Now you can make yourself $4,000 Richer Every Month inspite of the Crumbling Economy....
The "Great Depression of 2020" has just Opened up a Rare Window Of Opportunity For YOU To ...
Grow your Monthly Income by At Least $4,000,
Following a Simple 5-minute Trading Timetable!
Thanks to What's Happening in The Currency Markets in The BUILD-UP to... NOVEMBER 3rd, 2020
**PLEASE NOTE: You are NOT Giving anybody money to Invest For You in return for 30% every month or any of that Nonsense,
Using what you learn from the videos I'm sending you today... You'll be able to make these 5-minute currency Trades By yourself
And keep 100% of your Profits Every Month!

What will an extra $4,000 Every Month do for YOU in Times Like These?
- A better, more comfortable lifestyle for your family?
- Finally start helping/supporting a loved one in need?
- Less stress and absolute peace of mind?
- A new investment to further grow your wealth so you have enough money to retire early if you want?
- Enough money to Buy that car you've always had in mind?
- A better, more befitting house?
- Start a new business?
- Expand your current business?
- A 30-day vacation to the Maldives or any country of your choice?
Something else you've had to put on hold due to insufficient funds?
Whatever your dreams are,
You can bring them to life one by one,
Using what you'll learn today.
In the next 5-minutes,
I'm going to show you...
A simple "5-minute" trading process you can easily use to make over $4,000 every month... (starting with just $100)

That’s an Extra $48,000 in your Pocket in 12-months or Less....
At the current exchange rate (N460 per $1 at the time of writing this),
$48,000 is around N22Million Naira in addition to your current annual income.
Divided by 12-months:
You're looking at a minimum of an extra N1,840,000 every month...
That's enough money to retire early and travel the world
Even if you're currently on a Civil Servant's salary.
To help you get started,
I’m going to send you a series of videos showing you exactly how this works.
I’ll also explain:
Why you need to start making your trades within 7 days of watching the videos I'm sending you.
And very importantly, why….
After November 3rd, These trades May No Longer be as Lucrative as they are right now.
But before I say anything else,
Let me introduce myself to YOU!
My name is:
Michael Olaniyi Olatunji.
Every year,
I’m in Dubai for The World Traders Expo
If you’re not sure what that is,
The Traders Expo is an event where...
The world’s top traders come together to share and exchange powerful ideas on trading.
That’s me at the 2019 Traders Expo in Dubai.

The Traders expo in Dubai costs around $7,000 to attend.
That’s over N3.2Million Naira.
I’m able to afford it easily,
And using what you learn from me,
You too can easily do the same (and even sponsor a friend or loved one, if you like),

Now, please understand,
I didn’t always have such a nice life.
Back in the early 2010s,
I lost everything I had worked for in a solid mineral deal that went bad.
I was homeless, and I had to shamelessly move back into my parents house with my pregnant wife and 2-year-old son.
It was the most depressing moment of my life,
But in less than a year,
With God’s help and a lot of hardwork...
I was able to bounce back with 3 times what I lost.
Thanks to what I’ll show you today.
So far, Michael has helped me make over N2Million in the Currency Markets. A few years ago, He Lost Everything to a stupid Government Policy. Yet, He Bounced Back 10x Wealthier in Less Than 12-Months, Using his Knowledge of Trading Currencies. In my books, That's a Guy You Can Trust.

