Stop the battle of feast and famine, cold pitching without responses and...
Become A Freelancer With Credit Alerts That "The Rich And Wealthy Men Respect.." And The Minority Look Up To..
Give Your Ego A Super Boost.. Using My Sneaky “CASH IN THE BANK” Freelance Methods... The Hidden Secrets A Once Frustrated Nigerian Uses To Rake In As Much As N5,000,000 Yearly Freelancing...
From the desk of Ajeigbe Moruf,
CEO, MurphyNet Solutions,
August, 2021,
11:47 am.
Dear Friend,
Are you already rich? If not, you need to be 100% certain you make a massive amount of (money) in this year 2021…
Here is why:
We are now living in the most uncertain time in the history of our country, The coronavirus pandemic has eaten deep into the system that The oil price has dropped, the education system is crumbling, people are losing their jobs, and we have been asked to stay at home!
"Nobody in the world can now predict
the degree of certainty in whatsoever"
But I’ll tell you what i can do, I can show you (if you act right now) how to make a ton of money in 2021… no matter what happens.
Look, about 6 years ago, I decided I wanted to become a self-made millionaire, at least I’ve achieved that goal.
I achieved that goal in my own mind (the only place that truly matters)… and to my own satisfaction.
Now I want something different, now I want
"To Become The Best Fiverr
Teacher In The World"

And with God, I think maybe I am.
Listen up; I know someone who is arguably the most fantastic woman on earth when it comes to blogging… her name is Linda IKeji (You must have heard of her)
She’s built mansions, bought cars, and she is literally living the life all from blogging..
She has been doing this for years ..
Now let me ask you something; if you had to learn how to blog (like maybe you knew you had a gun pointed to your head) who would you want to teach you how to blog?
Some garage keypad warrior, social media savage (who has never ever in their life created a blog before)??
I don’t think you’d chose, not if your life depended on it.
I think you’d rather be trained by someone like (Linda Ikeji) who has… in real life been putting her ass on the line for years… and who is ready to do it again
Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace
The choice is obvious, unless you’re a complete moron, you always bet on a guy who doesn’t know his Grind.. who just talks the talk…
But when it comes to fiverr… I’m the one who “walks the walk”, and walks it best.
I’m the only teacher in the world who has been hanging in the “Fiverr Loopholes” for more than 5 years … who is always ready to prove he is the best who ever lived.
Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace
So, do you have the guts to go into the inner sanctums of “Fiverr Loopholes” with me?
I’ m not going to lie to you and tell you it’s going to be Easy, neither would I lie and tell you it’s not scary, "It is not easy… It is Scary!"
It will jolt the hell out of you, but if you have the heart for it, If you are ready to play in the leagues of Fiverr millionaires..
"You can achieve total financial
freedom for the rest of your life.!"
You can get everything you have ever desired… the girl, the house, the lifestyle
Just name them all!
And best of all, you will never have to kiss anybody’s ass for money … ever again!
Listen up
My name is Ajeigbe Moruf, And A few years ago, (precisely 2012) I was in school doing my national Diploma In osun state… I was hell broke (so broke I could not even feed).
I had heard of the platform called fiverr, but I didn’t have any guidance on how to go about it, AND I didn’t even have money to buy the courses available for sale.
I moved to lagos in 2014 to stay with my brother, there I decide I was going to find a way to enroll for one of this classes, so I took a job as a fuel station attendant (I worked there for 6months) I saved up some money.
Then I took up another job as brick-layer just to raise money to enroll for the fiverr courses available then.
I bought the course from (Abiola Oluwasanmi) after saving up from the menial jobs I did.
Later on, I further attended a Fiverr seminar Hosted by (Adesanya Sunday) in the year 2015..
So I continued studying and implementing all I had learnt, day and night.. it was as if nothing was working "I was Desperate!" I wasn't making money...
But I kept on…..
Finally, in the year 2016, I got my Big Breakthrough working as a freelance writer on fiverr.
Fast forward to today, I have (without missing words) trained over 7,000 Nigerians on how to make money from fiverr (see why you should listen to me!)

