SkyRocket With Facebook Course - Expertnaire

3 Steps to Your First N200,000 From Facebook in 45 Days or Less....

(Even if you've Never Used Facebook Before)

Watch the Free Training With Benahili Ojeme Here? ???

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Make Serious Money With Your Time on Facebook...

Here's What You Get When You Join The  SkyRocket With Facebook Training Program Today

  • The Complete Skyrocket With Facebook Course With 4 High Value Modules that will take you from Beginner to Facebook expert in 4 hours
  • A CLIENT ATTRACTION GUIDE That Shows You Step-by-Step…. How to Sell Yourself Profitably, Be more in Demand & Earn Great Money.

  • My Special Insider Video that shows you How I Run Money-Making Sponsored Facebook Posts For Myself and My Clients. From START TO FINISH

  • 50 Facebook Ad Samples and Landing Pages That Brought in Over  Millions in 2019…. And are still bringing in millions in profits in 2020…

  • A Dollar Ad Account Playbook You Can Use to Create Trouble-Free Dollar Cards for Your Clients!

  • How to turn WhatsApp, and Word-Documents into an ATM for your Facebook Clients

  • Access to my Private Support Group for Facebook Experts

  • How to Sell Your Brain - Andy Mukolo’s guide on setting up a profitable information marketing business in 2020 

This Program was the best thing to happen to me in 2019

Since I got on the SkyRocket With Facebook Program, I’ve been able to raise my services to a higher level and charge more. 

Absolutely looking forward to more courses from the greatest teacher of all time.

Ijaola Omotomiwa
Facebook Expert & Digital Marketer

Thank you Benahili for opening my eyes to the Lucrative world of Facebook Marketing. I am grateful.

I reached out to her when I needed to offer Facebook marketing as a service and she taught me all I needed to know and showed me how to run Facebook ads that yield results for my clients 

I have taken other Facebook marketing classes but none of the tutors went deep into Facebook Ads like Benahili did. 

With the Skyrocket with Facebook course, you're guaranteed good value for your money.

There are Facebook Ad tutors then their is Benahili. 

Ogochukwu Anuniru
- Virtual Assistant & Social Media Manager

The SkyRocket With Facebook Program is a masterpiece.

Before Signing up for the SkyRocket with Facebook program, I already had some experience with Facebook marketing, so trust me when I say that this program is MASTERPIECE!

I have learnt a lot and I must say a big thank you to Benahili for impacting top-notch knowledge.

 I recommend this program to anyone trying to finally break out of the rat race and make their first million in 2020! 

Adeogun Oluwatosin
- Virtual Assistant & Social Media Manager

“How to Use The Time You Already Spend on Facebook to Make An Extra N200,000 or More Every Month…

Here's What You Get When You Join The  SkyRocket With Facebook Training Program Today

(Up to N2.4 Million Naira Per Year Or More, Plus Bonus Money You Never Thought Possible….)

Dear Friend,

Give me just a few minutes of your time, and I’ll show you how to turn the time you’re already spending on Facebook into as much as ‎₦200,000 or more every month.

That's at least ‎₦2.4 Million Naira per year, for as long as you need or want it. Whether you’re working a full time 9-5…

Or you're currently job hunting...

Or you'd like to leave your current job for good in 2020.

Up to N70,000 Every Week, If You Want It…

You could make much more …

Up to ‎₦70,000 per week,  (₦280,000/Month) working from home, doing almost the same thing you’re probably doing anytime you log on to Facebook.

In just a moment, I’ll explain exactly how this works.
But first, let’s get one very important truth out in the open.

We are now living under one of the most difficult economies in the entire history of Nigeria..

Since President Muhammadu Buhari took over power in May 2015, the economy has not been kind to a lot of good, hard-working folks like you and me…

And to be honest...

That’s no fault of yours...

Or mine.

But the point I’m trying to make is, with the way things are going in this country…..
It is becoming clearer and clearer that submitting CVs and waiting for interviews doesn’t cut it anymore….

Or waiting for promotions and salary increments…
Or looking for somebody that can connect you,

Now more than ever, it is very important to figure out a way to take complete control of your earning capacity....

