phones, books and laptops etc
See, even if you're not seriously doing affiliate marketing - whether you do e-commerce, freelancing or whatever, this could be the most important physical event you've ever attended.
In fact, the future of your affiliate marketing business might depend on you joining us for this summit on October 22.
So How Can You Become A Part Of This Event?
As you probably know by now...This is NOT a FREE For all event.
It is not open to the public.
This event is to help serious affiliates take their businesses to a new level.
That can be from zero to 6 figures...from 6 to 7 figures...7 to 8 figures, 8 to 9 figures, 9 to 10 figures and so on.
That's the goal - to put our people in a position to crush it big.
So that just like the rest of the people who have gone on to greater success after attending our event, they can say...
"Thank God I attended that Expertnaire 2022 October event. That was the turning point for my business"
So due to the high demand of seats, we're opening this event to just 2,500 people.
And the only reason we're increasing the capacity is because last time we hosted just 500 affiliates, we had people calling and begging us to let them in when we closed the registration.
Some people even came to the event with cash pleading to be let in.
I already know because of the people attending and the value of information to be shared you're probably thinking we'll charge you N100,000 or N200,000.
And of course it'll be worth it.
Imagine asking Michael Olatunji or Ronald Nzimora or Akin Alabi or any of the other speakers for an hour of their time.
I can assure you based on their expertise, experience and achievements, whatever they charge you would be fair.
So what would it cost me to sit in a room with you guys?
The first thing I'm going to assure you is you won't be paying N200,000 or even N100,000.
You won't be paying N50,000 either.
You also won't be paying N25,000 even though I already feel cheated at this point.
But remember we're not putting this event together to make a profit.
The reason for this event is to help our affiliates take their business from 6 to 7, 8 to 9 figures and so on.
We want to make it accessible to the serious affiliate who wants to take their business to the next level.
So imagine getting access to me, Caleb Nwanneka, Akin Alabi, Ronald Nzimora, Olatunji Michael and Oyekunle Damola for an entire day for just N15,000.
Yes, only N15,000.
If you're currently making thousands and you want to take it to the next level, every single one of these speakers has done this over and over again.
You're in the presence of the right company.
Just open your ears and listen to everything they have to say.
For just N15,000.
That's cheaper than what you spend on food in a month or week.
And for this price you're getting:
- Priceless firsthand knowledge from the speakers
- Networking opportunities
- Expertnaire t-shirts, cap & gift bags
- My new book
And so much more.
So...Are you ready to take the next step for your business and life?
Are you ready to add an extra zero to what you're currently making already?
Are you ready to activate super affiliate status?
Are you ready to be one of the testimonies we'll be sharing next time this event is going to hold?
If your answer is yes, click on the button below and book your seat right now.
These bonuses are ONLY for people who register on or before September 30.
EBB 1: Free access to my new N50k traffic workshop titled "How to Get 3000 - 10,000 Leads a Day Without Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter"
EBB 2: Free Upgrade to the New 72IG 3.0 Version (For existing 72IG students)
EBB 3: Stand a chance to win one of the free 20 Laptops to be given away at the event.
EBB 4: Free access to my new productivity report.
And just to add, meetings like these are not meant to be priced at N15,000.
They should be higher.
But this is just to show you that we're not trying to raise money or make profit with this event.
This is a complete giveaway.
And as a guarantee, if you come to the October 22 Unstoppable Affiliate Sales Machine Summit and you feel like you left empty-handed, send me a message asking for a refund of your money.
No questions asked.
We have just 2,000 seats.
But mind you…at this very moment 100,000 + other affiliates on Expertnaire are reading this same message as you too.
Once the seats are filled, you won't be able to register again.
If you exit this page without clicking on the link below, you might never have that opportunity again.
Just to Be Clear, When You Pay N15,000, You Are Getting the Following:
ONE: Full access to the Expertnaire affiliate summit.
TWO: An Expertnaire gift bag containing Expertnaire branded caps, t-shirts etc
THREE: A copy of my new book titled "How to Really Win at the Game of Affiliate Marketing"
Click the register button below to secure your seat - N15,000 Only.
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