How anyone (even those "written off" by family & friends) can now follow the simple steps inside ...
The Foreign Copywriting Initiative
To become a well-paid writer ...working with Ecommerce brands & publishers who routinely pay between $1,000 - $5,000+ per project or per month
Even if you've never been paid to write before, even if your english is not perfect, even if nobody believes in you...
In the last 12-months, I've helped 100s of beginners (regular people from different walks of life ... students, unemployed graduates, under-paid employees, frustrated youths ... etc) with no writing experience, go from zero to $1,000, $3,000, $5,000+ in writing fees every month
Today, they have a life they (and their loved ones) can be proud of.
Keep reading to see how you too can become a well-paid writer making just enough money every month to live comfortably, take good care of your loved ones, and prove the naysayers wrong...
($5,000/month writing for
an Ecommerce Brand)

$5,000 writing Project…

Full-time Writing Contract

$2,000 For One Writing Project

Just a few weeks in...

Dear reader,
If you’re interested in earning a comfortable living as a well-paid writer…
Working with Ecommerce brands and publishers who routinely pay anywhere between $1,000 to $5,000+
Per project (or per month) …
So you're making just enough money every month, to live comfortably and take better care of your loved ones...
I can help you.
And that’s true…
- Even if friends and family have written you off…
- Even if you have no writing experience
- Even if you’ve never been paid to write before
- Even if your English is “not perfect”
- Even if you had very poor grades in school (or dropped out ... or didn't see the four walls of a university for that matter...)
Or if everyone around you is treating you with disrespect,
asking you ... "What are you doing with your life?"
None of that matters.
Forget what anyone else says or thinks...
Forget what happened in the past...
Forget what could have been...
The only thing that matters right now, is your desire to change your story for good...
And if you can 100% commit to following the simple steps inside ...The Foreign Copywriting Initiative
It won't be long until you look back and realize you have a completely new and different life....
A life you (and your loved ones) can be proud of.
And the reason I can say that confidently is because...
In the last 12-months, I've Helped 100s of Regular People ...(With No Writing Experience) Go From Zero to $1,000, $3,000, $5,000+ in Writing Fees Every Month!
Most of them started with no writing experience...
But today, they're making just enough money ...
To take good care of themselves and their loved ones.
For example, take Sadiq Mohammed,
Before he found me, he had just finished his exams
He was ready to "start his life"...
But he wasn't sure how to go about it....
Until he found me on social media
At the time.... he didn't have any writing experience
So it's safe to say most people would have sworn he'd never make it as a well-paid writer, earning $1,000s in writing fees
But he was ready to learn...
He was ready to change his story....
So I gave him what he needed to become a well-paid writer in my industry.
With the right people in his corner...
And the right support system...
Sadiq soon started getting CLIENTS he never imagined possible
Just recently. . .
He landed himself a LUCRATIVE $5,000/month gig with a 9-Figure eCommerce Business!
Not bad, for a guy who started out less than a year ago

Sadiq Mohammed
freelance copywriter
September 7th 2020, 4 months after my GRE exam was put on hold due to Covid... I knew it was time to move on and do something else. It was also the same day I received a letter from Andy with these words... "If you have the desire to write, I can show you how you can make money writing for other people" That night, I bought Andy's course. And in less than 9 months, I've worked with a great deal of clients and I'm working with my biggest client yet. Andy is a selfless teacher and I cannot recommend him enough.

Dammy Azeez
freelance copywriter
At first I was playing small, chasing cheap clients. Then I met Andy and he opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. Today, I'm earning upwards of $3,000 per project, working with big names like John Caprani, and getting Referrals from the legendary David Deustch. When Andy says he's going to help you, he's not kidding. Just work hard and be consistent.
Or take Dammy Azeez..
One of my earliest proteges...
Before he found me on Twitter...
He had just quit his job as a filling station attendant...
He was tired of staying at home ... (and having everyone give him advice on how to live his life....)
So he started searching online for ways to earn at least $1,000 every month working from home...
Just enough money to leave his parents house,
Get his own place...
And live his life peacefully.
Without anyone disturbing him...
Or telling him what to do with his life.
Soon enough, he discovered the kind of writing I do for a living
But like most beginners...
He had a pretty hard time getting “the right” clients to look his way…
Thankfully... it was during this period that I released a new edition of The Foreign Copywriting Initiative....
Dammy found it through one of my Tweets, and at first...
He was skeptical.
Totally understandable...
Considering the huge number of online scammers promising the moon and not delivering on their promises.
But he decided to give it a shot.
Fast-forward today...
He Now earns upwards of $3,000 per project — and currently works with some of the biggest names in our industry ... (Like John Caprani, Stefan Georgi, David Deutsch...)
And for these industry legends — John, Stefan and David...
To say Dammy's work is "Very impressive"
And even refer well-paying clients to him...
That's enough indication that Dammy has made serious progress
In less than a year since he started on this path...
But Dammy is not alone,
There’s another guy, Tomiwa Maseyi
He was still a student when he found me...
Things were kinda rough financially...
And like most students today....
Tomiwa didn't see a way forward after graduation.
After all, many of his friends who "topped" their graduating class still couldn't get a decent job after many years...
Most still at home, pissed at the system...
And wondering if they'd ever get the kind of jobs they were promised in school, the kind they always dreamed of...
Tomiwa didn't want any of that.
So while he was still in school...
He decided to learn a skill that could pay him just as much money as he needed, to become financially independent ...
Didn't want his fate tied to whether or not he could get a decent paying job after school...
That's when he discovered this lucrative form of writing (the one I'll introduce you to today...)
He put in the work, and was doing "pretty okay"
But he wanted bigger paying clients...
And that's when our paths crossed on Twitter...
He joined The Foreign Copywriting Initiative... took what he learned... and went to work...
Soon enough, he closed 2 high-paying clients from LinkedIn
They Both payed him $1,500 each, for a Total of $3,000 in New Income!
Since then, he hasn't looked back.
Today, Tomiwa's fees have more than doubled,
And he's since used some of the “applicable” strategies he learned from The Foreign Copywriting Initiative...
To build his own 6-figure Consulting Agency...
One that caters to well-paying clients on recurring monthly retainers

Tomiwa Maseyi
freelance copywriter
I was finally able to get 2 clients that paid me $1500 each. All this was because I refined my processes and applied all I learnt FROM YOU.
Thank you very much Andy, I'm grateful.

