Can You Write A Simple Email To a Friend?

Something like the one below…

If “YES”…

Here’s How You Can Easily Make $1000 (N600k) Every Single Month Writing Simple Emails For Companies Abroad While Living in Naija…

All you need is just your android phone or any smartphone or laptop)


  • It doesn’t matter if your English isn’t perfect.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been paid to write before
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve been “written off” by family & friends

Just like Funmi, a 23 year old graduate from O.A.U, Ife.  

Who went from not knowing what to do with her life after school to now making cool sum of dollars monthly writing simple emails for companies abroad.

She’s now the envy of her mates because unlike her mates she doesn’t sit in Lagos traffic for hours and…

yet make more than a bank manager salary. 

See below the good news she shared with us recently…

Over N600,000 made from writing simple emails that would take anyone 30 mins – 1 hour to finish.

Then, there is 17 year old – Bakare: 

Who uses an old Hauwei phone that he uses rubber-band to tie it together…

His result was even more than shocking…

He got paid $600 (N240,000) to write 6 short emails which took him less than 24 hours to write.

He was so happy that he sent me this…

And while his story is considered AWESOME!

It’s just one of the success stories about regular folks that are making disturbing amount of money writing simple short emails for companies abroad with their smartphones… right from the comfort of their home.

Just like Uduakobong… 

Who reached out to me late last year on Twitter, he came back this year with a $1500 monthly email job on my birthday…

When you convert that to the weak Buhari Naira — that’s N900,000 every single month for writing this simple emails.

As if that wasn’t enough…

George got client within 2 days…

Even Olamilekan who made a crazy bet with his last N6,000 by investing in one of our programs from last year.

Fast forward to 4 weeks later, Lekan hit us with a BANGER… $700 (N420,000) made from just a single email client.

Like Olamilekan…

Another shocking one came from…

Ebuka who did something I’ll never advise anyone to do.

What did Ebuka do?

Ebuka took money from these filthy loan Apps and paid for this program

In less than 4 weeks, he got a $260 offer to write for a funnel.

I could stop here.

But there’s more.


One of which is from Daniel who got two email jobs in a single day.

Another is from Maryann…

Although she wasn’t entirely new to this…

But she got $1,000 Agency client few weeks after picking email copywriting as a career.

And lots, lots more…

The bottom line:

If you’re interested in having the monthly income and lifestyle freedom that comes with writing simple emails and getting paid massively…

I’m Confident We Can Help You Too!

Now you may be wondering:

“Does it even exist?”

Some kinda fun “job” where you get paid handsomely for writing the same type of emails you’d send to a friend which won’t take you 30 minutes to write?


Is it some kind of internet marketing fairy tale or some bunch of motivational quotes?

Well, I’m no fairy tale being – And I have GREAT news for you – It does exist…

And it’s called Email Copywriting.

Listen – if there is one digital skill that is hot in demand…

And can easily fetch you PLENTY money monthly, then “Email Copywriting” is that skill.

In a few minutes, I’ll tell you the kind of emails you’ll be writing …

Plus why this type of writing is lucrative

What type of clients you’ll be working with…

And how you can take your very first step today…

On the path to becoming a well-paid email copywriter …

Making more than enough money to live your life how you want it…

As well as supporting your loved ones whenever the need arises.

And never worrying about being “broke” again.

Plus being able to afford whatever you want

But first…

You and I know…

“The art of writing is hard”. Stressful. And requires a lot of brain tasking and sleepless nights.

Even the best writers in the world think so.

For example,

Hemingway once said “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” 

Anything that requires bloodshed is not easy — trust me!

I mean writing…

Novels and novelettes

Blog posts and magazines

Newspaper Press release

OR even struggling for $5 content gigs on Fiverr. 

I am talking about Stephen King, Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi’s kind of writing – they’re very difficult to master.

Unlike those tedious writing…

Email copywriting is the opposite of it.

In fact,

Writing Emails Is The Simplest Thing On Earth.

Because all you would do is carry your Smartphone (or laptop)

And then, open your Google Docs or any Notepad, punch in some words recommending an awesome product or an opportunity you think know will help your friend.

