Why Are People Calling this Former Civil Servant...
"The God of Forex?"
Check These Out:

"Waju is the Best Thing that Has Happened to Me"
- Sadoh Ramat
"After I retired... I've doubled my investment"
- Tinuola Ayanniyi
"I now earn in a week, what my job pays in a month"
- Nsikakobong Friday
"If you will ONLY follow Waju's instructions..."
- Matthew Olusola
"I've made 5X my initial capital"
- Louis Nwodom
"Made N20k on my first trade!"
- Maruf Adeleke
"I made my salary In 4 trades"
- Yinka Daramola
"The support is massive"
- Ekene Okoro
Still Interested?
Let Me Tell You More About My "15 MINUTE FOREX PROFIT SYSTEM" That Has Taken Me 12 Years To Perfect!

From: Waju Abraham,
Dear Honest working Nigerian,
Here is why you have never heard of me until now.
I Make More Money Actually TRADING Forex, Than Teaching It.

So...here's the gist...
If you have 15 minutes to spare, daily...
And you can watch a DAILY 5-minute instructional video from me, making sure to follow everything I say to the letter...
Then I can help you pull in massive profits from the Forex market -without actually knowing a single thing about Forex.
-And before you wave it away as an opportunity reserved for RICH people, I'd like to remind you that...
Nafisat Started With Just N20,000 And She Didn't Know JACK Either.

10 Weeks Later

Here is a woman who couldn't tell what a double-bottom is.
But she could follow instructions. (Keep this in mind as you read)
What is more?
She is a mother of 2 troublesome boys.
I asked her how trading forex has affected her life, and she said...
"Well, you taught me to trust your advice, so all I needed to do was place the trades and focus on something else like laundry or Instagram gist."
According to her, this is the easiest money she EVER made.
And to be honest, this makes me kinda jealous, because...
My Own STORY Wasn't As Easy As That...
You see, I started trading forex 12 years ago in the dusty little town of Ado Ekiti. And I didn't have the results Nafisat is getting so easily today.
My first attempt at trading cost me $1,000 in 24 hours.
Of course, I had some successful trades, but I ended up broke to the point that...
My wife left me and took our son. I confronted her sneaky outings...insinuating she had an affair and she said "Ehn, wanko?! (And so what???)" :-(
Now, don't get me wrong, I made good money...initially.
We even rented a whole floor in a high rise building to train people on forex back then charging N25k.

But despite all these, I failed woefully and got broke to the point I moved back to my parent's BQ in 2011.
Which brings up the nagging question...
"If Forex Is So Lucrative,
Why Do People Fail So Miserably?"
Heck! it is a 6 Trillion Dollar PER DAY market!!!
300 times larger than Ecommerce, and 160X the New York Stock Exchange.
So who is making all this money -and WHY on earth is every one else flunking out like dead leaves in harmattan?
People Fail Because of 2 Major Reasons...
Number One: Fear -that price movement is going to runaway with your money.
Number Two: GREED -that you can make enough money to retire in one week.
You see...failure oscillates between these two points like a friggin pendulum. There's no other reason why people fail.
Wait, Waju...
Are You Saying All The Trading Methods Out There Are Accurate???
Heck No!
Now pay attention to what I'm about to say next.... (If it is ALL you gain from this sales letter, then you will have gained something powerful).
I'm simply saying:
"Every Decision In Forex Trading That Is Inspired By Underlying Fear (Or Greed) Will Ultimately Lead To Loss"
So if your Guru...your Robot...or your expert advisor teaches you a method that is driven by fear (or greed)...
You are dead. Finish!
I know what you're thinking...
"So HOW Can A Total Newbie Tell Between The Tainted, And The Untainted?"
Well, I hate to break it to you, my dear...
The ONLY Way To Tell Between Pure And Tainted Methods Is In Actual Testing and EXPERIENCE.
And trust me, you don't wanna go that way.
Because it took me 12 years to get to where I am today.
Goodluck losing money for another 10 years.
I even tried having a so-called expert trade for me in 2014 and it took him 7 DAYS to burn all my money -without apology. :-(
I came back from vacation at Ibom Resort only to meet the painful notice.
Besides, I know so many gooroos with overpriced courses who teach you how to celebrate 5% profit per month.
Bullshit! Even our greedy Naija banks do better than that on Fixed Deposit accounts.
The packaging of these gooroos is so tight...(they wear shiny suits...have multi-screen setups...speak motivational hinglish)...
You won't know they're crap until you've paid through your nose, and are still miserably broke.
And This, My Friend, Is Where I Am Different...
First of all, contrary to my Lawyer's advice, I have no disclaimer on this sales page.
YES! I friggin GUARANTEE that if you follow my instruction to the letter, you will get the results I am getting.
Just like ALL my students below:
99.1% Profits Day After Day

If you would like to join the few people who are profiting from my Forex wits, I've created a platform where I share my methods with serious Nigerians
My Coaching Program For Generating Pipin' Hot FX Profits!