A simple strategy you can use to ​​channel a consistent stream of cash-flow into your bank account every month!

And it all begins with a high-income skill….

A skill that can fetch you as much as N200,000 or more every month… 

The Perfect Six-Figure Profession If you’re Struggling Right Now OR Just Starting Out….

I couldn’t believe it when I saw the latest research:

Over 90% of businesses who should be using Facebook to grow their businesses…Aren’t.

Not because they don’t want to… or think they don’t need to…
It’s because they simply don’t have the time or the knowledge to do it right.
And that’s a real shame.

Because, according to leading social media analytics and software firm Sprout Social.

4% of buying decisions today are based on what customers read on a social media platform like Facebook.

Customers are more likely to buy from a
company/business that has interesting Facebook posts.

And for you, this is a MASSIVE opportunity.
As someone who already enjoys reading posts and commenting, and interacting with friends on Facebook, can be a hero to these businesses… make a great income (as much as a steady N200,000 every month… ) and have a blast doing it…

I’ll show you exactly how in just a minute.

But first, let me introduce myself;

My name is Benahili Ojeme….. A Facebook Ads strategist and coach for small and medium scale businesses.

I typically charge N250,000 for a single project…. And because I have my personal business to run….

I accept only 2 clients every month.

Let’s do the math….

N250,000 x 2 (plus data money) is equal to….

Over N500,000 Per Month... From Home!

Not bad, for a 22-year-old who refused to submit CVs and wait for interviews that may never come…

….Or rely on jobs that pay chewing-gum salaries (that usually come very late)


I can’t really remember what I was doing with my life before I discovered this amazing income generator….

But I know it has helped me achieve the kind of financial freedom I’ve always wanted.

I have a level of freedom and flexibility most people envy.

I set my own hours.

Create my own scheduleRun my own show.

And I believe this high-income skill can do the same for you… once you understand the basics (and as you’ll soon see, it’s really simple.)

I know firsthand that learning how Facebook works for businesses is a wonderful in-demand skill that can bring you…..

….the financial independence (and freedom) you’ve always wanted much quicker than 99% of the jobs out there…..

As long as you already enjoy being on Facebook, You can….

Earn up to N2.4 Million or More per year as Facebook Business Expert

Businesses are happy to pay you as much as N100,000 per month to handle their Facebook page and ad accounts for them.

Now let’s say, like me… you don’t want to take more than 2 clients per month.

That’s N100,000 x 2 clients = N200,000

And N200,000 x 12 = N2.4 Million Naira per year….. 

And it’s fun because this is something you’re probably doing already… posting stuff on Facebook and interacting with Friends.

The only difference is, you just need to re-channel your time on Facebook towards helping businesses generate more money every month.

Don’t worry.

As you’ll soon see, it is not complicated at all.

In fact, there are only 3 things you need to kick-start your awesome six-figure journey as a Facebook Expert.

  1. The Desire
  2. Belief that it’s possible
  3. A proven road map

I’m guessing you already have the desire and you already believe that this is possible for you (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this)

And that brings us to having a proven roadmap that simplifies your adventure into this very lucrative world that most Nigerians will never realize exists.

The Amazing Roadmap to Quietly Making N2.4Million per year as a Trained Facebook Expert…. 

(Everything You Need to Get Started Today)

There's a severe shortage of people offering professional Facebook services to Businesses!

Over 100,000 (BIG and small) businesses in Nigeria have a presence on the internet, and they’re all looking for someone like you who can help them to increase sales with Facebook…..

Which means….

Once you understand the basics of managing a Facebook business account profitably, and you take on your first client…. (this is easy since the demand is high)....

Word will spread quickly and you’ll soon have a long list of clients, with money-in-hand, begging you to collect their money in exchange for your services…

And one of the most amazing things about being a Facebook expert is, you don't even have to go out there hunting for clients every month....

Unlike other skills, All you need is one or two clients.

Here's why:

Once your client sees how good you are with Facebook (and I'm going to show you how to get really good at this) they'll want to keep you in their corner for as long as they have a business to run....

And they will happily pay you what you charge EVERY MONTH..

It's called monthly retainers. 

Not bad right? for  few hours of fun everyday.