The pictures you are seeing above, are from one of my numerous visits to Dubai, and the ones you are seeing below are proofs of my recent earnings…
From March, where I made over #1. 5 million naira and successfully withdrew to my payoneer account.

“Come on, Listen to me, damnit! I had a hard time myself”
I practice what I Teach…. And Now, well now I make over #5million per year
In fact let me show you what some of my previous students are saying.

Ok, enough.
Blowing your own trumpet is fine, but there should be a limit even for me so, let’s get to the Nitty Gritty!…
Just what is it exactly I taught these people which seemed to have literally turned around so many of their lives?
Well first and foremost, I revealed to them exactly (with a few updates) what I promise to reveal to you if you take action today!
Here is in fact a very small summary of what it entails...!
Module 1:
A details explanatory about fiverr.. (introduction to Fiverr)
Module 2:
How to set up a professional and top notch Fiverr account and gig (Very easy to do)
Module 3:
The desperate Newbie New ranking methods revealed (I will show you how i ranked newly created gig in less than 7 days on fiverr) tested and confirmed.
Module 4:
Hot in demand niches on fiverr.. That you can instantly deploy and skyrocket your sales like a demi god!
Module 5:
I will Reveal to you the Chief priest Methods on how you can offer more than 5 different hot in demand service on fiverr..
I mean the services that can earn you between 500 dollars to 2000 dollars as a new seller on fiverr
Module 6:
Stop looking for review from outsiders, i will expose the hidden secrets on how you can do a gig review professionally without getting Banned on fiverr.
Module 7:
I will Expose to you A new discovery on how you can get a verified USA fiverr account 90% guaranteed!
Module 8:
I will reveal my lazy fiverr methods on how you can outsource some hot in demand services on fiverr.....This is a new discovery that can earn you 1000usd monthly on fiverr.
Module 9:
How to turn your repeated buyers to your ATM (You can never guess).
Module 10:
You will also learn the secret ninja method on how you can beat your competitors as a new seller.
Module 11:
Good communication is the key to any successful business, you will also learn how you can communicate like a pro as a new seller on fiverr.
And many more!
Listen up,
I taught my inner sanctum students each one of those secrets … and much more!
You can ask anybody who was a member, I went beyond what I promised to deliver..
What I actually delivered (in addition to what I promise) is something … far more valuable
"1,000 times more valuable"
And listen to this, this is the very best training on fiverr I have ever made.
Everything I have recorded in this training is highly Effective, Time tested (by me and over 5000 Nigerians) and proven to work like gangbusters…
All of my knowledge in fiverr is recorded into a course I have titled:
"The Freelancers Money Pot: How To Consistently
Make #250k – 500k Monthly On Fiverr!"

If you are dead serious and ready to make money online, then you need to have this course!
And immediately implement everything you will watch…every day, for the rest of your life…
When you watch this video course, it’s going to be like I am there personally with you, holding your hands and showing what to and what not to do!
By the way, I just recently concluded a whatsapp training where the group was filled to stupor
Here’s what they have to say