Meg Ricketts
freelance content writer and ghost writer for big publisher on medium
The kind of clients I'm working with now pay monthly retainers of $1,000 or more (depending on the volume of work involved). You can be annoying sometimes but you opened my eyes Andy, And all I can say is Thank you.
Or what about Meg Ricketts?
She Now Earns up to $1,000/project, Writing from Home, For Big-Name Publishers on Medium...
Today, she's making just enough to not worry so much about money like before...
But it wasn't always like that.
You see, at first, like most new writers in our industry...
Meg didn't even believe she could earn up to $1,000, writing anything for anybody
But once our paths crossed on Twitter...
She started seeing possibilities she never imagined possible for herself
Then she took some of what she learned from me,
And went to work immediately,
Fastforward today...
Meg has a couple of amazing clients on monthly retainers
Who routinely pay her upwards of $1,000 per project.
Not bad at all,
Considering the fact that this is something Meg was already doing for free.... (Without even knowing she could earn this much for her work)
Or what about Walter Eyinnaya?
His story is fairly consistent with the story of most folks whose journey(s) I've been privileged to be part of
He just wanted to earn a decent living doing something he loved
With the freedom to live his life how he wanted...
Without having to "explain" his lifestyle choices to anybody
He was already doing some freelance writing on Upwork
But he was eager to increase his fees (and ultimately, his monthly earnings...)
Soon enough, he heard about The Foreign Copywriting Initiative from a friend... and decided to give it a shot.
After just a few months under my wings...
He sent me a DM on Twitter to say...
"My Highest Gig so Far is $5,000"
He's since gone on to generate close to $1Milllion in sales for his clients... (and they're happy to pay him well for his work)
Barely one year into his writing career.
Today, nobody ever asks him what he's doing with his life....
And he now has the respect and admiration... Of those who once thought he'd never amount to anything in life.
Same is possible for you... once you understand the simple secrets inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative.

Shina Abogunrin
freelance copywriter
I met Andy through Ronald Nzimora's tweet and I knew I wanted to do this. At the time, I just finished NYSC in 2019. I enrolled for Andy's "Copy Pro Secrets" (FCI is way better!)... One thing that comes with learning from Andy is the mindset shift. You start to believe you can do anything from anywhere you are in the world. I'm not the kind of person that always go to my instructors with questions but the few times I did, Andy was there to help me. No matter how stupid the question was. I got a couple of gigs through Facebook and one thing lead to the other... I applied for an agency job. I got in.In 11 months, this Miami agency spent over $400,000 on Facebook ads using my copy (with well over $1.5m in revenue generated from cold traffic). All this in under two years. Fun fact: I once created a copywriting course but I had to shut it down because I couldn't dedicate so much time to the demands my students. Since then, I've referred any that want to learn to Andy. He's really dedicated to making it work for you if you're serious. I wonder how he does it.

Walter Eyinnaya
freelance copywriter
Following our advice on focusing on value so I could charge more, I Got a $5,000 retainer from an Ecommerce Brand. (my highest gig so far)
And we could just as easily talk about Shina Abogunrin...
An ambitious young man who got his start back in 2019, just after he finished his NYSC (National Youth Service)
He didn't like the whole idea of submitting CVs and hoping he got invited to interviews...
(... where hardworking folks are treated like scum... just because they want a job)...
So he decided to learn a high-paying skill...
He really liked the idea of writing from anywhere (and getting paid very well to do something he actually enjoyed...)
As fate would have it...
He heard about one of my writing classes at the time
Copy-Pro Secrets ... which was later upgraded and turned into what is known as The Foreign Copywriting Initiative
Did his background check...
And once he was convinced it was right for him...
He decided to enroll, with the last cash he had at the time. (This is what he told me recently ...)
Some of his folks called him foolish for doing this.
But he didn't mind.
He kept his head down and put in the work.
Fast forward today...
He's generating millions of dollars for his clients
(...recently, a client of his even put out a video testimonial on social media, commending Shina for his work...)
And if he's bringing in that much money for his clients...
And getting that kind of public praise for his work...
Do you think they'll have a problem paying him $1,000s to keep working with them month after month?
Of course not...
They're happy to pay him $1,000s for his work, Because he's making them a fortune ....
(Same is possible for you, when you commit to following the simple steps inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative )
And today...
Shina is making just enough money
To take care of himself...
Support a few loved ones along the away...
And live his life just how he's always wanted to.
Now, while these success stories might sound amazing...
One thing you may have noticed thus far is...
None of these folks had any serious writing experience when they started... (this is not even a requirement)
They weren't necessarily the brightest in school
They didn't have any special qualities of a blessed child destined to make waves in life...
Some had already been written off by family and friends
Lots of people would have sworn they'd never amount to anything in life...
So nothing extraordinarily special about these folks.
They were just fed up of where they were...
And wanted a better life for themselves (... and their loved ones)
Then they found The Foreign Copywriting Initiative...
Took what they learned, and put it to work
Today they have a life they never would have imagined possible....
And you know what?
They're not alone...
Because you see these success stories I've shared above?
They don't even come close to scratching the surface...
Of the 100s of testimonials...
From folks whose lives have been transformed ....
By the invaluable information inside
The Foreign Copywriting Initiative
$2,000 Email Copywriting Gig

$1,000s in Upfront fees
And Performance Bonuses…

$1,750 per Project

$1,000 to write a Letter
on... "How to Lose Weight"

$1,300 to write a Financial Letter

"Royalties for my Copy,
That's The Level I'm playing at,
God Bless Andy Mukolo!