I hope it’s becoming clear just what a fantastic opportunity this is….
I’ve told you about the huge demand for this skill AND exactly how much money could be making every month… and every year…

Now, I have a special proposal that may interest you.

I have created a program that shows you exactly how to turn a few hours of your time every day into as much as

N200,000 or more every month….

This program is called….

 Skyrocket  With Facebook

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about making money as a Facebook expert and simplified it into 4 very simple learning modules for you….

You see, one of the major reasons you’re going to love this program is because….

It is designed to be the simplest, fastest, and most effective way to learn how to become a well-paid Facebook Expert even if you’re just starting out….

I’m giving you everything I’ve learned about this amazing six-figure profession so you can...

Master the simple basics, Start Getting Clients and Start Getting Paid in the shortest possible time.

Facebook Mastery in 30 Days Or Less….

You see, I’ve simplified this thing so well that ….

You can master each of the 4 modules in a maximum of 4 weeks (30-days)…. 

And in the 5th week…. You simply revise and go through everything again…. Before you take on your first paying client.

….you’ll be on a step-by-step, “take you by the hand” program that can transform you...

from someone knowing little or nothing about Facebook to a Facebook expert who commands hefty fees...

In just 4-5 weeks.

That’s assuming you can commit a few hours a day to the program.

If you have more time and commit to the program — and you already have a good understanding of Facebook — you can probably finish the program in half the time.

Let me break down each of the 4 learning modules for you… so you have a good idea of what you’ll be learning as you move through this extraordinary program.

MODULE #1: Master the Basics (click/tap to open)

MODULE #2: Get Good... (click/tap to open)

MODULE #3: Understand Facebook’s Algorithm... (click/tap to open)

MODULE #4; How you could make Bonus Money you Never Thought Possible! (click/tap to open)

But your learning doesn’t stop with these 4 modules.

You see, I want you to have everything you need to kick-start your adventure as a Facebook expert who makes nothing less than N200,000 every month….

On that basis, I’ve taken the time to create some amazing bonuses for you…

Bonus #1: A CLIENT ATTRACTION GUIDE That Shows You Step-by-Step…. How to Sell Yourself Profitably, Be more in Demand, Earn Great Money.

Here…. You’ll learn how to never struggle for clients.

You’ll learn who your ideal clients are, how to attract them, how much you should charge and how to get paid for your work…. including:

  • How to choose the niche perfectly suited to you…
  • How to build the ultimate professional Facebook expert’s profile….. Without spending a dime!
  • How to talkto a prospective client like an expert — including how to answer all the questions they might be asking in their head:
  • Your “A-to-Z plan for attracting deep-pocket clients once you're done with this program.​​

And much, much more.

Bonus #2 (VIDEO): Discover How I Run Money-Making Sponsored Posts For Myself and My Clients.

Okay here’s where it gets even more exciting….

Okay here’s where it gets even more exciting….
Sponsored posts are the same thing as ads.
And this video will give you a hands-on-experience on creating profitable Facebook Ad campaigns for your Clients…..

You’ll be able to watch me run a Facebook Ad from start to finish…. You’ll see how simple it is  and you’ll learn…..

  • How to set up a profitable Facebook Ad for your clients
  • How to Monitor Ad results for your clients
  • How to quickly fix or stop an Ad that’s not converting…. (so your clients don’t lose money on ads that aren’t working)

Bonus #3: The Marketing Blueprint I used to Make Over N1,550,000 in 10-days From One Facebook Post (Just Copy and Paste this for Your Clients)

The reason your clients will be paying you so well is so you can help them make more money.
Don’t worry, it’s not complicated.

And to prove my point…. 
I’m sending you a case study of how my partner and I made N1,550,000 in 10 days selling an E-commerce product,and you have the liberty to replicate the results I got and am still getting from this campaign.

Bonus #4: A Dollar Ad Account Playbook You Can Use to Create Trouble-Free Dollar Cards for Your Clients!

Listen, take it from someone who knows;
Having a trouble-free dollar ad account enables makes life easier for your clients…. (one of the advantages is that they’ll stop losing money and start seeing returns on their investment).