You just have to talk your friend into buying it.

And no, you won’t lie or exaggerate.

Just an honest recommendation.

You wouldn’t lie to your best friend, would you?

That’s it!

And the best part you don’t need…

  • Any special writing skills.
  • To be a born writer
  • Have a B.Sc in English or Literature
  • Plus you don’t need any previous experience writing…


You Can Confidently Charge From $100-2,000 Per Project (By Writing a Few Emails).

Just like Sadiq who collected $1800 for a trial month…

Or Gemma Onuara

who collected $1000 for an email project.

You see, this email are NOT just any email. 

They are persuasive emails designed to help companies make more sales from their products/services… 

OR inform their customers about an exciting offer.

If you are used to shopping online, then you would have gotten this type of mails in your inbox asking you to shop for new arrivals..

Now these emails are so special abroad and companies pay HEAVY for these stupidly…simple emails

Because in first world countries like the US, UK, Australia, etc… people are used to buying things through emails. 

And these first world companies make millions to billions of dollars yearly from sending emails to their subscribers. 

Of course, someone has to be behind those emails and that’s where you come in.

Once you are able to master how to write persuasive emails, you’ll have a lot of companies chasing to work with you. 

Like I earlier said…

Persuasive emails are just very simple emails that makes people to act on what you’re telling them to do.

It’s just like talking a friend to try out this new product you just used and telling him about all the exciting reasons he should get it now.

But this time, you’re actually writing it.

Just that and nothing more.

So your job is to write an email about a product or opportunity to make people respond…

Like buy something (order a quality product online)…

Or take some form of action…

That might lead to a purchase down the road.

It could be something as simple as filling a form

Signing up for a free 7-day trial of a software service…

Signing up for a coaching program…

Or just something in between.

And the best part is…

All the informations about the product or opportunity you’re writing about will be provided to you.

Do you see why you don’t need to be born a “Good writer”

Do you now understand why your writing background doesn’t matter

As long as you can write about an exciting thing to a grade 4 child, then you have all the super power you need to be a “well paid email copywriter”…

Who makes at least $1000 (N600,000) every single month from the comfort of your home… 

Which is way more than most bank managers’ monthly salary.

The best part?

You work at most 1 hour daily

And sometimes you’ll just work for 5 days and you’ve collected $1000 (N600,000)

You might decide to take a break for the rest of the month

Or even pickup another project and work on.

Best part?

Your location doesn’t matter.

That means you can work from your house with Pijama on…

From a nearby restaurant…

From a friend’s place….

Or even in your remote village

So long as you have access to internet and can deliver before deadlines.

That’s all that matters.

Before we introduce you to this new opportunity

It’s best we introduce ourselves…


Ibrahim & Nanabo here.

And it’s very possible…

You’re hearing about us for the very first time.

We’re Freelance Email Copywriters – we write simple emails for business owners in US, UK and other first world companies & get paid monthly to do that.

Even though we don’t teach this program to survive (because it took us almost 6 months deciding whether to put this up or NOT)…

There’s nothing cooler than seeing other email copywriters succeed especially from this “finished” country of ours…

Where the FG & their coven members have sold away our destinies to fill their greedy pockets.

Now instead of bragging about “how awesome we are” and how much we’ve made as email copywriters…


“How we moved from grass to grass” (You’ve probably heard a lot of those boring lies)

We’d rather have our students do the talking.

Marketers Lie! Results DON’T lie!

Take a look at the testimonials above…

Don’t they look exceptional, huh?

Oh yes! They may even seem unbelievable…

But when you look at them together, there’s a pattern that cuts across them — and that’s MASSIVE WINS with the simple process you’re about to lay your hands to in a few minutes.


With this special writing skill (that requires nothing more than your Smartphone) 

You can start crushing your monthly income targets while having the FREEDOM to pursue other things that mean the most to you.

And it doesn’t matter if you’re looking to support your full-time job, start out as a full time email copywriter or even add another income stream… 

Without wasting time and money on things that don’t work.

Without posting on WhatsApp & begging your friends to buy your market.