From 75k Job 7-figure Months

50k to 1Million in 2months.

".... Your Materials Really Helped me, And I'm Thriving ...."

$800.00 to write Emails

LinkedIn Post Goes Viral,
Gets 6-inbound Leads,
Closes 2 New Clients.

Randomly Thinking about you Today, Your selflessness ... And How Much You'v been Instrumental to my Growth

F.C.I Protege Goes from
300k+ to 1k Followers in 30-days
(As a Result, More Clients...)

1.2m in 4days

Look Who's Making $1,000
in his 2nd Month Of Freelancing

Got Hired to Write Emails for a Canadian Marketing Agency
(Full-time, Monthly retainer)

And lots, lots more...
(If you want to see more testimonials, you can scroll down)
So I guess what I'm trying to say is...
If you’re interested in having the monthly income and lifestyle freedom that comes with the kind of writing we do…
I’m confident I can help you.
In a minute, I’ll tell you what kind of writing you’ll be doing
Why it's so lucrative
What niches pay the most
What type of clients you’ll be working with…
And how you can take your very first step today...
On the path to becoming a well-paid writer …
Making just enough money to live your life how you want it…
As well as supporting your loved ones whenever the need arises.
But first, let me introduce myself…
My name is Andy Mukolo
And I'm fortunate to be considered one of the best writers in my industry today...

John Caprani
a-list direct marketing consultant
Dammy told me about you a couple of months ago... said you had a huge following in your market... and that you've been giving him some mentorship...

Daniel Throssell
Australia's #1 copywriter
Man, I love your stuff

matt bockenstette
co-founder, copy legends
I recently started polling my Copy Legends list asking them to send me their top 2-5 favorite copywriters whose email lists they love most, receive the most value from, and read every email from. You’re currently ranked 7th - outta 208 total copywriters who’ve received votes from my readers.

vikki Ross
brand and tov consultant
Andy Mukolo is one of few [marketers and Copywriters] I'd advise you to follow (if you aren't already) and learn from, alongside other industry experts like Matthew Kobach, Matt Navarra and Mark Ritson! See original Tweet

Audray Williams
temprance cocktails
Andy Mukolo is a Copywriting teacher who's emails I always open

Dickie Bush
creator, ship 30 for 30,
macro investor
I've recently been obsessed with Copywriting and Andy is one of 8 industry experts I'm learning the most from, alonsgide other great teachers like Neville Medhora, Craig Clemens, Tej Dosa, Julia Saxena, and Hatch Kolby.

Akin Alabi
founder, nairabet
Andy is my mentee. He has gone on to apply things l taught him and has become multi-millionaire in his own class. I’m proud of him and can vouch for anything he offers. But don't take my word for it, do your own research about him and draw your own conclusions.

Ronald Nzimora
co-founder, digital nexus and buywell properties
I'm paying him millions for his work, he's that good

Brian Mansfield
stansberry research
Looks like you're getting great results Andy should consider moving to Baltimore or Delray Beach to work in-house with Stansberry or Legacy

Abdul-Qawiyy Hammed
founder, havanzer
So many people claim to be Copywriters, but Andy Mukolo stands out and is worth the tag... He's the best of the new generation Copywriters from Nigeria

Toyin Omotoso
founder, expertnaire
I really admire what Andy Mukolo is doing for Nigerian Copywriters ....