I see a lot of businesses struggling with this…. They’ll do anything legally possible to solve this problem…. And that’s where you come in.

In this bonus material,
I’ll show you exactly how to create a Virtual dollar card that works superbly well for your Clients anytime they run a sponsored post on Facebook.

Bonus #5: More Than 50 Plug & Play High-Converting Facebook Ads You Can Use For Your Clients… (No Matter what their Business is about)

You see, even though you only need one or two clients to pocket as much as ₦200,000 or more every month....

Not all of your clients will come from the same niche.
Let me explain.

Some of your clients will have businesses that cut across different niches like health, beauty, fashion, real estate, accessories and more.

And your job is 20X easier when you already know how to manage Facebook accounts (especially running ads) for businesses in various niches.

That’s why I’m sending you these high-converting Facebook ad samples… so you’ll never be in a position where you don’t know what to do when a client (in a different niche) approaches you.

Bonus #6: How to turn WhatsApp, and Word-Documents into an ATM for your Facebook Clients​

I think you’ll love what this special report reveals because…

It’s a great way to gain an even deeper understanding of the “inner workings” of human nature, so you can keep delivering enormous value to your clients.

As you can see, these bonus materials alone is almost like getting a second program

If I offered these bonuses anywhere else (which I don’t — it’s only for my students and members of my How To Make Money As A Facebook Expert program) I could easily command a minimum of N70,000 for all six.

That alone is N35,000 more than the “regular price” of the full "SkyRocket With Facebook" Program.


By now I’m sure you’re very excited about kick-starting your awesome adventure as a Facebook Ad Expert who pockets at least N200,000 every month…

And I know you’re probably wondering how much this amazing program cost you.

Of course, it’s not FREE…

But when you compare the value of what you’re getting to the cost of this amazing program…. Then you’ll begin to understand that this is an incredible bargain.

So Here’s What’s Happening Today…

The “SkyRocket With Facebook” normally costs N60,000….

But when you sign up today….

You’ll get a more than 50% discount.

You pay only N25,000…

But our relationship doesn’t end there…

...You’ll Have FULL Access to My Constantly Updated Facebook Program….

(Facebook’s algorithm is always changing and you’ll be in great demand when you’re always up-to-date)

And I’ll also add you to my private circle of Facebook enthusiasts on Telegram…
where you can get answers from me on any questions you may have.

Here’s an interesting fact for you….

There are over 3 Million active businesses on Facebook… AND in Nigeria alone, there are over 100,000 of them.

You’re looking at an endless list of potential paying clients out there who NEED your help with their Facebook Accounts…

...and remember, like I said, you only need one or two clients per month since 90% of businesses will gladly keep you on a monthly retainer of ₦100,000 - ₦250,000 or more.

My point is this:

The demand for Facebook Experts is at an all time high….

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Make Serious Money With Your Time on Facebook...

It’s only going to get bigger and having this high-income skill can impact your financial status in ways you never imagined.
Think about it;
At least N200,000 every month…
At least N2.4Million Naira every year….
For a few hours of work every week…

Here are conversations with some of my students!

You see, 

  • No boss,
  • No annoying office politics,
  • No waiting for salaries or promotions,
  • No submitting CVs and waiting for Interviews


  • You control your time,
  • You work from home,
  • You have time to work on your own personal projects and to bond with family and friends,
  • You’re living life on your terms… and you’re making enough money to enjoy the good things of life…


  • I’ve told you how lucrative this high-income skill is…
  • I’ve told you how easy it is to learn...
  • I've told you that all you need is one or two clients...
  • I’ve told you how much money you could be making every month….
  • And I’ve offered you everything you need to get started, get good and start getting paid in the shortest possible time.

Now, the time for talk is over.

It’s time for you to take action.

Click the button below to Get Started With This Minutes


Benahili Ojeme

What People Are Saying About Benahili….


She knows her stuff! I assure you.
We begun the journey together a while ago, in fact it was her idea for me to try it Facebook Ads out.

Since then we have learnt and un-learnt, we have been able to master the Facebook verse for Marketing and have sufficient knowledge on how to MAKE THE GREENS doing Facebook Ads.