Without working for any Nigerian with a weak Naira

Simply put,

No matter what you’re hoping to accomplish as a highly paid email writer

Between God and man… we’ve already done it.

And thanks to our refined and proven to work shortcut process…

We can help you get there a LOT faster than you think…

WITHOUT facing the headache of figuring it out…all on your own. 


If you’re at that stage in your life, and you’re looking for an HOT in demand skill that will earn you a disturbing amount of money,

So you…

  • Can easily create a better lifestyle for yourself and your family
  • Won’t have to worry about money for rent and bills
  • Can live life at your own terms
  • Don’t have to report to a lousy boss (No jumping from bus every morning and evening)
  • Prove naysayers wrong (just like what I did to my father’s friend)

Then this will very well be one of the best messages you’ll ever read in 2022.


We have sat in your seat.

We have walked a few hundred miles in your shoes.

We’ve been where you’ve been… and we’ve arrived where you want to go.(Or close)

The good news is, this path has already been “figured out.”

So you don’t have to discover it the hard way like we did. 

I want to show YOU how you can do the same in less time it took me to master it… 

Escaping ALL the painful and very expensive mistakes you have to go through in getting becoming a well paid copywriter that charges $1000 and above.

But I must be real with you:

You’re Not Going to Magically Start Writing Emails… Clients Will be Willing to Pay… From Tomorrow.

It’s NOT a get-rich-quick system.

It takes a serious amount of work, effort and dedication.

That being said… 

If this doesn’t sound interesting anymore to you,

Kindly stop reading at the next full stop.

Bye felicia!




You’re still here? Good choice.

That means you’re the type who will be patient and is committed to put in the required sweat for the long term gains

So here’s the fact of the matter

We’re going to show you… 

What took us TWO YEARS to discover on my own: How to expand beyond the “learning phase,” and to… 

Finally BECOME the Email copywriter I wished to become.

Plus I’m Giving You The EveryThing… Every  Secrets, Every Template I’ve Used (plus still using) To Make Money As An Email Copywriter…

Which are all wrapped inside my program.

So if you’re ready to put in the work using what I’ll show you (with patience and consistency…)

I’m confident you’ll love the results.

And on that note…

I’d like to invite you to start your journey as a well paid email copywriter by joining…

Inbox Marketing is created to help the average joe hit his desired financial goal without slaving away his time…

Inside this simple program…

You’re going to get the exact system we developed for not only writing high converting email for clients…

But also the sure system for finding, attracting, and closing “FAT” clients who pay you a lot of money monthly for your email writing skills.

Here’s Why This Program Is UNLIKE Anything You’ve Seen Before..

You’d agree with me…

 It’s tough to make LEGIT money online without a proper guide.

There are cases of information overload… imposter syndrome among others..

Like you, I’ve been there.

And so, I don’t blame you…

The thing is…

Most course sellers still don’t understand the place of mentorship in all their programs.

Most of them fail to realise that most people who want to make money online are in different stages of  knowledge.

For some – they hardly need direction from you…

While the majority would even want you to call them and force them to get on their smartphone (or laptops)

One of the reasons people succeed under us is because we take things personal with them.

A times, I might just force you to implement stuff in the middle of the night…

And that for me, is one of the best things I can do for anyone who trusts me with their money.

Here’s What You’ll Get Inside

MODULE 1: Email Copy Mastery

Here’s How Anyone (Including a Terrible Writer) Can Effortlessly Write Mind-Bending Emails That Opens Wallets In 30 Minutes

You’ll discover the exact system simple we developed for writing high converting email campaigns for clients.

These part contains short videos that explains the only things you need to know to start writing these persuasive emails client’s will pay thousands of dollars for.

No fluff.


MODULE 2: Email Client Mastery

Master The 3 Platforms To Catch BIG FAT Clients

In this section, we are going to show you step-by-step how to convert your email writing skill into cash (dollars) using this 3 BIG platform…



Cold emails

Job websites like Indeed & LinkedIn Jobs

This part contains how to position yourself online to attract clients, how to approach potential client and what to say to get hired.


We have a document containing list of foreign companies and email agencies abroad that are always looking for email copywriters. 

