You don’t need to have a big ad budget
You don’t need a laptop
And you will start generating QUALITY lead of buyer that will be willing to buy your product without you struggling to sell to them ..
Here is why i am confident to say this….
But Just Imagine…..
Despite the fact that you have learnt all manners of sales closing, sales hacks and everything you Have been told will ease your affiliate sales and yet you still struggle to make sales.
You found it difficult to land a regular sales even though….
You chose a hot product, dedicated your whole time to it.
You paid a good graphics design your flyers.
You even hire someone to help you with a beautiful landing page just to differentiate your offer and make the sales process easy for you as an affiliate.
You stake up several bonuses and incentive just to make it look irrestitible and help your prospect make a buying decision with the speed of light.
But guess what!!
When you decided to sell this offer and make massive sales as you’ve expected.
You met with unbelievable demon!!
What’s The Demon?
It’s called
The hundred of people you showed your offer to has an excuse that back up that demon..
What’s The Excuse…
They tell you; It’s to expensive
They can’t afford it
They don’t have money
They will get back to you..
Some will even ask you why are you not giving them for free.. lol
As an affiliate by the time, you pass through this barrier; you discovered you’re already thinking of giving up and becoming discourage.
You begin to realize that the majority of people on either your WhatsApp list or email list are just bunch FREEBIES SEEKER and TOO MUCH OF BROKE NIGGAS that can’t afford what you offer..
There are just there to receive to support you or just not ready to GET your PRODUCT
The only thing that comes to your mind at the end of this is … is nothing but
PAIN and a whole lot of emotional damage that encourages you to almost give up your affiliate marketing business …
I have seen several affiliate marketers cry out to me like this in my dm; see how most of them regret this …
If THIS IS TRULY WHAT YOU WANT; then you have to sit back and shut out every distraction around you..
Unlike what you hear from everyone that you should generating leads; the more leads come to your dm, the more you sell blabla.
But The Truth Is…
What’s the essence of generating massive leads when virtually everyone that comes to your dm will not be able to afford what you sell.
Generating lead means you’re just targeting anyone to come to your dm and the disadvantage of this is you ended up wasting your money that’s why despite how you’ve generated several leads you discovered only few converted to sale..
Quality Lead is when you intentionally target specific people that are interested in your product, can afford it and will be willing to buy immediately because that’s what they need..
As an affiliate marketer; if you want to sell massively, your lead has to be of QUALITY not QUANTITY..
This is a PROVEN FORMULA anyone can use to GENERATE QUALITY LEADS OF BUYER; A method in which you can use to get people that are interested in your product through customer avatar and targeting them according to their interest and want using a LASER TARGETING TOOLS.
With the Quality Lead Generation Formula; You will be able to generate people that are interested in your product and can also afford it . Not broke or freebies seekers but people that will BUY.
The purpose of the Quality Lead Generation Formula is to attract BUYERS.
Of course, Just like me; i believe you hate time waster, freebies seeker and people that cannot afford your product..
And that’s exactly what you’re learning in this PROVEN BLUEPRINT.
This course is not for everyone; It’s specifically created for Affiliate Marketers, Info Marketers and anyone out there selling product that requires them to generate lead on daily basis.
These is the perfect way to generate quality leads from facebook and instagram, targeting the right people that are interested in your product and are willing to get it immediately.
With this training, you will be able to generate quality leads for any product you’re selling. WORTH 50K
This is a proven ways on how to get the ideal customer for any product you are selling with several examples of different product. With this blueprint, you will be able to recognize your ideal customer interest, pain-point and every thing you need to know in order to be able to target them and sell your product to them.. This is the blueprint you can use to get that person begging for your product because it’s the solution to their problem. WORTH 35K
This is a NO-FAIL method of selling your product directly through facebook and instagram ads, with this proven ways you will be able to run advert on facebook and instagram to get massive conversions with low adspend. WORTH 15K
These is training for those that want to earn daily with information product; You will get to learn how to create low – ticket product and sell daily to people that are interested: with this CASH-OUT METHOD; you will learn how to sell outside the country and earn in other currency. WORTH 30K
Help you generate quality leads that will make you atleast 5 figures in a week …. Would It Be Worth It
Save you 12 month of trial and error …. Would It Be Worth It
Show you the easiest way to sell your affiliate product even when you’re sleeping … Would It Be Worth It
Show you the easiest way to sell your affiliate product even when you’re sleeping … Would It Be Worth It
You look back and 6 month from now, 10 million is sitting in your account .. Would It Be Worth It
#200,000, #150,000, #100,000 ?
Well, I guess the answer is simple…
You’ll keep on wasting countless hours doing mind-numbing research and tapping away your precious time at the keyboard creating marketing content and continue to get the same results you’ve been getting…
And nothing will change.
If you’re okay with that… then, of course, you should pass on this great course
BUT, if you want to finally supercharge your marketing with A no-fail system, make more sales, less cost per lead and learn how to sort out facebook ban effortlessly without sweating or struggling .. then I highly recommend you jump at this chance and grab Quality Lead Generation Formula RIGHT NOW.
These consist of done for you optin page, squeeze page and salespage specifically design to promote any digital product. With this you don’t need to pay any funnel builder as much as 200k because all you need to do is just to plug and play; There is a full video on how to get this done including the template and take note; you don’t even need a laptop for this because we showed you how you can import a whole funnel with just your smartphone. Worth 50k but you’re getting it for FREE
These are done for you graphics which include flyers and images that you can use for your marketing campaign. This means you don’t need to pay any graphics designer again just pick one of this design and edit them with your phone. Worth 35k but you’re getting it for FREE
Unlike several courses you take which the creator abandoned you to sort your issue yourself; we have a special support group where we support all our student and respond to their questions but i have decided to do more now…
“That’s if you grab this offer now..”
This is a service i offer where i charge atleast $1000 because it consist of me setting up their ads but guess what?
Look, I’m so confident this blueprint will be a breath of fresh air to your business, that after few days, you’re either THRILLED with the results and profits this course brings you or…
You Are Covered By Expertnaire’s 30-Day Refund Policy.
I know you might be thinking:
Is this product worth it?
Will this product really deliver on these promises?
The good thing is that since you are purchasing THE QUALITY LEAD GENERATION FORMULA on Expertnaire, you are covered by Expertnaire’s 30-day refund policy.
Expertnaire is known to be the most trusted and customer friendly platform for digital knowledge products like this in Africa.
What the Expertnaire’s refund policy means is that:
You have 30 days from the day you ordered this product to check it. If this product does not contain everything promised on this page, then you are entitled to a refund and all you have to do is reach out to the Expertnaire customer support to get your money back.
If you don’t get value within 30 days
No tricks. No gimmicks. None of that.
IMPORTANT: Earnings And Legal Disclaimers
Expertnaire is an online marketplace for promoting very useful digital products and is registered as a trademark of 7Star Systems Nig. Ltd.
Expertnaire is not the owner of this program. Expertnaire only represents the creator of the program.
This product is created and sold by Bamidele Matthew, the product’s vendor.
The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not an event, a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
This product is protected by Expertnaire’s 30 days refund policy.
Expertnaire is NOT a marketing agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.
Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor’s contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.
Your information will be provided to the product’s vendor upon successful completion of this sale.