Answer “Yes,” and you'd never AGAIN have to worry about MONEY.
Instead, you'll be on the FAST-TRACK to enjoying an amazing level of personal income and financial freedom you never imagined possible....
....Making a solid six-figure income every month doing WAY LESS WORK than 99.9% of human beings walking the surface of the earth right now.
"How to Become A Respected, Sought-After, Outrageously-Paid Nigerian Copywriter in 2020, Even if You’re Just Starting Out...."
With these simple secrets at your finger-tips…..
- You’ll be in absolute control of your earning POWER, writing simple letters that put lots of money in your pocket very fast, no matter how bad the Nigerian economy is....
- You don’t need grammar, you don’t need to be a born-writer, a born salesman or a born-anything to make constant six figures every month as a Copywriter in Nigeria……….you just need to know how it really works, and that’s what I’ve revealed below.
Dear Friend,
I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible.
I value my time and I hope you value yours.
If you’d love to start pocketing as much as N150,000 for a single letter..... (with people begging you to write for them)
I have good news for you.
Today, I’m going to show you how to use the power of written words to consistently enrich yourself.
I’m going to introduce you into an insanely lucrative world most people will never realize exists….. And by the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be in a firm position to…..
Unleash the money-generating power hidden in those fingers of yours….. And Never Again Worry About Your Financial Future.
Here’s what this is all about:
The business world is STARVED for people who know how to use the secrets of seductive persuasion to bring in lots of money on a profitable basis.
… and yet, most business owners (and even their so called “brilliant” employees) haven’t got a clue how to do this.
Which means….
Once you have this skill....
“You Can Literally Make People Stand in Line and BEG You to Take Their Hard-Earned Money”
The way it works is quite simple:
Businesses (both BIG and Small) always want to make more money.
They are always running adverts to get more customers, make more sales and multiply profits as quickly as possible.... so they can take their share of the marketing loot exchanging hands online every day.
…… and they will happily pay you as much as =N=150,000 (or more) to help them write a simple letter that will sell their products or services like crazy!
Lets do the math:
N150,000 x 1 Letter = N150,000
N150,000 x 2 Letters = N300,000
N150,000 x 3 Letters = N450,000
N150,000 x 4 Letters = N600,000
N150,000 x 5 Letters = N750,000.....
Every month!
For a few hours work.... that you can do from anywhere.
I’ve been paid that much (and more) in exchange for a few sales-generating letters…… that didn’t take me more than 2-hours to write….
….and I’m telling you that the same is possible for you.
But If you’re going to do this…… and actually make serious money doing it, you gotta know what you’re doing.
What I mean is;
- You need to understand exactly how to assemble words that make people (especially Nigerians) buy
- You need to know who your ideal clients are, where they are, how to attract them and how to move the money from their pocket into yours.
- You need to know exactly what niches you can get your best clients….. etc
That’s where I can help.
It took me a long time to figure everything out
Like you..... I decided I wanted to become a well-paid copywriter, I read all the books, did all the exercises....... went on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc.
In summary, I did everything "the gooroos" said I should do.
Yet, I had nothing to show....... and quite frankly, I almost gave up.
But because I have a mind that simply won't quit, I just kept digging and eventually (after several months of rejections and disappointments) I finally cracked the code.
Within a few weeks, things started to change....
Today, I have a steady supply of deep-pocket clients ---- my list of clients and acquaintances reads like the creme-dela-creme of Internet Marketers in Nigeria.
I'm talking about marketing titans like Ronald Nzimora, Toyin Omotoso, Patrick Ogidi, Jonathan Melody, Abdul-Qawiyy, Michael Olatunji, Deji Yusuf etc.
And the unrighteous sums of money I get paid for a simple sales letter is what many bankers and lawyers earn as monthly salary.
I'm not saying this to brag, but to show you that if I could start from scratch with zero help from anyone and still end up as one of Nigeria's top Copywriters....