They are in hundreds and we’ll continue to add more.  All you need to do is send them a message via email. 

What do you say?… How do you present your offer?… How do you get them on a call?… How do you close the deal?

All of this had been addressed in this module.

Moving on to the Facebook email client system…

You’ll be introduced to little-known groups on Facebook that potential email clients hang out.

You’ll be shown how to properly set up your profile that’ll position you as an expert

How to locate ready-to-hire clients by leveraging Facebook groups.

And so much more

Also, you’ll learn how to position yourself on LinkedIn and job websites like Indeed so you can easily collect foreign jobs easily without prior experience.

Now, these are all you need to start earning anything above $1000 every single month as an email copywriter…


I get it.

Some persons are slow learners while others learn very fast with little to no supervision.

And for that one reason…

Plus I want you to start getting results as fast as possible…

I’ll be going the extra mile to light fire under your feet.

Put differently: 

I’ll supply you EXTRA tools & almost personal support with these invaluable bonuses.

BONUS #1: 30 Days Writing Challenge

Writing emails takes skill, and skills can be developed through practice.

That’s why we’ll enrol you to the 30-Day Email Writing Challenge to help you develop a writing practice that lasts.

That’s not all.

Unlike other programs that’ll ask you to create a “mockup portfolio” so you can get your first job.

You don’t have to worry about that…

Because just half way through this daily email writing challenge…

You’ll have more than enough emails you can show prospective clients that are willing to hire you.

And don’t worry, this isn’t going to overwhelm you whether you’re a busy person or not.

Just 1 email per day & you’ll be an expert in a matter of days


Weekly Email Copy breakdowns, “Q & A” Sessions, and the Recordings from every Call

On these calls, you can ask us anything.

But more than that…

There’s quite a lot you’ll be learning too

For example:I might pick a winning email and dissect it live

So you see why it worked

And how you can take some of the elements of that email and use it to “up your game”

Or it could be something else…

Like new way to approach clients.

Or might show you something I’m working on

And answer any questions you may have

Whatever it is…If you can make it to these calls (once a month…)

I’m confident you’ll learn something that will be useful to you…

And even better:

If you can’t attend these calls for whatever reason

You’ll always have access to the recordings inside the members area.


A swipe file is a collection of email examples. 

These examples can be anything from welcome emails, cart abandonment series, educational emails, promotional, and sales emails.

This is the SINGLE secret pro email writers uses to produce plenty emails in a short time.

Swipe files helps to inspire and improve your writing skills.

And these emails are what we’ll be giving you today so you can fasten your learning curve.

Something to note:

These emails are very difficult to lay your hands on..

But over the past 2 years, we’ve compiled a lot of them

And so you’ll getting a collection of them for free.


Although the second part of the program will show you how to land quality clients…

This is just a document that contains…

“Scripts” you can copy and paste to land clients in the shortest time possible.

These outreach scripts are tested and they’ve actually worked in numerous instances.

Good part you can even use them to pitch any service.


We observed that when people buy into a program, they are left to figure things out on their own from the start. 

This makes them confuse… not knowing where to begin.

I’m sure you can relate if you have bought courses before.

But with us, it’s different. 

As soon as you get access to our program, we’ll schedule a call with you including other newcomers to go over the video lessons. 

This would help you gain clarity and you’ll know exactly where to begin without any confusion. 

Here’re snapshot of these calls and what others say about these calls…


Ask Questions, Get Help on your Projects… and Interact with Dozens of Amazing Email Copywriters who are happy to help You Day by Day…

Call it our little support group.

The IMA Discussion Portal is a private group where you can ask any questions you may have

And get answers from either me

Or anyone of my students …

As you’ll see… it’s more than just a support group

We’re really just like a small, happy family of email lovers…

Where every member wants to see the other person win

And I’m confident you’ll love it here.

So that’s it…

Everything outlined above is what you’re getting when you join us today.

Now, to the question of…


How Much to Join Inbox Marketing Academy?

Before I reveal how much you’re paying to enrol for Inbox Marketing Academy today…

It’s important I remind you this:

I want you to take a good look at that picture.

