How to land your first remote job - Expertnaire

Learn EXACTLY How I Landed My 6-Figure Work From Home Dream Job, And How I Helped My Broke Friends Get Good-Paying Remote Jobs

DISCOVER how ANYONE from ANYWHERE in the world can go remote.

The exact job search strategy and secret hacks that helped me land a 6-figure remote job

Hi, my name is Hafiz Akinde. I'm an Award-Winning Writer, Content Marketer and Online Business Coach.

If you're reading this letter right now, you're in luck because you're about to learn something that will change your life for good. I know that's a big claim but stay with me till the end and you'll find the change you've been looking for all these years.

In 2013, after completing the compulsory post-graduation one year service, I got a job with a Telecommunication Company in Nigeria. 

Naturally, getting this job should have made me very happy. It did initially. But several months into the job, I came to hate it. I discovered it was extremely strenuous and tasking for me.

I spent long hours on-site; sometimes climbing communication masts and sleeping overnight wearily in computer rooms where mosquitoes would feast on me mercilessly. Poor me, they didn’t care if I had enough blood left in me or not.

If the salary was that modest, I’d have been more patient. Unfortunately, like most Nigerian jobs, my pay wasn't commensurate with my efforts. I couldn't even save enough money to enjoy some basic necessities of life. I worked every single day including weekends and public holidays. No over-time, no private time, I was on the move 24/7. I put my life at risk.

After working for so long, I couldn‘t even get a salary increase and my short occasional vacation was often truncated by emergency calls. For several years, I still continued this routine until I realized I had been working too hard.

One day, as I was climbing down a tall mast with sweat beads dancing around on my sun beat weary face, I decided I had had enough. Suddenly, I developed a strong desire to change my life for the better. So, without thinking twice, I quit.

Yes, I left that job for good and decided to turn my attention elsewhere. 

With the help of a friend, I was able to figure out a profitable way to monetize my writing skills. I ventured into Freelance Writing. In no time, I started making money like no man‘s business and I was able to pay off my stringent debts within a few months. After some time, when I thought my life was already set, another thing happened.

Do you know what they say about life not being predictable? Well, they were right. 

In 2017, my freelance writing career too took a slight dip. Money no longer flowed in as it used to. This forced me to begin actively looking for remote work. Clearly, I thought, I needed a source of assured income every month; something that my freelance writing business didn’t offer me at that time. 

So I decided to get a remote job on the side. Since there was no blueprint for me to follow to find my remote dream job, I faced another obstacle: how do I find a high paying remote job online? 

I mean, getting such jobs wasn't and aren’t as easy as searching on Google, "where and how to find a remote job online" and then "voila!" the job gets delivered unto your laps. I started trying different methods and strategies to see what works. I won't lie, many of them failed… until I was even tempted to give up on it.

After trying different strategies and failed each time, I began noticing a pattern. Soon, I got better with my strategies. Finally, in 2018, I got it right. I got a remote job with a Canadian company. At last! 

I was so excited. All my frustration in finding the job no longer mattered. My take-home per month was more than the average salary of top company executives in Nigeria. It was enough to live a modest life in a highbrow part of Lagos, while I still have enough time to work on my freelance side hustle until that also started making me six figures.

That said, last year, thanks to my foolproof strategy, experience, and connection, I helped more than fifteen people, mostly Nigerians, to get remote jobs too. The person getting paid the least, of course, is getting a salary better than medical doctors or some University lecturers.


"WORK FROM HOME: How to Get a Remote Job Online and Succeed at It"

So why am I telling you my story? The answer is simple. I want to help you land a high-paying remote job too.

You see, I've once been in your shoes. I know what it feels like to not want to look at your bank account balance because you already know what's in there; NOTHING!

I know what it feels like to be so broke that, some days, you cannot afford to eat three square meals. Rings a bell? I understand what it feels like to be owing people money including your landlord.

You, like me, can remove all this problem if you find a high-paying remote job using the strategies laid out in my new book: "WORK FROM HOME; How to Land Your First Remote Job and Succeed at it".

Get the book now and ​land your DREAM JOB!

But, Should You Just Take My Word For It? I'd say, NO!

Hear what online experts who have read my new book and have tried out my strategies are saying about it. These are people who have tested the waters with me and that's what they all have to say.

Aisha Sulaiman

Freelance Writer and Content Strategist

"Hafiz has exposed the secret of working remotely in his book and this means that getting this book will open your eyes to the vast possibility of what you could only have imagined possible."