Just Imagine how Quickly you can Speed Your Way Up The Ladder of Success when you have The Secret BAG OF TRICKS Most people aren't privy to....
If I had what I'm about to put in your hands when I first started out, my financial adventure could have started wayyyyyy earlier than it did.
But you don't have to spend as long as I did trying to figure out how to make money with Copywriting.
You can shortcut your own path to becoming a respected, well-paid Nigerian Copywriter… by letting me share my hard-won secrets with you.
While everyone else struggles,
You'll be on the fast-track to....
Making a solid six-figure income every month doing WAY LESS WORK than 99.9% of humans walking the surface of the earth right now.
I’ve compiled practically everything I’ve learned about exchanging persuasive writing for outrageous sums of money into an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand guide called…..
“Short-cut Copywriting Secrets and Operation Moneysuck”
It’s designed to be the simplest, fastest, and most effective way to learn how to become a well-paid copywriter even if you’re just starting out.
PLUS….. It reveals how you can quickly master the art of…..
Moving Unlimited Sums Of Money From People’s Pocket Into Yours…. Using Only Words!
And I’m giving it to you for FREE!
In just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can claim your free copy.
But first, here’s just….
Some Of The Secrets you’ll find in this Amazing Shortcut Guide….
- The Biggest secret (.... Keep this close to your chest)
- What Copywriting is NOT! (Some plain talk about writing for serious sums of money)
- RULE #1: The first rule you should observe before attempting to write even a single word of Copy…… (Ignore this and nothing else you do will matter)
- The mysterious cash-generating force behind “killer copy” and how to tap into it for financial gain every month!
- The only 3-things you need to become a bad-ass, well paid copywriter who collects up to N50,000, N90,000, N150,000, N350,000 for a single sales letter.
- The easiest way in the world to start and close a sales letter that sells like crazy! ---- You will copy and use this formula over and over again!
- How to quickly use “GOOGLE, YOUTUBE and the algorithm of SOCIAL MEDIA” to get inside the heads of people who are desperately looking for your product or service ---It’s not mind-reading, but it’s very close.
(Note: This makes writing copy ridiculously simple and 10x more financially rewarding; you can literally use this knowledge to make people stand in line and beg you to take their money)
- The amazing power of building blocks….. And how to arrange them in the perfect order for a sales letter that can potentially change your life forever!
- The Secret Weapon: How to write irresistible bullets that force people to give you money! (So simple, so effective, yet…… only few copywriters understand how this works)
But this is only a glimpse of what this guide reveals.
As you read through….. "Shortcut Copywriting Secrets and Operation Moneysuck".....
You’ll Also Discover….
- A head-turning trick you can use at the start of your sales letter to ensure your message gets the profitable response you need (Using this trick almost guarantees that at least, 46% of everyone who reads your letter will pay money for what you’re selling)
- 5 examples of what a “killer hook” is….. And how to use this “secret“ to get people glued to every sales letter you write….. (NOTE: If you can’t get people to read your sales letter, there’s no way in hell they’re sending you a dime)
- The one thing you must do in the first paragraph of your sales letter if you want to control your reader from start to finish….. (This is the same secret long known by a master hypnotist named Joe Vitale)
- “The SECRET Architecture Of Romance and Fear” (If you think you know what Copywriting is, this section will be a real eye-opener)
- “The most important component of any sales letter you write” This is the difference that makes all the difference when it comes to writing for money!
- Your first N100,000 and the rest of Operation Money-Suck…..
- Three time-tested ways to use the secrets of killer copywriting to make a bundle of money for yourself in 60-days or less….
And much, much more.
Are you beginning to get the idea that your dreams of becoming a sought-after, well-paid Copywriter are about to come true?
Let me emphasize very clearly what I said at the beginning of this message…..
You don’t need to be a born writer,
You don’t need to be an expert in English,
You don’t need any experience,
You don’t need a high IQ,
The only thing required of you is your desire to follow....