Emmanuel Johnson
founder, havanzer
You're doing a great job Andy, keep it up
I’ve hosted webinars with some of the best in the game…
And I know almost everyone who matters in our industry
But it wasn’t always like that…
You see, after I lost my banking job in February 2016...
I was tired of staying at home
Tired of having everyone ask me what I was doing with my life....
Tired of my folks questioning my choices
If you've ever had people talk to you as if you don't know what you're doing with your life...
As if you're throwing your life away...
Even comparing you with your peers (or your siblings)
(EG: John is doing well now... you both left school at the same time. what exactly are you doing with your life?)
... Then you might understand why I desperately wanted to change my story...
And prove (at least, to myself) that I wasn't a failure.
So I started looking for a high-income skill that could pay me at least $2,000 every month (consistently…)
With the freedom to work from anywhere in the world
That’s when I discovered this high-income writing skill
Sure enough, the beginning was tough
I made a ton of mistakes
And it took me like 8-months to land my first client … (with what you learn inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative, you don't have to wait 8-months to land your first client...)
It wasn’t a lot of money
But you have to start somewhere...
Fast-forward today…
I’m making just enough money (way more than the $2,000/month goal I set when I first started out....)
To live my life exactly how I want it.
Plus, I've grown to the point where:
I now have a pretty huge following online ... with over 50,000 people following/studying my work accross countries like...
The U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia, Greece, Russia, Germany, France, Republic of Ireland, UAE, Singapore, India, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria ... Etc.
And guess what?
With this kind of progress...
Nobody ever asks me what I'm doing with my life anymore
Sure, the money is good
But more than anything else…
It’s about the freedom to live your life exactly how you want.
In control, not controlled.
As a master, not a slave.
And of course...
Finally getting the awe and respect of people who could have sworn you'd never amount to anything in life...
That look on their face when they realise you've achieved true financial independence...
With a monthly income that will make them secretly wish they never looked down on you.
In a minute, I’ll tell you what kind of writing you'll be doing...
And how you can get started today
But first, here's something to keep in mind:
If you don't like the idea of promoting products everyday on Social media or Whatsapp
Telling people you can show them how to make money online...
I want to let you know you won't have to do any of that.
Nothing wrong with it actually. It can even be a good business model if you understand how it works
But the reason I bring this up, is to let you know that...
If you're like most of my successful students...
A private person who prefers to make your money quietly...
... Working "behind the scenes" with well-paying clients who value your work and refer others to you...
Without necessarily promoting stuff on social media or WhatsApp...
Then you don't have to do it.
Because the kind of writing we do doesn't require any of that.
See it as something like "ghostwriting"
Except, it's very, very lucrative
Obviously, I'm not talking about writing articles for $0.05 per word... or $10 per 60,000 words...
As you'll see, the kind of writing we do is on an entirely different level (that most people don't even know exists)
You'll be working privately with your clients...
A lot of people will see your work and spend money on it, but nobody even knows it's you who wrote it...
Because everything you write... published in your client's name.
See how cool this is?
With that said...
Let’s talk about the kind of writing you’ll be doing
And why it’s so lucrative.
The simplest (and Most Lucrative) Form of Writing
The kind of writing you’ll be doing is called direct response Copywriting...
It is by far the most wonderful (and most economically valuable) money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire.
If you master this skill...
If you commit to learning this stuff... and getting very good at it...
You will soon have a level of personal income and lifestyle freedom most people can only dream about.
And that's me being conservative.
Now, if you're not 100% sure what this skill is...
I can sum it up pretty easily:
Direct response Copywriting is simply:
Any form of writing designed to make you "respond" to a message (ie: a direct response from you...)
Like buy something (order a quality product online)...
Or take some form of action…
That might lead to a purchase down the road.
It could be something as simple as filling a form
Signing up for a free 7-day trial of a software service...
Signing up for a coaching program...
Or just something in between.
Mostly, the stuff you write will be published as:
Sponsored business ads, emails, website pages…
Or a simple letter, very much like this one you’re reading
And no... you're not spamming or scamming anyone.
What you do is very, very ethical ...
In fact, many of the people who'll be reading what you write (and responding to it) ...
Already signed up for that kind of information
Some even paid to be "briefed" about stuff like that.
So it's a career you'll be super proud of.
Because all you're doing as a Copywriter ... using simple everyday words....
To give me quality information that helps me decide if the product, service is worth my hard-earned money.
Just like how you'd tell a friend about something new and exciting. Or give them good news about something they've been praying for all along.
Pretty straightforward right?
If you’ve ever bought anything online...
Seen “a sponsored ad” on Facebook
Or received a valuable email offering a quality product or service... ( .... not those spammy emails almost everybody keeps sending, yet nobody likes. I mean emails you actually look forward to on a daily/weekly basis) ...
....Then you already have a pretty good idea what direct response Copywriting is
And the people who do it are called “direct response Copywriters” ... or "Copywriters" for short.
Simply put:
You'll be using the power of "the written word" to change lives and help entrepreneurs grow their business.
And that's something you (and your loved ones) can be proud of.
Now, if you're new to our world....
You might have some doubts about whether or not you have what it takes...
To make the kind of money you see folks on this page making
Especially if you’ve never been paid to write anything before
And that’s fine..
It’s okay to feel that way…
But as someone who's helped 100s of regular folks (with no writing experience) go from zero to at least $1,000 per project... or per month in writing fees alone...
Even taking those who didn't see the four walls of a university ... and helping them become well-paid writers...
I can tell you it doesn't really matter if you have no writing experience
Or if you've never been paid to write before
None of that matters....
The only thing that matters is that... you're willing to take this stuff seriously (especially using what I'll share with you inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative ...)
And if you do...
You'll soon be working with well-paying clients...
The kind who pay you just enough money sufficient to take care of yourself and your loved ones...
Let’s talk about why direct response Copywriting is such a high-paying skill...
.. and the kind of clients you’ll be working with.
A $2.3Trillion Dollar Writing Industry where Even Newbies Can Earn $1,000 - $5,000+ in Writing Fees Every Month...
The industry I work in is a $2.3Trillion dollar industry called:
Direct response Marketing.
Yep, that's how much flows in and out of our industry almost on a yearly basis... (see why what we do is so lucrative?)
It's simply the industry where businesses (both online and offline) advertise their products and services to the highest quality customers and clients.
Mostly, the kind of clients you’ll be working with are high-networth entrepreneurs ....
Some of them are in the Ecommerce business...
Some are in the information business (publishers)
Some are in the software business (and so on)
But the one thing they all have in common...
... is that the growth of their business relies on writers like you.
Simply put:
Your clients are business owners with six, seven, eight, even 9-figure businesses, that serve very big markets...
And the #1 way they grow their business ...
... is by hiring Copywriters to help them write simple words that help them get more customers every month.
Nothing spammy, or scammy...
Just simple human communication between a business and it's customers...
Through the law of supply and demand...
Where quality products and services are being offered (through simple words) ... to those who want or need them.
In a nutshell:
Direct response Copywriting is the back-bone of their business
(Actually, it is the backbone of every successful business)
And without good Copywriters…
They’d probably not be making any money.
That’s why they’re happy to pay Copywriters as much as $1,000 for a single project …
(Eg: a couple of ads, emails, landing page copy etc)
Because they know that $1,000 or so they're paying you... mere change compared to the 100,000s or millions of dollars your work will make them
So it's like a win-win for both parties...
And once you know how to write the kind of words that helps them grow their business profitably...
You'll Become A Person of Interest to Multi-millionaire Entrepreneurs on a Global level... with Most of your Clients Based in The U.S, U.K, Asia...

Bill Bonner
founder, Agora
This past year alone, my company paid out over $7 million in writing fees & royalties to a handful of COPYWRITERS. And I’m happy to do it because a good letter is the ‘engine’ of my business”

Russell Brunson
founder, clickfunnels
Copywriting is what made me rich, It has more impact on how much money you make with your Company than anything else.

Frank Kern
highest-paid copywriting consultant
There’s no greater skill in Business, than [Copywriting]. If you’re Good at Copywriting, You’re going to do a lot better than if you weren’t good at Copywriting. It’s the shortest path to Financial Freedom.”