Andy Mukolo
Copy Chief, NairaRoad
Once you learn the simple trading process I have to show you and you start using it...
Your monthly income will never be the same again.
In just a few days from now,
You’ll know exactly how to execute simple 5-minute trades that will help you pocket a minimum of at least…
$1,000 Every week,
52-weeks in a Row!
With that kind of money,
- You no longer have to worry about providing a better lifestyle for yourself and your family
- You no longer have to worry about how you’ll cope financially once you retire (many Nigerians die waiting for their pension. God forbid it happens to you or someone dear to you)
- You no longer have to worry whether the economy is going up or down
- You no longer have to put all your hopes on your salary or worry about losing your job (or getting a better one),
Whether you want to take a 30-day vacation abroad (In a minute, I’ll even show you how you can get a free all-expense paid trip to Dubai this year or next)
- Or send your children to school abroad
- Or build a new house
- Or set up a new business
- Or just something in-between…
You will finally be able to personally finance your plans without worrying about money.
It takes just 5-minutes to make these lucrative trades everyday,
Best part?
You can even do it with your phone
You don’t have to sit in front of a Computer all day,
You don’t have to give anybody money to trade for you
None of the above is necessary.
If you’ve been struggling to make money trading currencies in the financial markets
It’s NOT your fault.
- Maybe you've not yet figured out how to enter trades right when the BIG money is being made.. (Shortly, I'll show you why this is crucial to making huge profits in trading)
- Maybe you've not figured out how to double your returns by tapping into the heartbeat of the financial market
- Maybe you enrolled for a trading program that promised and failed
- Maybe the signals your coach gave you didn’t make you as much profits as you hoped for...
- Maybe you gave somebody money to trade for you and they disappeared with it…
- Maybe you were very close to hitting it big and then the market forces changed in the opposite direction…
It's not your fault.
You just wanted to take practical steps towards improving your finances.
Sadly, things didn't turn out as you hoped.
But today marks a new beginning for you;
Whatever has been keeping from reaching your desired level of personal income
I want you to know that today marks a new beginning for you.
Because what I’m about to show you gives you the power to make...
Consistent profits trading currencies based on:
The hearbeat of the market in times like these,
You'll know exactly what to look out for to make trades that fetch you as much as...
100%, 200%, 300% even 500% returns on your money,
No matter what direction the market is going.

Let me explain how This works.
You see…
I’ve been doing this for over 10-years,
And in the process:
I've learned that in the financial markets,
There's something called "A Black Swan"
If you're not sure what a Black Swan is,
It's simple...
A black swan is an extremely rare event (Like Covid-19)
With severe consequences that can cause catastrophic damage to the economy.

(A black swan is an extremely rare event (Like Covid-19) with severe consequences that can cause catastrophic damage to an economy)
You see:
What most people don't know is:
Black Swan Events are massive wealth creation opportunities in disguise
If you know where to look in the financial markets,
You can easily make a fortune for yourelf.
Take me for example:
I don't mean to brag, just to show you what's possible:
During the last 4 Black Swan events...
I Made a Total Of $377,000 Using The Same Trading Process Explained in The Videos I'm Sending YOU Today
- The 2009 Sovereign Debt Crisis ($45,000),
- The 2014 Crude Oil Crisis ($68,500),
- Black Monday China in 2015 ($96,000)
- And very recently, BREXIT in 2016 ($180,000) ...
(The reason I made this much was because BREXIT also coincided with the U.S Elections in 2016... a similar opportunity has opened up in the build up to the U.S elections in November)
And today:
The 2020 Economic crisis is causing waves of price fluctuations and currency spikes in the Financial Market, in ways I’ve never seen before….
I know you're still wondering how opportunities like these can arise in the middle of an economic crisis..
But in a moment,
You'll see what Warren Buffett has to say about creating wealth in times like these
And remember:
Back in July, Jeff Bezos did $13Billion in one day,
In mid-August, Elon Musk became the 4th richest man in the world,
And Apple hit the $2.Trillion mark.
SImply because their shares soared right in the middle of an economic crisis.
And even if you're not as rich as they are,
You can still use what I show you to:
Leverage on these price fluctuations and currency spikes happening in the financial markets right now...
And make yourself $4,000 richer every month.
For context,
"A currency spike (or Price Fluctuation) is the sudden upward or downward movement of currencies in the financial market that creates hidden opportunities for smart traders to make obscene profits."
I’ll tell you something you probably haven’t heard until now…
As far as trading currencies is concerned:
During Black Swan events (like Covid-19),
The Big Money Trading Signals
Are Almost Impossible to Spot
Unless you’re among the top 1% who know how to spot or generate black swan signals…
You’ll never realize what’s going on
Until after the insiders have cashed out big time!
And that means ….
By the time you Enter The trade,
It’s already too late to Profit BIG!
The big money has already been made…
And the trading elite are laughing all the way to the bank at your expense
That’s why the Black Swan trading process is so amazing
The BlackSwan Trading Process Helps You Get in Exactly When The Big Money is being Made
And you’ll be in a solid position to walk away with Huge Profits like never before
It's a unique process that shows you step-by-step:
How to follow the heartbeat of the markets in a way that lets you…
Consistently spot or generate profitable trading signals that can make you at least $1,000 per week...
And $4,000 per month.
You don’t need any sort of trading experience to understand how this black swan trading process works
It's very beginner friendly and it doesn't even require any complicated technical analysis.
In fact,
The less you know about trading,
The better
Since your personal bias won’t stand in your way;
Using what you’ll see in the free Video Series I’m sending you today…
You’ll be able to make serious money whether the financial market goes up or down.
You don’t have to trade every day
3 or 4 times a week is fine.
Yet, you’ll be making more money than all those frauds parading themselves as Forex Gurus on Social Media.
Now, I know what you're thinking...
How is it even possible to make a fortune when everybody is scared of making trades or investing?
Well, to answer that question:
Ask yourself why Warren Buffet (The world's most respected investor) says he prefers investing in the markets during economic depressions:
Here's a screenshot of Warren Buffett explaining his infamous Philoshopy on CNBC