The Simple Steps Outlined in “Short-cut Copywriting Secrets and Operation Moneysuck”
Just that…..
Nothing more, and the results will marvel you.
I haven't got the slightest clue what I was doing with my life before I discovered Copywriting, but I know that this is the skill that changed my life and helped me make the leap from.....
A depressed unemployed graduate who was laid off from his banking job to a respected and admired copywriter who makes more money than he ever thought possible.
These steps I'm revealing to you today are the same secrets that have given me the impetus to charge....
As much as $1,000 for a single project.
And starting today, you can use them to put your financial future firmly in your control.
If you use these simple secrets, tips, strategies and ideas just as I've outlined them,you should never again have to worry about money.
The only thing standing in your way will be the depth of your desires.
Like I said earlier.
I’d like to give you a copy of this incredible short-cut guide today --- FREE.
All I ask in exchange is that you sign up for a risk-free trial of Marketing Intelligence, my Quarterly Newsletter.
Marketing Intelligence is full of time-tested strategies, tips, solutions, and secrets that show you how to double or even triple your monthly income in the shortest possible time.
Inside, you’ll discover some very powerful secrets you can use to enrich yourself and your clients…..
Amazing Secrets like….
- How to use the killer secrets of “remote control seduction” to legally extract money from the rich...
- How to attract (and keep) deep-pocket clients who will give you as much as 10% of the profits from the proceeds of their business!
- How to get maximum money from minimum clients or customers the lazy man's way.
- A 70-year-old six-figure blueprint for “disruptive marketing” that works no matter what product you’re selling.
- The core desires of every man and woman who is likely to be your customer --- and how to easily channel them for financial gain.
- How to create insanely profitable joint ventures --- without spending a dime.
- 3 almost secret ways to create a six-figure biz from your bed-room
- How to make money selling your brain every 30-days!
- 10 ultimate Commandments of operation money-suck
And lots, lots more….
Each issue of Marketing Intelligence is unique and different…..
…..and every three months, I’ll share with you money-making ideas and business growth strategies like the ones I’ve just listed….
Including those I use for myself and my clients.
I’m going to tell you how to get a front-seat row to Marketing Intelligence without any financial obligation or risk, but first….
There’s Something Else I Want to Send You.
When you agree to a risk-free trial of Marketing Intelligence today, not only will you receive…. “Short-cut Copywriting Secrets and Operation Moneysuck” FREE.....
I’ll also send you….
How to Get Copywriting Clients From Social Media….. Even If you Don’t Have Thousands of Followers…. (AND even if you don’t post or Tweet Every day!).....
You’ll have access to the A-Z of how Social Media's client-acquisition algorithm works…..
And how you can use that knowledge to build a list of paying clients for yourself in the shortest possible time….. Even if you have only 10 followers.
Here’s just some of the eye-opening information you’ll find in your personal copy of this amazing Client Attraction Protocol
- Exactly how I get 98% of my clients from Twitter even if I don't have thousands of followers (and how you can do the same or even more --- I don’t care how many followers you have. In fact, the less followers you have, the more effective this strategy will be for you….)
- How to use Twitter, Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn to attract clients who will happily pay you to write copy for them…..(once you grasp this simple concept, you’ll stop worrying about getting clients)
- The little-known “bio-timeline trick” you can use to quickly position yourself as the kind of A-level copywriter businesses would kill to have in their corner…. Even if you’re just starting out
- Copy and Paste DM Scripts for targeting (and seducing) the perfect clients……
- Where your ideal clients are….. And how you can quickly find and close them without sounding like an amateur.
- How to move the money from the client's pocket into yours.
- Screenshots of DMS I used to land clients way back…. (so simple, you can learn it tonight --- implement it a few hours later and set yourself up a big payday in JUST A FEW DAYS OR WEEKS)
- Eight important questions a potential client will always ask…..AND the exact answers they need….. Including how to gain their instant trust and respect without saying a single word.