Emmanuel Johnson
founder, havanzer
Copywriting is the number #1 reason why people buy something. Nothing happens in business without great Copywriting. If I had to choose one skill, It would be Copywriting
Best part?
Thanks to the internet, you don't even have to leave your house if you don't want to...
Or relocate outside your country for that matter...
I mean, you can choose to relocate if you want... (and the kind of money you'll be making actually allows you to do that)
But one of the perks of being a Copywriter in today's world, is that...
You can do your work from anywhere
From your house...
From a nearby cafe...
From a friend's place....
And so on.
Doesn't matter where you're working from...
So long as you're providing value to your clients, delivering before deadlines and helping them grow their business...
That's all that matters.
You don't even have to work round the clock...
Because depending on what your client's needs are...
You Can Actually Set Your Working Hours For When You're Most Productive...
Maybe morning hours...
Evening hours...
Late night hours...
Or simply the usual 9-5 work schedule...
It all depends on what works best for you and your clients
Then you can use the rest of your time to attend to other things on your bucket list.
Best part?
You can travel anytime knowing it doesn't really affect your work....
So long as you have your laptop and internet connection.
Yeah ... that's how cool this stuff is.
And in just a minute, I’ll show you what niches pay the most (especially if you're just getting started)…
But first, maybe you’re thinking…
“How will I get clients?”
Don’t worry, as I said earlier…
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been paid to write before
As long as you're willing to put in the work...
You can use what I show you to land well-paying clients (inside the direct response market where there's never been a higher demand for good copywriters...)
Just like the 100s of folks I've helped who didn't have any writing experience when they started...
But today, they're earning $1,000s for their work.
And same is possible for you, if you're 100% commited.
Now, let’s talk about:
3 Niches That pay New Copywriters Between $1,000 - $5000+ per project or per month
These are the 3 niches where Copywriters (especially beginners) often make the most money...
Because they often have the most demand for copywriters
Here they are:
Financial, health, and self development.
The good thing is:
You don’t even need to be an expert in any of these areas
All you have to do is pick one niche and focus on that one
For the financial niche…
You’ll be writing about unique investment opportunities
Like Cryptos, NFTs, Electric vehicles, Tech, IPOs, Options, Marijuana stocks, Angel Investing etc…
If you have any interest in stuff like this…
Then, you’re going to really enjoy writing financial copy
Because there's actually a lot you learn that will be useful to you .... if you're someone who likes to get in on the ground-floor of lucrative investment opportunities.
Secondly, for the Health Niche…
You’ll be writing mostly about...
Health supplements that help people get their health back …
Or at the very least...
Experience relief from troubling ailments like ... diabetes, arthritis, failing heart health, stroke, migraine etc.
If health is your thing …
You’re going to enjoy writing for clients in this niche
And just like the financial niche...
You can learn a lot about how to live a long, healthy and happy life... by simply working with clients in the health biz.
Then there’s The Self development niche:
Where you’ll be working mostly with ... high-performance coaches and digital course creators
Using the power of Copywriting to help them get more coaching clients and students into their programs/courses ...
If you like stuff about mindset and personal growth…
Then you’re absolutely going to enjoy the self development niche
And it's not that there's no other niches...
It's just, in my experience... these 3 niches have the highest demand for Copywriters.
And they're beginner friendly too.
Also, remember what I said earlier?
You don't need to be an "expert" in these areas..
You just need to pick one niche and focus on it.
And if you’re not sure what niche you want to start with
Don’t worry…
It’s one of the things I’ll be helping you with inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative, Class of 2022...
Along with quality feedback and direction on a weekly basis...
To help you improve your writing every week
And of course, put you firmly on track to land your first or next paying client
Shortly, I’ll tell you how you can join us today ....
But Before You Hop On...
There’s Something Very Important I Need to Tell You ...
Yes, it’s true…
Becoming a well-paid Copywriter means...
You’ll be making just enough money to live life on your terms ... and take very good care of your loved ones…
Simply put:
The money is good. Very good.
And you'll have a life most people can only dream of
A life you'll be proud of
A life your loved ones will be proud of...
But the reality is...
The money won’t just fall on your lap
You have to take this stuff seriously
You have to take what you learn and put it to work
You have to be consistent...
You will have to work hard.
If you can do that, you’ll love the results
I’ve seen regular folks start with nothing
And in less than 1-year...
They’re making $2,000, $3,000, $5,000+ every month
In fact, there's this guy...
A very good friend of mine who’s now living in Dubai
When he started back then, many people laughed at him
But he didn’t care,
He put in the work and was very consistent...
After a few months, he was making like $3,000+ every month in fees from clients...
Today, he earns upwards of $10,000+ per project
And he takes on more than 2 clients every month
Do the math and you have an idea just how much you could be making if you take this stuff seriously.
But remember...
That money didn't just fall on his lap.
He worked hard.
He was consistent.
He focused on one thing.
He wasn't jumping from one shiny new object to another.
See where I’m going?
So if you’re not ready to work hard…
If you can't 100% commit to this path long-term
If you're someone who lacks patience and discipline...
Or someone who's looking for quick money
I’m not your guy.
And as such...
I don't want you in my program.
Hope You Understand What I'm Telling You ?
That said...
If you’re ready to put in the work using what I show you (with patience and consistency...)
I’m confident you'll love the results.
And on that basis...
I'd like to invite you to become a member of The Foreign Copywriting Initiative, Class of 2022....
How to join The Foreign Copywriting Initiative (F.C.I ... Class of 2022... )
The Foreign Copywriting Initiative (F.C.I) is a program I originally created back in April 2020 ...
My goal was to help regular folks reach their desired level of personal income and lifestyle freedom ...
...using the power of direct response Copywriting.
So far, the testimonials (result-based and more than 400 till date), have been nothing short of amazing.
But after a while...
I saw the need to make the program even more valuable than it already was
And that gave birth to this new edition.
To help you decide if it's right for you...
Here's what you're getting as a new member of the Foreign Copywriting Initiative, Class of 2022:
Resource Number #1:
The Beginner Friendly "F.C.I Document" That's helped 100s of beginners go from zero to at least, $1,000 in writing fees monthly...
This document is easy to read and easy to understand...
It gives you a solid foundation on how the money really works in our business.
Helps you get "Good enough to earn $1k - $5k or more" per project, working with publishers and Ecommerce brands in countries like The U.S... The U.K... UAE ... and so on.
Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn inside this document:
- The first step to becoming a well-paid Copywriter (... is understanding what really moves people to spend money)
And that's what you'll learn in this eye-opening section - A Done-for-You Guide on How to Do Market Research (The right way) . . . so you know exactly what to do when your clients want you to write something for them
- The Copy Process! (A Draft-by-Draft Walkthrough on The Real Art Of Crafting A Compelling Sales Message... without Using Hype or Exaggerated Claims)
- WRITING WINNING ADS FOR BIG SOCIAL PLATFORMS: Learn how to Write sponsored ads that help your clients make more money on social media
- The Business Side of Copywriting.... (Go from "Freelancer for hire" to a 6 or 7-figure Copywriting Biz)
- RULES OF THE GAME (Avoiding common mistakes new Copywriters make that sabotages their Careers)
- And more...
Resource Number #2:
Watch Me do Market Research Live for a Writing Project... (using the S.E.A.L Method)
Market research is usually a thing of struggle for most Copywriters just starting out...
But it doesn't have to be that way.
That's why... in addition to the section on market research inside the F.C.I document... I decided to include this video.
Inside, you'll see me doing market research for a real product (using the S.E.A.L method for speed research...)
And no matter what project you're working on...
Or what topic you're writing about...
What you learn in this video can help you find all the information you need ...
To write the best possible copy for your clients
What's more?
Apart from using Google, Amazon and online forums for research...
You'll also see 4 other platforms you can use for speed-research...
To find almost any information you're looking for... (in probably half the time it takes your fellow copywriters ..)
This makes your work a whole lot easier...
And also helps you finish your work on time.
So you can move on to the next project on your desk...
Rather than slave on one Project for weeks
Without any real progress.
Resource Number #3:
The F.C.I Process for Getting Clients Who Pay $1,000 - $5,000+ or More per Project (or Monthly)
...Without necessarily relying on job postings where dozens of writers are competing for the same project.
It's true that the F.C.I document gives you everything you need to become a well-paid Copywriter
But client acquisition is a topic that deserves an entire section of it's own
That's why I decided to create a seperate section ...
Specifically for landing well-paying clients
This section includes...
A simple 68-page guide and 3 videos showing you everything you need to know about getting well-paying clients in our industry
Very beginner friendly...
And literally everything you find in this section is stuff that's helped many beginners hit their first $10,000 in writing fees...
Super valuable.
Especially if you've never been paid to write before.
Resource Number #4:
5 Video Case Studies
from 5 F.C.I Members
These are some of the earliest members of the Foreign Copywriting Initiative...
And I'm grateful they've generously shared what's working for them,
Why it's working...
And how you (beginner or intermediate) ...
Can use some of these strategies inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative...
To get incredibly good results, in much less time than it took them.
Here's what you'll find in this section:
- (VIDEO Case Study #1):
Tomiwa Maseyi Explains how he gets new retainer clients who pay as much as $3,000/project - (VIDEO Case Study #2):
Here, Golibe Ilechukwu breaks down the simple Strategies he uses to land new clients from Twitter & LinkedIn - (VIDEO Case Study #3):
In this case study, Meg Ricketts shares her experience landing her first HIGH-Ticket Client (... and how Clients pay her in Crypto) - (VIDEO Case Study #4):
Watch and take notes ...
As Dammy Azeez explains what he did to get the attention of big names like John Caprani, David Deutsch, Stefan Georgi and co...
And how you can network your way into working with big-name clients and 9-figure Ecommerce brands) - (VIDEO Case Study #5):
And finally....
Segun Samuel Tells the Strange Story of How a Funny LinkedIn Message Got him an Invitation to work with 9-figure Publishers, . . .Banyan Hill Publishing!
Again, you'll want to take notes here
So when you're ready to start taking on clients...
You 'll have the confidence to take on well-paying clients .... knowing you're following a proven model
Resource Number #5
Get "Quality feedback" on your work
From 2 very Brilliant Copywriters
(Rachel Austin & Golibe Ilechukwu)
Weekly Copy Reviews on Friday Nights...