The summary of Warren Buffett's philosophy is simple:
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and [invest] when others are fearful”
And what's the period when a lot of people are afraid of trading or investing in the financial markets?
Economic recessions like the kind we're witnessing today right?
Now, Let me give you 3 examples of what could have been for you.
Take the new U.S-China currency war for example…
Look at This Screenshot From CNN…

Do you see A NORMAL news headline and nothing else?
Or do you see a hidden opportunity to make good money for yourself?
Believe it or not..
While The U.S and China Try to Kill Each Other, There’s Tons of Money to be made, If you know where to Look
For example:
If you had made a simple 5-minute $100 trade when China ordered The U.S Consulate in Chengdu To Close on the 24th of JULY…
You could have walked away with a $350 gain before the financial market closed that day.

How do I know?
Because I made $350 in 2-hours that day
Now, of course,
That may not seem like a lot of money
But when you consider the fact that you can make gains like these 3-5 times a week…
You’ll begin to understand that perhaps...
You’ve been missing out on something very exciting
Let's do some quick math,
I just told you You could have made $350 profits on July 24th right?
Now, imagine making such profits 3 times a week:
$350 x 3 gives You $1,050
In Less than one week
Multiply that by 4 weeks in a month and you're looking at...
And I told you I was going to show you how to make at least $4,000 a month right?
Keep that in mind as you read on
Let's go back to Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Just when The Great Depression of 2020 was beginning to build up...
And the economic impact was already creating profitable currency spikes (price fluctuations) in the financial market...

If you had made even just one black swan trade at 10:00am on Tuesday January 7, 2020
You could have walked away with a 325% profit.
Let’s say you traded with $100,
A 325% profit from a $100 black swan trade would be $325

3 more similar black swan trades before the market closed that week...
And you could have made a whopping $975 profit in less than a week..
Repeat same process 4 times a month and you could have had ...
An extra $3,900 to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Just $100 Dollar shy of the $4,000 mark.
Still not bad at all.
I know this may sound completely different from what you’re used to hearing about Forex…
But that’s because very few traders understand how this works
I’ll show you one more example
And then ...
I’ll tell you how you can get those video series free today so you can start making money as quickly as next week…
Let’s rewind the clock to March.
March 16, 2020:
Day Of Reckoning For The Financial Market

I can't tell you exactly how much I made from March 16 to March 30
Making black swan trades based on signals I generated myself (you'll see how simple this is when you watch those videos I'm sending YOU)
But if you knew what you're about to learn...
And you had placed, let’s say,
Another $100 trade at 4:25 pm (same time I placed my trade) on Monday the 16th of March..
You could have pocketed a $690 profit in Under