- How much should I charge? Should I write for free? How do I get paid? .....As you read on, you’ll find all the exact answers your GREEDY little heart desires.
There’s more.
A lot more that you’ll discover as you read through this protocol I’m sending you.
The Level of Personal Income and Financial Freedom You’ve Always Dreamed Of ... for Less Than The Price of “A Bottle Of Coke”
When you sign up for a trial of Marketing Intelligence today, you’ll also enjoy a more than 50% discount.
So, instead of N45,000 per year for 4 value-packed issues of Marketing Intelligence delivered to your mail every three months……
It’s yours today for only N15,000.
When you divide N15,000 by 365 days…..
Only N41 every day!
Less than what you’ll pay for a bottle of Coke.
Yet, it could trigger a radical transformation of your income and your life.
But that's not all.
Let me sweeten the deal a little….
When you subscribe to Marketing Intelligence today….
Not only will I send you your personal copy of Shortcut Copywriting Secrets & Operation Moneysuck and The Client Acquisition Protocol......
I’ll also send you….
#Fast-Reply Incentive
The Secret Hack: An “Insider blueprint” you can use to do a Bloody Marvelous Job On Any Copywriting Project (ALSO Yours --FREE ---When You Act Now)
Once you have this “secret hack’ in your possession….
You’ll EASILY astonish clients and keep them coming back for more …..and also raving about your services to other entrepreneurs who will also want to hire (and pay) you to write “killer copy” for them.
This means an endless supply of “client money” flowing into your pockets.
Whether it’s a Facebook Ad….. a Presell… An Email follow up series or a full-blown sales letter or a killer webinar script ...or even building an insanely profitable sales funnel from scratch…..
You’ll have an “insider view” to how these things are done…..
And you’ll be armed to the teeth with the only knowledge you’ll ever need to astonish your long list of clients.
#Fast-Reply Incentive #2 ---A "Practical Portfolio" to Channeling Desires for Financial Gain.
This package contains….
- The “57 secrets” Sex Letter that brought in $15 for every $1 spent
- The Atmospheric Physicist Porn Letter with a response rate of 1,000% at $6 per transaction….
- A Real Estate Webinar Script that shows you how to write Webinar copy that converts and ultimately brings in lots of money….
And much of what it reveals will help you understand why sex sells. (You'll use this knowledge to boost the sales-generating power of the projects you take on for all the clients you'll be attracting using the Client acquisition protocol)
Plus, you’ll also discover why Real Estate is one of the most lucrative niches you can tap into as a Copywriter.
This is hot stuff.
This is player material.
In exchange for a small fee of……Only N41 Naira Every Day!
That’s N15,000 for 4 powerful issues of Marketing Intelligence over a period of one year…..
An incredible bargain for the kind of NO B.S marketing insight that could be worth several hundreds of thousands of Naira in your pocket every month!
Think about what you could do with a steady supply of money coming your way every month….
Maybe you'll move out of your parents house, get your own place and....create multiple streams of income for yourself so you never have to rely on one source of income)
Maybe you’ll start that business you’ve always wanted to start….
Maybe you’ll assist your loved ones and help them achieve their goals.
Now, think about the freedom;
Doing what you want, when you want, without having to answer to anybody!
Simply because you have access to the secrets of an insanely lucrative world most people will never realize exists!
But I have to be honest;
This incredible offer is only available temporarily.
I reserve the right to change or cancel it anytime.
And the cold hard truth is;
Your adventure as a respected, well paid freelance copywriter cannot get off the ground if you do not have the necessary "tools" to BE a copywriter good enough to earn high-paying jobs with an endless flow of clients.
You get there by learning WHAT to do, and HOW to do it.
And claiming your FREE copy of.... Shortcut Copywriting Secrets and Operation moneysuck, The Client Acquisition Protocol, The Secret Hack and The Practical Portfolio is essential to this process.