One of the fastest ways to grow as a Copywriter to get quality feedback on your work as often as possible
Especially from people who understand Copywriting
And are out there doing the work...
Getting results for clients — and themselves.
That's why I included this weekly Copy review
Many Copywriters struggle because they don't have a quality feedback system (call it a feedback loop if you like...)
Nobody to give them feedback on their writing...
Show them areas they can improve...
And point them in the right direction...
So they're stuck for years...

Justin Goff
a-list copywriter and co-founder, copy accelerator
The reason most copywriters struggle for years… is because of the lack of quality FEEDBACK on their copy.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Because the truth is...
While there's a lot of demand for good Copywriters...
Clients won't feel comfortable hiring you (or paying you high fees) if your writing isn't "good enough" ...
And it's not hard getting your writing to that level...
It's just... you need quality feedback,
So you're good enough for those well-paying gigs...
And it's this sort of feedback you'll get inside the F.C.I
Because with the right feedback system in place...
You'll make a lot of progress pretty fast...
Your writing will get better every day
Plus, you'll be able to charge far more money for your work... than those who don't have a strong feedback system
And to ensure the strongest possible copy-feedback system for you...
I spoke with 2 of my best proteges
And they agreed to review your copy once a week...
(On Fridays, from 7pm - 9pm... this is subject to change, but for now, these copy review sessions will hold on Fridays)
Both Rachel and Golibe are always taking on clients
They're always writing copy that generates millions for their client. And they're paid very well for their work.
Recently, they teamed up to help a client add an extra $1million to their buttomline.
So you can be sure you'll be getting quality feedback on your writing...
This way, you improve much faster
And you can charge more money for your work
As against when you're just by yourself .... writing without any feedback from more experienced Copywriters.
Plus, you'll also "have that confidence" you need...
To send the finished version of your work to your clients
Knowing it's "good enough"
And that it "ticks" all the right boxes...