That's about the same time it takes for a football game to finish.
One more trade using a similar signal the next day and you could have tripled (3x) your profits for that week
$690 x 3 = $2,070
If you missed out on these opportunities
Don’t kick yourself.
There are still lucrative opportunities arising that you can easily take advantage of
You see,
In the build up to the U.S General Elections on November 3rd…
There are 3 major factors responsible for some of the biggest trading wins you can possibly make in the financial markets right now....
- The question of Donald Trump’s fate as U.S President
- The rising economic tensions between the U.S and China
- And the continuing economic impact of The 2020 financial depression
These 3 major factors will create bigger opportunities in the financial markets than we’ve seen since January 2020...
Opportunities that could make you serious sums of money.
And using what I’ll show you,
You can make a fortune,
Retire next year
And travel the world without having to worry about money.
That's why I like to call this trading process a Retirement PLAN B.
Here's just a random example of how you could have turned every $200 into at least $480 Dollars trading based on signals from the heartbeat of the market...

Right around April 2020,
Apple's gains kept appreciating inspite of the economic downturn...
Now even though you can't afford to buy Apple stocks,
You could have easily doubled your investment with a $200 trade at 10:15AM, on Thursday, 20th of August ...
Just 45 minutes after the Financial markets opened that day.
There are dozens of opportunities like these every week if you know what to look out for.
And that's what you'll discover in the videos I'm sending you.
Now, please understand;
I’m not saying you’ll have a 100% win rate (even Warren Buffett and George Soros can’t make such promises)
But as long as you follow my instructions,
My unbreakable promise is:
Your wins will outnumber your losses and your profits will be better than you can possibly imagine.
And keep in mind:
Like I said earlier,
With these black swan trades,
You’ll be making the biggest money if you start between now and Tuesday, November 3rd…
Which is when Americans will decide whether or NOT Donald Trump will rule them for the next four years.
I don’t know what the results of the elections will be
And to be frank,
I don't care.
But take it from someone who’s been trading in the financial markets since 2009,
In The Last 10 Years,
I've Never Seen Anything Like This
This is the first time I’m witnessing a Black Swan event (Like Covid-19) coinciding with the Presidential Elections in The United States
There’s a massive transfer of wealth happening right now…
And in-spite of the current economic depression.
You can be part of the 1% who are making a fortune in the financial markets as we speak….
But for this to happen,
You have to start making these trades as early as possible
You see,
Once America decides who their next President will be;
The situation could change very rapidly in the financial markets.
And even though you’ll still be able to make decent profits from these lucrative 5-minute trades
What you’ll be making won’t even come Close to how much Money you could make between now and Tuesday November 3rd,
That's when Americans go to the polls to elect their next president
Now, of course, there's a reason for this, which very few understand,
It has to do with:
How the value of the Dollar appreciates or depreciates against the EURO based on:
Campaign promises of whoever wins a U.S Presidential Election.
I could go into detail but that would take too much time.
Now, please NOTE:
The information in the videos I'm sending you was deliberately simplified to beginner level.
Just in case this is your first adventure into trading.
This way,
Whether you’re beginner or pro,
You won’t struggle to understand anything.
Now, once you get these videos,
Please start watching them immediately.
Don’t waste even a single second.
I’ve simplified it down to Primary 1 English and if you ever have any questions you can easily reach out to me....
Here's just a small glimpse of. . .
What you’ll learn from These videos:
- What investment bankers, brokers and the top 1% of traders know that gives them an edge over everyone else...
(....and how having this knowledge puts you firmly on the fast-track to make millions trading currencies from your phone) - How to generate your own profitable signals that lead you straight to profits.
- How to make successful trades based on world trends that determine the heartbeat of the financial market (This is a real super-power)
- The simplest way to keep your fingers on the pulse of the market, and why having this knowledge is like having confirm Expo that helps you pass with flying colors in an otherwise difficult Exam
- Why you should never trade based on what everyone is saying
- How to trade with a 90% accuracy 3 or 4 times a week.
- The kind of currency pairs you should focus on if you're serious about making consistent profits in the new world economy
- How to make profitable trades with up to 300% returns whether the market is going up or down or moving in an uncertain direction most people don't understand...
- And lots more.