What I offer you are shortcuts to moving through the stages — from where you are currently, all the way to pro level (where the money gets even better).
Listen, you cannot just anoint yourself as a freelance copywriter, ready to tackle actual advertising and marketing jobs…
…because, unlike other professions, you actually have to PRODUCE results that justify your big earning capacity.
There’s no way to fake it.
.......you gotta know what you're doing..... and that's where I can help.
So… again… IF the big earning capacity and financial freedom of being a well paid Nigerian copywriter appeals to you…
… then here is your chance to get the inside scoop on how you can start seeing results in the shortest possible time.
And everything you need is available to you….. FREE…. When you sign up today for a risk-FREE trial of Marketing Intelligence.
Just click the button below to get started right now!
This has been a labor of love for me.
I can only hope you take advantage of all the work I put into this.
Andy Mukolo
PS: Oh -- sorry ---I almost forgot--- When you subscribe for a trial of Marketing Intelligence today….. I will also send you…..
SPECIAL FAST-REPLY INCENTIVE: The Original Copy Of The 7-Minute Sales Pitch That Landed Me a Six-Figure Monthly Retainer and a 10% Royalty Copywriting Deal... (yours FREE too)
This brief, compelling pitch will show you the “counter-intuitive” secret to writing hypnotic words that set you up for big paydays…..
…..without “begging” and without sounding like an amateur.
Just another way of saying “thank you” for agreeing to do a trial of my Marketing Intelligence newsletter….
So here’s a recap of everything you’re getting when you sign up For Marketing Intelligence today….
- SHORTCUT COPYWRITING SECRETS AND OPERATION MONEYSUCK: The amazing secrets of using words to move money from peoples pocket into yours.
- CLIENT ACQUISITION PROTOCOL: How to Get Copywriting Clients From Twitter and other social media platforms….. Even If you Don’t Have Thousands of Followers…. (AND even if you don’t Tweet or post Every day!)
- THE SECRET HACK: “An Insider Blueprint” you can use to do a Bloody Marvelous Job On Any Copywriting Project That Comes Your Way (ALSO Yours --FREE ---When You Act Now)
- A PRACTICAL PORTFOLIO that introduces you into the secret world of Channelling Desires for Financial Gain.
- The “57 secrets” Sex Letter that brought in $15 for every $1 spent
- The Atmospheric Physicist Porn Letter with a response rate of 1,000% at $6 per transaction….
- A Real Estate Webinar Script that shows you how to write Webinar copy that converts and ultimately brings in lots of leads….
- The Original Copy Of The 7-MINUTE SALES PITCH That Landed Me a Six-Figure Monthly Retainer and a 10% Royalty Copywriting Deal…… (This is your initiation into the lucrative world of royalties.)
PLUS, you’ll also get all 4 issues of Marketing Intelligence in 2020 -One hot issue every three months.
And in addition, there’s a surprise package I’ll also send you when you sign up for my Quarterly Newsletter today.
But I can’t tell you what this “icing on the cake” is.
I want it to remain a mystery until you see it with your own eyes!
Click the button below to get started NOW!
And I’m not kidding.
This incredible offer is only available temporarily.
I can change or cancel it anytime.
If you’re ready to master how to use written words to make people take out money from their pocket and put it in yours….
Then you gotta click that button now!
You’ve got nothing to lose.
And a lifetime of financial bliss to gain.
Click the BUTTON BELOW to get started right now
Your 100% Guarantee Of Satisfaction
Here's my Unconditional Guarantee to you….
Take one full year.
Examine all 4 issues of Marketing Intelligence… (one hot issue every 3 months)
If after 12 months….. You decide that the marketing secrets, tips and strategies for making money aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on….
Just ask for a full refund (using the email address provided in your copy of Marketing Intelligence)
I’ll immediately send you your money back.
No questions asked.
No hard feelings.
I’ll respect your decision.
And no matter what you decide….