But I don't think there is any other person I would rather recommend to teach you the art of Facebook marketing.

Do Bena's course, pay without hesitation and be rest assured that you will hit it, and hit it big!

Wish you the best.

Micheal Addit
- Digital Marketing Consultant, Strategist And Teacher.

“Anytime I have issues with my ads, she's the 1st person I call."

Benahili is the best Facebook ads strategist ever.

Anytime I have issues with my ads shes the 1st person I call, she understands how to run ads more than anyone I know. She's brilliant at it and explaining it.

Etomi Okene
- CEO, OgaFrank

“Benahili pisses me off"

She's so good with Facebook Ads & she makes it so simple; It feels like some of us are trying too hard. It's not right, & it's just not fair; I see it as my duty to drag her down to where she belongs. Like, where I am... So I can steal all her secrets.

- Master Copywriter and Marketing Strategist

“I always felt a level of assurance and confidence whenever Benahili ran ads for my business."

Having a limited budget, but trusting her to make the best of that budget has always been something comes easily for me especially because of her track record. You want your ads converting? Then she's my recommendation.

- COO, Easy Life Solutions

Are you Ready to Make Money as a Facebook Expert? (Up to N200,000/Month and as Much as N2.4Million/Year?)

If yes, then join me today in this amazing “SkyRocket With Facebook” Program

Here’s the incredible deal you’re getting when you sign up today… for N25,000 only...

Are you ready to master Facebook ads?

As a reminder, you'll get:

  1. MODULE #1 A complete understanding of Facebook Marketing from the standpoint of helping your clients make at least six-figures in monthly profits from their business.
  2. MODULE #2 The $1 Blueprint Of Facebook Ads That Convert and Sell Like Crazy (HD DEMOS) ---- NOTE: If you think you know how FACEBOOK works, Module 2 will be an eye-opener.
  3. MODULE #3 Remote-Control Secrets Of Writing Simple Facebook Ads That Convert! (Now the fun begins…..)
  4. MODULE #4 How to Write a Landing Page That Will Bring More Sales Than You Can Possibly Handle…
  5. SPECIAL BONUS #1:  A Client Attraction Guide that shows you step-by-step…. How to Sell yourself profitably and Get All the Clients you Need.
  6. SPECIAL BONUS #2: (VIDEO): Discover how I run Money-Making Sponsored Posts For myself and my clients.
  7. SPECIAL BONUS #3: The Marketing Blueprint I used to Make Over N1,550,000 in 10-days From One Facebook Post (Just Copy and Paste this for Your Clients)
  8. SPECIAL BONUS #4: A Dollar Ad Account Playbook you can use to Create trouble-free dollar cards for your Clients!
  9. SPECIAL BONUS #5 ​Bonus #5: 50 Plug & Play High-Converting Facebook Ads You Can Use For Your Clients…(No Matter what their Business is about)
  10. SPECIAL BONUS #6: How to turn WhatsApp and Word-Documents into an ATM Machine for your Facebook Clients
  11. SPECIAL BONUS #7: FREE Access to the Private 2-in-1 High-Income Skill Program For 12 Full Months.
  12. 100% ACCESS TO MONTHLY UPDATES: I’ll be adding to this amazing program…. So you’ll be on the cutting edge and keep delivering great value to your clients
    (Facebook’s algorithm is always changing and you’ll be in great demand when you’re always up-to-date)
    Exclusive Access to my private Facebook Group on Telegram where you’ll have direct access to me in case you have any questions….

  13. PLUS…… An unconditional ONE-YEAR money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied…..



=N= 25,000 

And in Addition…. 

Your investment in this amazing program is backed by Expertnaire's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

This refund policy is simple:

The purpose of this program is to help you become a full-fledged Facebook Expert. But if you don't agree that this program can help you achieve that, then feel free to request for a refund.

And you will get every penny of the N25,000 you paid promptly, with no questions asked. Sound fair?


(1) The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.

(2) Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.

(3) This product is created and sold by Mr Andy Mukolo, the product's vendor.

(4) This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.

(5) All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)

(6) All information submitted here is subject to our 
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(7) Your information will be provided to the product's vendor upon successful completion of this sale.

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