Sodiq Ajala 

Content Marketing Expert and LinkedIn Strategist

"This book creatively captures Hafiz's experiences, philosophies, tools, and principles. I'm sure anyone reading this book will get all the necessary step by step information to obtain the skill, position for success, attract high paying remote jobs and productively function by working from home."

AbdulGaniy Shehu

Content Marketer and Consultant for B2B and SaaS

"The book takes you through how to prepare adequately for remote job opportunities, the exact strategies you should use to find these work from home opportunities online, and what you should do afterward for a successful remote job experience."

 But that's not all...

Recently, a friend invited me to present in his recent Masterclass on how to find remote jobs. Did I deliver? Of course, I did. Using the strategies taught in that Masterclass, people started getting interview calls within 72 hours of sending their applications.

Here are good examples of what they say about the Masterclass:

- AbdulQadri AbdulAzeez

“I really appreciate the opportunity given to me in participating in the CS Masterclass. I must say I have benefited more than I paid for it. I have been invited for an interview. I hope in a couple of days I will be informing you of my success story. Now I believe and accept that some risks are what I'm taking. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”

- Omolola Akinlabi

"Thank you for impacting a very useful knowledge on us. The class has been helpful. I've been using your strategies to look for jobs.

And this afternoon, I got two interview invites. I cannot thank you enough."

Here's a sneak peek into the book's contents

This book took me under a month to put together with no-fluff content that will answer your burning questions about getting a remote job. Again, I really don’t think there’s any other easy-to-digest book on how to land a remote job as comprehensive as this. Here's what's included:


PART ONE: The Unique Benefits of Working Remotely

The first part goes into some benefits of remote work. I presented the 9 unique benefits of a remote job. If you are like me. I bet you’ll love this section – knowing what a job can offer you before you actually get it.


PART TWO: How To Land Your First Remote Job

I go deeply and systematically into the four steps you’ll need to follow to land a remote job. Please don’t skip anything here if you are serious about getting a job that will make you ‘location independent’ and grant you the freedom to not only live a life most people dream of, but a life that will make you inspire others.


PART THREE: How to Be Successful at Working Remotely

Finally in part 3, I give you the tools and strategies you’ll need to navigate your journey after you’ve secured a job. Learning how to maintain a job you secured will make a huge difference in your career.  What’s the point of going through all the trouble of securing a remote job only to lose weeks or months after? 

So, what are you waiting for? Oh, the price!?

Yes, we'll get to that in a sec.

But first...

Who is "WORK FROM HOME" for?

This book is for you, if:

1. You can communicate in simple English Language
2. You are broke with no job
3. You are employed but still broke
4. You want to diversify your income source
5. You want to earn from the comfort of your home

If this resonates with you, you're welcome to get a copy.

Who is the Book not for?

This book is NOT for you, if:

1. You don't want to put in the work before you succeed
2. You prefer the daily hassle of going to work every day than earning from your home
3. You cannot tell a difference between "am" and I'm.
4. You're afraid of working with foreigners due to inferiority complex
5. The thought of being paid in dollars scares you to death because your ancestors hate the white people.

If this is you, I'm afraid this book cannot help you. 

Now, Do You Care to Know the Price?

With all the values this book contains, if I placed the price at ₦15,000, it would still be very fair.

I mean, I'm talking of a book containing strategies to land you your first remote jobs in one month or less. Provided, of course, you put in the effort and you use the strategies I laid out in the book. 

Since you are buying this from Expertnaire, you are protected by Expertnaire's 30-day money back refund guarantee.

If after buying this book, you're convinced that you didn't get value for your money, simply contact the Expertnaire support and ask for a refund. 

So, what's the price? 

Instead of ₦15,000, I'll sell this book for ₦10,000 only.


I just changed my mind. These are difficult times for everybody and the lock down has limited people’s finances. Because we are all in this together and I don’t want cash to be an excuse, I'll reduce it further. 

You will get a copy of this book for just ₦7,500 only. 

That's it!

Just ₦7,500 for this amazing blueprint in your hands.

I wish someone had shown me this a few years ago. I'd have bought it even if it was sold for ₦20,000. But now, lucky you, you get to pay only one-quarter of that price if you act NOW.

In fact, that's not all.


3 amazing bonuses await the first 20 buyers.

If you take action NOW, you'll take advantage of the early-bird price. Not only that, you'll also get access to two full courses and a report for FREE.