Here's A Sneak Peek At One Of My Daily Videos
BUT...I've Got A Question (Or Two) For You
Its not my fault.
Life has taught me that I can't help everybody. Only those who are qualified to learn.
So here are my questions...
QUESTION 1. Can you follow instructions? No. SERIOUSLY.
Because if you can't follow instructions, then I'm sorry I cannot guarantee you ANY results.
Or if you're already "in love" with a certain currency pair, and would prefer trading it to what I say, I cannot help you.
Yes, unfortunately, I don't know you -or the size of your ego.
So I cannot quantify your ability to follow my mentorship.
As you've already seen, I've helped over 100 Nigerians get profitable with Forex this year.
A lot of them have been losing money for as long as 10 years.
Some even had police cases and spent weeks in the cell for losing other people's money.
And now, for the FIRST TIME EVER, they are seeing consistent, back-to-back profits. Its still like a dream for many.
But if you cannot follow the baby-steps I teach, then I cannot guarantee you shit. Understood?
QUESTION 2. Are you done with Bullshit Information-Overload?
Here's the truth, I could easily create a 24-module video series loaded with hot air and infocrap like the gooroos do -but I won't. Its too easy, and I won't do it.
Besides, that's not why you're here. You need results -FAST...not education.
I want to believe that my audience is composed of adults -not kids.
Kids want to know how everything works.
Adults simply need results.
And for this reason, the FX METH Coaching Program will be 90% Action, and 10% Teaching. Real adults learn by DOING -not cramming.
As such, if you're the kind of person who wants to know the 99 other technics and useless terminologies that don't work, this is not for you.
In this program, my focus is on showing you what works for me and my students, and helping you develop the confidence and discipline to make successful trades like me.
I won't talk about things that have nothing to do with successful trading.
Strictly action -or nothing.
Eliminate The BS
-Go Straight To Profits
Here's the ugly truth...
- Your BILLS aren't waiting for you to get rich...
- Your DREAMS aren't waiting for you...
- Your SPECIAL MOMENTS with loved ones aren't waiting for you...
- Your KIDS aren't waiting for you to be less busy either...they're growing into adulthood without enough sweet memories of childhood.
Look, all I'm saying is...
Life is happening right now, and the moments you want to make special are passing you by daily.
Heck! With Nigerian life expectancy at 53...
Do You Really Have The Time To Learn "EVERYTHING" Before You Start Making Crazy Profits In Life?
Heck no! Right?
That's why I'm not even gonna talk for much longer about this.
You either see it -or miss it.
3 months...6 months...2 years down the line, you're going to be the product of your next step.
The FX METH 6-Week Program takes you by the hand and leads you direct to the money.
Sounds Good. Right?
So, Here is the Deal:
The first time I launched this program, it was N25,000 in December -but the students weren't serious or taking action.
It wasn't until I raised it to N50,000 in May this year that they started getting serious.
Still, it was worth so much more.
Imagine students making millions for just N50,000 -when a useless university degree will cost millions and you will still be broke, jobless or underpaid.
My mentor was mad at me, and asked me to raise it to N365,000/$1000 - or never contact him again.
I was stuck!
In June, I raised the price to N100,000. My mentor still wouldn't talk to me. This is the same person who helped me and guided me into my millions the second time around.
Bottom line...he still isn't talking to me.
I'm going to have to obey what he instructed -or never have him counsel me again.
But I won't do it yet.
I have a soft spot for fellow Nigerians who are still stuck like I was. He is American and doesn't understand that.
So, call me soft or sentimental, but I won't start charging N365,000 for the next 30 days ending August 31, 2019.
That is why from now, till 31st August, 2019, I will be offering a lifetime access to FXMETH For N250,000 only
This saves you N115,000 upfront. (Money you can still invest in forex and double it in record time)
But this is strictly for the discerning, who are ready to cut off loses forever in a business that does not depend on Buhari's policies.
Sadly, time is short...
By midnight on August 31st, I will stop selling access to FXMETH completely -until October when the new price will be $1,000/N365,000.
And I assure you it will NEVER come down.
Because I'd gladly bet my hat that NOBODY out there can get you the consistent results I give my students.
Nobody On Earth....
In fact, I'll likely increase the fee to $5,000 by Christmas -because this method friggin works.
So grab your under priced slot NOW
FX Meth Feedback From Dapo Alimi
Again, Here is What You Are Getting In The FX METH Program:
Click the button below to get the FX METH Program now.
You can make payments using your ATM card or by direct deposit to the bank.
Price of FX METH goes up permanently to $1,000 by midnight on the 31st of August 2019
This leaves you with 2 options:
OPTION ONE: Keep struggling with your current income model...swinging from profit to famine.
Your N250,000 will remain in the bank, exposing you to swings of inflation.
By December it will have lost much of its purchasing power because things are going to get worse under Buhair. Even an idiot knows this
OPTION 2: Sign up for the FX METH coaching program and watch your bank account swell.
You don't have to deal with customers owing you money or pricing you for shitty fees.
Isn't It Better that You Join Nafisat and 174 Other Successful Students to Double Your Investment Every Single Month?
But that is only if you signup before this period expires forever and the access fee goes to $1,000
Who knows if you will have $1,000 to pay by then.
Here Is What Happens Next:
When you click the ORDER button, you will be able to pay via your ATM card or pay through bank deposit/transfer
Make your payment using any of those two payment methods.
Once your payment is successful, you will be redirected to a "Welcome Video" and receive access to the online chat group where I update my members daily. You will also receive the libary of past videos
Like I said, the choice is yours.
And so are your results.
Think of the FREEDOM of choice and time this will give you
But also think of the pain of regret you will feel if you miss this opportunity.
The choice is yours
Jump in now and change your story forever.
See you inside
Join FX METH Today For N250,000 Only

Pay via Paystack or Bank Deposit
FX Meth Feedback From Origbo Onoroide
FX Meth Feedback From Gift Nne
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