All the amazing packages I'm sending you today are yours to keep…. (FREE)
- SHORTCUT COPYWRITING SECRETS AND OPERATION MONEYSUCK: The amazing secrets of using words to move money from peoples pocket into yours.
- CLIENT ACQUISITION PROTOCOL: How to Get Copywriting Clients From Twitter and other social media platforms….. Even If you Don’t Have Thousands of Followers…. (AND even if you don’t Tweet or post Every day!)
- THE SECRET HACK: “An Insider Blueprint” you can use to do a Bloody Marvelous Job On Any Copywriting Project That Comes Your Way (ALSO Yours --FREE ---When You Act Now)
- A PRACTICAL PORTFOLIO that introduces you into the secret world of Channeling Desires for Financial Gain.
- The “57 secrets” Sex Letter that brought in $15 for every $1 spent
- The Atmospheric Physicist Porn Letter with a response rate of 1,000% at $6 per transaction….
- A Real Estate Webinar Script that shows you how to write Webinar copy that converts and ultimately brings in lots of leads….
- The Original Copy Of The 7-MINUTE SALES PITCH That Landed Me a Six-Figure Monthly Retainer and a 10% Royalty Copywriting Deal…… (This is your initiation into the lucrative world of royalties.)
And in addition, there’s a surprise package I’ll also send you when you sign up for Marketing Intelligence today.
What People Are Saying About Andy

“I will pay him millions this year for his work. He is that good.”
I got one of the best pitches this year from Andy Mukolo; His offer was so good I couldn't resist. I have engaged him on a long term basis to create marketing content for my business. And I will pay him millions this year for his work.
He is that good.
Ikenna Ronald Nzimora
Co-founder, Digital Nexus Interactive and Buywell Properties.
Andy is Really Good at His Craft! (VIDEO)
Jonathan Melody,
Serial Entrepreneur, Founder, 10x E-com.

“ So many people claim to be copywriters but Andy stands out and is worth the tag. He’s the best of the new generation copywriters from Nigeria
“Andy is an alchemist with words........ ......... he’s so good at what he does you’d be hooked all along and eventually have no choice to buy what he has to offer no matter the price.......... he’s that good...........
So many people claim to be copywriters but Andy stands out and is worth the tag.
A genius that will change your life (and business) around from average to GREAT and like Gary Halbert says, you’re one sales letter away from unlimited Riches...........
I’d say you’re one deal away from Andy Mukolo making you frigging rich.
Buy what he sells...... work with him and he’s going to turn your career and business into a money spinning, attention sucking and no bars held clients grabbing masterpiece.
He’s the best of the new generation copywriters from Nigeria
Seven-Figure E-COM ENTREPRENEUR and World Class Internet Marketer.

He truly is a "master copywriter" in every sense of the term.
I still remember the first time I ever saw Andy teach a class on copywriting. He explained it in such a relatable way and I started to appreciate the beauty of this precious skill once again. Since then, Andy and I have worked together on numerous projects and I must say that he truly is a "master copywriter" in every sense of the term.
Benahili Ojeme
Facebook Ad Consultant, Digital Marketer and Co-Founder, Naira-Road.

“ Copywriter Extraordinaire!!"
Here I am behind my laptop and all I can say is this package you're giving out for FREE is awesome. Andy, you are good! Thanks for making my [Copywriting journey] easy with this amazing package you shared with me.
E-commerce Mompreneur (Health and Wellness)

"For the first time, Copywriting Made "Practical" Sense to Me! Thanks a Million times!"
As a dilenttate Copywriter with no idea on how to start except going back and forth on the Gary Halbert Newsletter ( at a point I was stuck on the letters lol!)
Andy sent me a link to "Shortcut Copywriting Secrets and Operation Money Suck" and for the very first time, Copywriting made practical sense to me.
I thoroughly enjoyed studying this guide, it’s an exciting read. Thanks a million times for sending me this guide Andy!
Ijeoma Gloria
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