Are you starting to get the idea that this course will change your life?
Listen, I have gotten addicted to receiving Hefty and Massive credit alerts from fiverr and I want to help you (yes you) do the same!!
In this course, I have held absolutely nothing back (I’m sure fiverr can sue me for this if they eventually find out, but you won’t tell them I trust you) ..
"I am teaching you what
you really need to know"
what I have done in this course, is like what my early days mentors did for me… in many ways I have benefited …
And now I have come to realize that, what I have to teach, if I do NOT hold back…. Can literally
"Transform people’s lives"
And now I believe I have found my “mission” in life …
It may sound fishy but I really love making a difference.
In all honesty, I believe what I have to share with the world is totally UNIQUE, Extremely Valuable and available nowhere else on earth!
Can you imagine what it would be like to never have to kiss any friggin body’s ass for money again…..or do anything you do not want to do in order to get money
Just imagine waking up to HEAVY CREDIT alerts (from fiverr) and all you did was a 30 minute work.
Imagine them all friend!
"You can Have it!!
Do it! Get The Course!"
Stop messing around with your life right now! This is the real no bull-shit way to attain financial independence…
My personal one on one students would stone me to death, if they found out I am doing this because:
And all these, totals to over #200,000
And here I am giving it away!
You see friend, what this course is, is a summation of my life’s work and
"Your key to
financial independence!"
So, How much do you think this should cost?
But before I tell you how much I've decided to charge for the Freelancers Money Pot, I want to tell you about all the exciting FREE BONUSES that you are about to take possession of:
- 1Fiverr Profitable Plan
Fiverr Profitable Plan is a fluff free, step by step guide, that will teach you exactly how you can sell this high demand Fiverr gig, that takes 2-3 minutes to deliver and make anywhere up to $80 per hour. (Valued at #3,000) - 2Fiverr First Page Gig Ranking
The one simple trick that can boost your fiver gig ranking for sales by 400%.
This will help you Rank any gig or service you are offering on Fiverr and x3, x4 or ever x10 your sales. (Valued at #3,500) - 3Fiverr Cookbook
This is one of many methods that I used to start myself up in the Fiverr business. The best part about this one is that it requires no start-up capital. (Valued at #3,000)
This bonuses are well over #13,500 but you’re getting them for free I will say.
Let me tell you something before you decide, I have discovered a secret, and I have poured it all into this course, and the Amazing thing is you are not going to be able to learn this secrets by jumping to google and typing (Ajeigbe moruf fiverr course free download)
"No seriously don’t try that!"
You can only learn this secrets from me personally and that’s why I won’t charge too much even though my marketing friends suggested I charged #45,000 for this…
But you see my friend, I won’t do that because I have been there before (a place of sadness and pain) and this is why I have struggled within myself and decided to give you this course plus all the exciting FREE BONUSES (well worth over #13,500) for a whooping discounted price of:
Yes you heard me right…with just a small investment of N12,500 only, you'd have unfettered access... but this discount won’t last long (Make sure you take action immediately) I might be tempted to increase the price sooner than I had planned.
Plus You Are Backed Strongly By My:
90 day Guarantee
90 Days Money Back Guarantee
So this means for the next 90 days you have a chance to get back your money only if you swear in all honesty that you did not gain value from the course..
So friend, let nothing stop you from taking immediate action to purchase this course RIGHT NOW …. Absolutely Nothing at all…
Do It Now!!
Click The link Below to secure your future today.
You Might never Get Another Opportunity As This One Again...
Time Is Ticking!!!
Ajeigbe Moruf.
P.S. Take a look at all those bonuses, the training course itself and the massive guarantee, come on you have nothing to lose!!
P.P.S. Act Immediately, now and click the link to order!! Did I tell you, you will Have An Unlimited Access To My Private Number Anytime You Desire? You will have access to my private support any time without paying an extra dime.
Can i do fiverr with my mobile phone?
Ans: You can But Phone Alone is not enough, so you need a laptop
I don't know much about designing websites
Ans: You don't need to know any thing about websites designing
Do i need any skill to do this?
Ans: Every skill you will need, the course would provide it
How much can i earn per month from fiverr?
Ans: If you put in the work, and all the strategies i will show you you will earn $250-$500 as a newbie monthly.
How can i get my money?
Ans: Withdrawing from fiverr is as easy as ABC all that is shown to you in the course
Do i get additional support?
Ans: Yes you get a full support from me and even belong to a tribe of other successful fiverr students
Is this training an ebook?
Ans: No this training is a fully explanatory hands down video guide
Is there a money back guarantee?
Ans: You are covered by a 90 day money back guarantee if after implementing this strategies and you fail to make a dollar
- The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
- Expertnaire is NOT a bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.
- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Mr. Ajeigbe Moruf, the product's vendor.
- This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
- Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
- All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
- All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.
- Your information will be provided to the product's vendor upon successful completion of this sale.