Sapphire Benwari
Email copywriter and list manager
Just came in here to say a big thank you to Andy because my sales page is convertingI have written a sales page before that didn't convert zilch and I know how that feels.. I joined [this program] because I wanted someone to hold my hand instead of just reading and reading, I loved the idea of a community that will push me and encourage me. A Community of like minds and I found it in here. Even made connections and got jobs too. And yes since joining in August 2nd, my confidence has been boosted because
And this is the first sales page I'm putting out there since joining. And so thank you Andy and a big shout out to everybody in this group. Both those already winning and those putting in the work to win. It's do-able
Resource #6: VIDEO
Working remotely with American Clients... (Especially if you're AFRICAN or Non-American)
Many new writers think they must know how to "speak American English" if they'll have a chance at working with clients in the U.S..
Or that you have to relocate to the U.S...
But that's not really how it works.
Because as you'll see in the video for this section..
You can actually work remotely with U.S clients ... even if you don't speak American English...
You see, recently....
We were honored to have 2 of the best Copy chiefs in America (Rob Braddock and Misha Hettie) ... jump on a live call with members of the F.C.I community
Rob Braddock Jr has been a Copy chief at Agora (the biggest name in our industry) ...
He's now the copy chief at Daily Profit (a 9-figure publishing business)
And on the other hand...
Misha is the Copy chief and coach at Lurn (...almost as big as Agora.)
As Copy chiefs, Rob and Misha are always hiring Copywriters from outside the U.S .... And on this call...
You can see them shattering common myths new writers often have about working remotely with American clients
They generously point out what big (even small) companies look for when hiring Copywriters from outside the U.S
With practical tips on how you can get your foot in the door
And become a well-paid Copywriter ...
Working with American clients who appreciate the value you're bringing to the table.
I suggest you watch this at least 2-3 times (and take notes)
Because as you'll see...
What you learn here will prove very valuable when you're ready to take on your first or next "US-based" client
Resource #7: PDF & Short Video
Don't have any writing experience Yet?
Here's a "Custom Portfolio" Secret for "Getting your Foot in The Door" with Clients That Pay Well
If you're just hearing about Copywriting for the first time...
And you've never written for a client before
It can be scary... even intimidating...
When a client says they want to see something you've written before ...
Sometimes, you even start to feel like a fraud (impostors' syndrome)
I can relate.
But don't worry... there's a simple way to solve this.
And it all begins with something we call "a Custom Portfolio"
It's easy to create
But goes a long way in making clients believe you're the right fit for the job...
Especially if you have no "real writing experience"
So even if you've never written for a client before
You don't need to feel intimidated (or like a fraud)
Just use this Custom Portfolio and you're good to go.
Resource #8: Short VIDEO
The Simplest Way to Receive Payments From Clients in Any Part of The World ...
Especially if you're Nigerian and don't have Paypal or Stripe...
If you're Nigerian (or African) like me...
You sometimes wonder how you'll receive money from your clients in U.S, Europe or even Asia ..
...especially when you don't have Paypal or Stripe
And that's a valid concern
But don't worry...
Even if you don't have PayPal or Stripe...
Or even a Domiciliary account
There's a simple payment channel you can use to receive payment from your clients from any part of the world.
Most of the writers in The Foreign Copywriting Initiative (who don't have Paypal or Stripe or even a Domiciliary account...) have been using it for over 1 year now
And they've never had issues receiving money from clients in the U.S or anywhere else.
Once you've gone through this section...
You should never have to worry about what to do...
When your clients ask you to send them payment details
Simply put: it will be the least of your worries.
Resource #9: VIDEO Walk-through
Setting up your Social Media Profile Right (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc....) To Attract Quality Leads who Can become Paying Clients
— Plus A Few Proven Ideas on How to Hit That First Or Next $10,000.
At some point, 90% of my clients where coming to me...
Because of something I was doing with my social media
Mostly, Twitter...
And I was more than happy to pass that knowlegde to members of the F.C.I ...
Many who are now using it to attract paying clients.
In this section, you'll learn how to use your LinkedIn, Twitter or even Facebook... to become a client magnet
Plus, you'll also see me sharing ideas on things you can do
To reach your first or next $10,000
Everything I share here is what's worked for me and some of my students (who are now doing very well for themselves)
And if you implement what you learn (consistently)...
I'm confident you'll love the results.
Resource #10: Mini-Video Series
Daily habits of a well-paid Copywriter
(Mindset, Productivity & More) —3 short videos
There's a saying that goes something like this:
"If you want to be great at anything....Study the greats.... and then...Copy some (if not all) of what they did"
That's why I included this resource.
3 short videos where you'll see me explaining....
Some of the life-changing habits I picked up from my Copywriting hero Gary Halbert
For every habit I mention....
I explain why it's important
And how you can easily adopt each one...
To put yourself on track to becoming the very best Copywriter you can be
These are some of the habits that helped me go from obscurity to where I am today.
Adopt even just a few of them....
And you'll be surprised how much progress you can make in very little time
Resource #11
5-Step Implementation CheckList
Use this simple "Step-by-Step" Guide to implement everything you Learn inside The F.C.I Program
Sure enough...
The F.C.I is easy to understand (very beginner friendly...)
And everything is self explanatory to the point where...
You can implement and get results without needing anybody to look over your shoulders.
But I like to simplify things for new members...
And I don't want you to get "stuck or overwhelmed" when it comes to knowing where to start, or what to do...
That's why I included this 5-page implementation checklist for you...
To give you an actionable guide on how to study — and implement what you'll be learning... (from start to finish...)
This way, you're making as much daily progress as you need... to get the kind of results you seek.
Resource #12
Access: Private F.C.I Members-Area
Ask Questions, Get Help on your Projects... and Interact with Dozens of Amazing Copywriters who are happy to help You Day by Day...
Call it our little support group.
The F.C.I members areas is a private group where you can ask any questions you may have
And get answers from either me
Or anyone of my students ...
As you'll see... it's more than just a support group
We're really just like a small, happy family...
Where every member wants to see the other person win
And I'm confident you'll love it here.
Now... if you've checked out everything
And you really want to join us...
Then the next question on your mind is probably...
"How much to enroll for the F.C.I class of 2022?"
Good question....
And I'll give you the answer in just a minute (I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see the price...)
But first...
I want to give you everything you'll need to succeed on this path...
A comprehensive copywriting education that will serve you for life...
Including (but not limited to) ... when you choose to start your own company or forge your own business partnerships.
And on that basis...
Here's a few bonuses I thought you might need
Bonus Resource ##0
Your blueprint for Coming up with Powerful Big Ideas, Creating Unique Mechanisms & Constructing Irresistible Offers that make you a hero to your clients (With Case Studies & Examples)