There are about 30 videos in all.
Don't let that scare you,
It's like watching your favourite TV series
And the good thing is:
You can easily make your first $1,000 before you're done with the 3rd video.
This way,
You earn good money while you're developing yourself into a savvy trader with multiple millions of Naira in profits every year.
But that’s not all.
You see…
I’ve been trading forex long enough to know that sometimes,
After learning something,
You have the knowledge,
But you still don’t know how to implement what you’ve learned.
Don’t worry,
I have your back.
I want you to start making money as fast as possible.
So while you go through the videos I’m sending you today,
You'll Trade Alongside Millionaire Traders in My Private Signal Room
Here, you’ll be able to make real profitable trades every week.
By trading alongside me and a few expert traders who have made multiple millions doing the same thing you'll be shown how to do.
I promise you this is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before
No matter how much you think you’re making right now,
It doesn’t compare to the fortune you could be making once you start placing these 5-minute trades 3 or 4 times a week in the build-up to...
The U.S Elections on November 3rd.
I know what you're thinking:
"C'mon Michael, Don't Bullshit Me,
There has to be a Catch (Why are you doing this?) "
You're right
There’s a catch:
But as you'll see, it's a good one.
I’ve told you why Blackswan events are a massive transfer of wealth in disguise...
I’ve also told you how you can easily make $1,000 every week,
$4,000 every month and at least,
$48,000 Dollars in 12-months trading just 5-minutes a day..
I’ve told you about the videos you’re getting
And I’ve also told you about the hands-on trading experience you get in my private signal room…
Now, here’s the deal…
In 10+ Years of Making Millions Trading Currencies,This is The First Time I'm Doing This
For the first time in 10-years,
I’m launching a private trading advisory program
(You can call it coaching, but it's much more than that)
However, it is not for everyone.
That’s why...
I’m Putting strict Limitations on Who Can Join me Today To…. 100 Persons Only
Not 101…
Not 102…
Only 100.
That’s 100 members I’m letting in today and not another soul.
I don't just want you to watch these videos and struggle to make money,
I want to lead you by hand, straight to the money.
That way, you can even make your first $1,000 before finishing the first 3 videos.
But I want you to have certain qualities…
I’m looking for competitive and open-minded people who can follow simple instructions
Not people who like doing oversabi.
This offer will be extended on a first-come, first-served basis.
You’re not giving me money to trade for you in exchange for 30% profits every month or any of that nonsense;
I’ll show you how to make "bulls-eye" accurate trades yourself.
You don’t have to sleep in front of a computer every day.
I'll show you exactly what you need to look out for before making your trade.
Doesn't take more than 5-minutes.
And once you learn what I have to show you,
It doesn’t really matter what happens in the Financial markets…
They can go up,
It doesn’t make a difference – not to us.
All that needs to happen is for you to understand...
How You'll Get in Right when the Big money is exchanging hands and Walk away with More Profits Than 99% of People Who Trade Blindly!
And you don’t even need to have a 100% accuracy on your trades.
That’s the beauty of this amazing journey you're about to embark on with me.
Like I said,
My program is NOT for everyone.
And it’s not necessarily cheap (good things never are)
But think about it:
If you knew a simple stress-free way to be making:
A minimum of an extra $4,000 (or more) PER MONTH,
You certainly won’t have to worry about money again would you?
And obviously, you wont care what anyone thinks about you again.
But it all begins with a first step,
I’m ONLY letting 100 people into my private coaching program through today’s offer...
If you miss out,
You may never get another chance at today’s price.
Your future is in your hands.
Think of this as the next great milestone in your life.
So if you are the kind of person that I think you are
- Independent
- Strong willed
- Thirsty for wealth
- And ready to follow instructions...
I have 100% faith that you and I are going to be making a lot of money together over the next few weeks and months...
In a minute,
I’ll tell you how you can be one of only 100 persons who get access to my private coaching program today,
But first, consider this:
Once you sign up today,
And you're among my top 3 performing students,
You’re Coming with Me to DUBAI (All Expense Paid Trip) For The Next Trader’s Expo!

You’ll be by my side during the event
I’ll introduce you to some very important people in the Financial Market (Just one of These Connections Can Take You Places You Never Imagined Possible)

Just my way of rewarding you for being an action taker.
Here's what one of my best performing students (Tamilore) had to say after I booked a 4-day stay for him at:
The Towers Rotana hotel in Dubai,
Just adjacent to Burj Khalifa.
He's one of 3 persons coming with me to the next Trader Expo in Dubai.