What you’re seeing in the picture above is a $600 gig for writing simple emails…

When you convert that to our staggering Naira…

That’s $600 X 600 = N360,000

All made from the comfort of your home

With your smartphone (or laptop)

You’ll agree with me…

Most bank managers never makes that amount…

So it’s okay if we price this program anything above N100,000

Because just one job alone will offset the cost

And that’s exactly how much we charged a small group of folks last year.


We realized not everyone could afford that, especially when you’re first starting out in your career.

So we wanted to make this very affordable so…

Anyone who’s ready to rewrite his story

Anyone who’s willing to prove  naysayers wrong and everyone who doubts and treats you “anyhow”

Simply because things don’t seem to be going well for you just yet (and they think you have nothing to offer…)

Listen to me…

If you’re tired of where you are right now…

And want to change your story for good.

I’m here to tell you that you’re in the right track.

Email copywriting changed my life.

And I’m confident, it’ll do the same for you…

If you take up this opportunity that’s starring right at you.

Back to the cost for this program.

Like I said earlier…

We’re not going to price it N100,000

Even though we’re really itching to do that

And you’ll also agree with me it’s worth even more

Considering a single job you’ll land in the next 30 days would be far more than that.

For today…

We’re making this opportunity available to you for…


I want you to think about it this way…
How many clients would you need for this program to pay for itself?
Less than 1.
Because one single client will make you way more than the investment you do today…
And you’ll go on writing for more and more clients and pocketing much more money to yourself for life.

I don’t know exactly what you have tried in the past.

But I know one thing for sure.

You have tried countless of things that didn’t work.

And I understand how that feels…

It is not your fault, you just haven’t laid your hands on the right information.

But you’re in luck today because “Inbox Marketing Academy” will definitely work for you so far you put in the required work (which won’t take you more than 2 hours daily)

Now to prove to you the authenticity of this new opportunity…

You’re covered with a…

30 Days Money-back Guarantee

To be frank, I don’t love to offer a “Money Back” guarantee…
But here’s the thing:
As you can see already, this stuff works.
And unless you’re born very lazy and have poor work ethic, you’ll not see result…
Otherwise, you’re certain of getting results if you put in the required work.
But then, you have your doubts.
Which is okay.
You’re human, after all.
So this is the deal.

I know “Inbox Marketing Academy” is everything I say, and more.

But of course, you don’t know that yet.

Why should you believe me so?

Just to erase any doubt you’ll have… 

I’m making a 100% 30 days money-back guarantee.

Put differently,

Signup for the “Inbox Marketing Academy” today.

Promise me you’ll watch the videos at your pace.

No rush.

Take your time, okay?

Will you do that? Good boy!

Once you’re done, implement everything you learnt inside.

Use my proven frameworks to get dollar clients.

And if by any chance you think this programme was a waste of time or money

Don’t hold back. Write to me within 30 days, and I’ll give you a FULL REFUND.

I mean every penny. Plus apologize for wasting your time.

But the truth is you’ll end up not doing that…

Because if you’re like most people that signed up for IMA in the past 30 days,

You’ll be so good in writing emails that anyone would want to hire you.

That’s if you implement everything inside.

With this, I’m certain, you have nothing to lose.

And everything to gain.

My friend, it’s time to take action to join the new set of Nigerians who makes anything from $1000-$5000 every single month from the comfort of their homes

Because the fact that you’re still reading this tells me one thing
It simply says…
You’re tired of your present financial situation and you want to change your story for good.
And that I’m confident this program will help you assist.
So if you’re ready to join the league of winners who control the amount of money they make monthly from writing simple emails….
Click on the button to get started.

IMPORTANT: Earnings And Legal Disclaimers

Expertnaire is an online marketplace for promoting very useful digital products and is registered as a trademark of 7Star Systems Nig. Ltd.

Expertnaire is not the owner of this program. Expertnaire only represents the creator of the program.

This product is created and sold by Nanabo Ayebantonye, the product’s vendor.

The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not an event, a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.

This product is protected by Expertnaire’s 30 days refund policy.

Expertnaire is NOT a marketing agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.

Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.

All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor’s contact details will be provided upon product purchase)

All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.

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