Bonus 1
How To Develop Effective Interview Skills - (Worth: ₦4,800)

Job Interview Skills Training Course: Land that dream job by dazzling during your interview.

* Learn what to do before you have an interview scheduled.

* Learn how to answer the 15 most important interview questions.

* Learn how to follow-up after an interview.

* Dress to impress.

* And a lot more!

Bonus 2
How to write Resumes & Cover letters (Worth: 4,500)

Resume secrets: How to write resumes and cover letters that get more job interviews

* Resume basics, objectives, and ideal structure.

* Resume guidelines, common mistakes, and formatting best practices.

* Cover letter basics and best practices.

* Video examples of actual resume reviews.

* Resume Review course with dozens of resume reviews completely FREE.

Bonus 3
A list of 50 companies hiring remote workers in 2020 (Worth: ₦1,500)

This free report is a beautiful addition to the initial bonuses. 

Once you've mastered how to impress your potential employers during the interview and learnt how to write a job winning resume, you don't have to sweat it out looking for jobs.

Just use this report; I’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

I give you my word that you'll get all these extra bonuses plus lots of other

unannounced bonuses that are worth over 12,000.

⚠️ WARNING: Do not wait. The price will be going up!

I'm not sure when, but if the demand for this book goes up today, the price will definitely go up.

And no, this is not some cheesy or sleazy marketing tactic. I’ve raised the price of my

digital products multiple times in the past without warning...

Today's Price: N7,500

Pay via ATM Card or Bank Deposit

PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital product. You will receive access to the product immediately after you order - even if it's 2am!

Take charge of your career NOW!

If you wish to get amazing results and witness some transformations in your personal life and in your business, then you need to take action NOW.

You must also implement every single advice you're going to get from my book. I advise you to read the entire eBook and digest all the information therein, then go over and start implementing the tips at your second reading.

Remember that this is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. You have to work your butt off to see results.

You might want to ask, what’s the big deal about remote jobs?

Well, in case you don't know, remote work is growing in popularity, and why wouldn’t it? Remote work benefits both the worker and the employers.

Here are a few top benefits:

1. Remote work provides flexibility and productivity:

A report showed some teleworkers were 20-25 percent more productive than their office colleagues. Additionally, American Express employees who worked from home were 43 percent more productive. This could be you too.

2. Remote work saves employers and workers money:

If workers that could work remotely did so half the time, it would result in over $700 billion in national savings, another report showed. Do you know what that means? It means we’re also saving employers a lot of money by working remotely. And you also save money for transport to and from physical jobs.

3. Remote work is a motivating work perk:

According to a study by Softchoice, 74% of North American office workers reported they would change jobs based on a work from home policy.

4. Remote work contributes to job satisfaction:

53.3% of developers, according to statistics, said working remotely was a priority when looking for a new job, and the highest job satisfaction was reported by developers who were entirely or almost entirely remote. This, my friend, means if you want more job satisfaction, you should consider a remote job.

Do you now see why you should also key into this new trend? The time is now!

Get a copy of my book, "Work From Home" NOW at a highly discounted price by paying just ₦7,500

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

This purchase is protected by Expertnaire's 30-day money back guarantee.

If after buying this book, you're convinced that you didn't get value for your money, simply email the Expertnaire support to ask for a refund. 

More reviews from the experts

Waliyulah Olayiwola

Copywriter, Digital Marketer and Online Coach

​"Written in clear and lucid words, as usual for Akinde, even an eight-year-old will find a remote job and succeed at it by following the easy to follow strategies laid out in this masterpiece. My weight is solidly behind this book. I recommend it."

Teslim Adeyemo

Writer & Digital Strategist

"Work From Home by Hafiz Akinde, is all you need to land a great remote job.  You have a treasure that will guide you into the near future. Read it, digest it and more importantly, practice with a passionate rigour what he’s going to teach you."

Yevgeniy Gitlin   

CEO, Stasbox Media Group

"If you want to learn from the best and most talented, this book is definitely for you.
Recommended with confidence!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do this without having a Laptop?

Will I have time for anything else?

Like how much data subscription will I be committed to monthly?

How do I get paid, is it into my bank account?

What are the things I need to be successful in this?

How soon can I get a job using your strategies?

Final words

If your desire is to change your life for the better by getting a job you can work from home, then you need to get this book, "Work From Home: How to Land Your First Remote Job and Succeed At It." A word, they say, is enough for the wise. How wise are you? Show me now, with your action!


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