You could be next.
Now, even though I could easily charge N500,000 for my program.
The fee to join is N225,000 only.
You can easily make double that in 30-days using what I show you.
But here's even more exciting news:
When you sign up now,
You get a more than 50% discount.
So instead of paying N225,000,
You pay only N100,000 today.
That's around N277 Naira every day for 365 days (one year).
Much less than what you probably already spend on Recharge card alone.
And I promise you,
As long as you follow my instructions,
You can easily make 4x your investment within 30-days under my guidance.
So here's how this works:
Every week, for the next 12 months,
I’ll be showing you how to make the same kind of trades that have put over N100Million in my pocket in the last 12-months alone

I'll show you how to make "Bulls-eye accurate" trades that help you collect a minimum of at least...
$1,000 every week,
$4,000, every month,
$48,000 every year…
Or more!
And on that basis, here's...
My Solemn Oath to YOU Today!
If after 90-days of implementing what I show you,
You’re not satisfied with the results you get,
I don’t deserve your money.
- I WANT you to call me (you’ll get my direct personal number AND private email address once you sign up)
- I WANT you to complain.
- I WANT you to ask for your money back.
And once you do that…
You’ll get your money back,
Down to the last kobo.
This is my solemn oath to you…
Haven said that, here's . . .
A Summary of what you Get when You Sign up For my Private Coaching Program Today...
- A Series of Insider Trading Videos To Get You Started. . .
- Members-Only Hands-on Live Trading with Millionaire Trading Experts in The Private Signal Room
- An all expense paid trip to the next FX Trader’s Expo at the World Trade Center in DUBAI... if you're one of my best 3 performing students
Even if you're not one of my top 3 students,
You'll still be making enough money to take a short vacation to any country of your choice...
Or even buy a new car and still have millions left to play with - Members-Only Weekly Live sessions on ZOOM with me
- Members-Only Access to a private Telegram Group where you can ask questions and get quick feedback from me or any of the trading experts I’ve handpicked myself…
And one more thing I’ll share with you over the phone (won’t take more than 15-minutes)
It's a simple trading investment that allows you collect as much as $700 for every $250 you invest, and it's not forex.
It's like building your own personal foreign reserve.
I can’t even put this trading secret in a video or PDF because it’s just too valuable.
If it gets in the wrong hands,
I’ll be in trouble.
The few people I’ve revealed it to all paid $5,000 to get their hands on it.
But once you learn this 3-letter-word trading secret..
You’ll understand why I keep it as close as possible to my chest.
And you’ll be able to easily make as much as $10,000 in one month from this alone (**had to bury this here for only serious people like you patient enough to read up to this point**)
If you’re interested in changing your financial situation for the better
And you feel like you could use a few extra thousands of dollars every month...
You’re welcome to join me.
If not, no problem,
I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
But if you ride with me,
I’m going to show you how to play by your own rules
And become a millionaire Trader in the shortest possible time.
Using what I can teach you,
You’ll easily set yourself up with a new opportunity to make obscene profits every time you make a trade...
At least $1,000 every week.
$1,000 every week is a lot of money in this economy…
At the time of writing this:
$1,000 = N460,000.
Imagine the peace of mind you enjoy knowing you have a solid extra source of income that fetches you thousands of dollars every month
For a few minutes of lucrative trading every day.
Imagine being able to easily:
- Afford your rent next year without borrowing or emptying your pocket
- Give your family the comfortable lifestyle they deserve,
- Support a loved one in need,
- Afford a 30-day vacation to any country of your choice,
- Buy that car you've always wanted to buy,
- Set up a new business that helps you grow your wealth,
All of this, without unnecessary financial stress
A few months from now you will look back and be glad you acted on this opportunity.
The time for talk is over.
It's time to take action.
CLICK The button below to get started today:
See you inside,
Michael Olaniyi Olatunji.
Semi-retired Trader.

- The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
- Expertnaire is NOT a bank, Forex broker or any type of financial establishment.
- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Mr Michael Olatunji, the product's vendor.
- This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
- Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
- All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
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