Ask any A-list Copywriter, and they'll tell you..
As far as Copywriting goes...
You' don't start eating the juicy apples
Until you understand the trinity of ...
Big ideas, unique mechanisms and the art of constructing superior, irresistible, no-brainer offers ...
That's why I included this bonus for you:
Inside The Big idea blueprint, you'll discover what big ideas, unique mechanisms and S.I.N offers are
Including why they're so crucial to the success of every project you touch...
And very importantly...
How you can come up with the most effective big ideas, unique mechanisms and offers ....
To get amazing results for your clients.
Bonus Resource #1
Emotional Storytelling at it's Finest
How the World's Top Copywriters "Craft" Emotional Stories That Turn "Skeptics" into Paying Customers.

Storytelling is easily the most powerful technique you can use to get results as a Copywriter...
Especially when you're writing to strangers who are just hearing about you (or your client's product) for the first time....
But all stories are NOT created equal.
There's a certain kind of storytelling technique that's been proven in numerous tests ...
To be more effective in making customers buy a product.
And as a result... making the copywriters who use it very "high in demand"
In this brief bonus material...
I'll show you what this simple storytelling techniuqe is...
Including how you can use it to turn ordinary everyday events into .... captivating real-life stories
That put your prospects in the right emotional state
To respond positively to what you write
Simply put:
If you're good at telling stories that make people buy, you'll make far more money than if you weren't good at it.
Bonus Resource #2:
Not sure what Niche to Focus on?
Let's help you Pick a Profitable Niche 15-minutes or Less...
If you're just getting into Copywriting for the first time...
It can be tough picking a niche
And that's because almost every niche is lucrative in it's own right
But don't worry...
If you're not sure what niche to start with (or focus on)
We'll help you pick one you can easily focus on
And in addition ...
We'll also guide you through the process of making your first $1,000 in your niche...
This way, everything you're doing is geared towards ...
Building your credibility and reputation as an expert Copywriter in your niche (rather than a "jack of all trades")
Bonus Resource #3:
If you want to specialize in writing Short Emails, Here's a short Video Guide on "Email Creatives" That pay $50 or More, per Email.

Emails are kinda the easiest way to get your start as a Copywriter
They're short and easy to write
Plus, if you've never written copy before...
You just might find email copywriting to be...
The simplest way for you to start making money with what you learn inside The Foreign Copywriting Initiative, Class of 2022...
Before you finally start taking on bigger gigs like long-form sales letters and "funnel building" projects.
And if that's where you want to specialize for now...
Or you'd just like to add emails to the list of things you help your clients with ....
This bonus video tells you all you need to know
About the kind of email creatives for which clients are willing to pay up to $50 or more, per email.
This section is short and straight to the point
But you'll find it very helpful ... especially if you've never been paid to write emails (...or anything else) before.
Bonus Resource #4:
Facebook And Google Compliance Guide (Writing Compliant Ads That get Approved) With dozens of examples you can "Model")

Writing ad copy that runs "trouble-free" on Facebook and Google is a goldmine for Copywriters who "know what to do"
Sometimes, your clients might offer to pay you additional fees to write their ads for them..
(It might even be the first project you take on for them)
And when that time comes...
You want to be able to say...
"Yes, I know how to write compliant ads"
Most ads never even see the light of the day because they're not compliant with Facebook and Google's policies
But when you understand how to write compliant ads that get approved and run profitably....
You become a hero to your clients (or would-be clients)
That's why I included this section for you...
There's just 2 documents
Short and sweet...
Easy to read... and easy to understand
One for Facebook, and the other for Google
Both with simple guidelines (up to date) ... on what kind of ad copy (and creative) works for each platform ...
What compliance rules to keep in mind (as a Copywriter)...
Along with examples of ads (from different niches)
That you can model (or use for inspiration)
When writing ads for your clients (or yourself.. should you choose to start your own business)
Bonus Resource #5:
Simple Guide for Discovery Calls with New Clients
(How to prepare, Questions to ask, Naming your price.. Addressing common objections... Answering Questions... Closing the deal... etc)
If you're not 100% sure what a discovery call is...
It's simply a video call (via Zoom, Skype or GoogleMeet) you get on with your client ...
Before you start working with them officially.
And the truth is...
If you've never been on a discovery call before
It can be scary... not knowing what to expect or what to say
Totally understandable.
But if that's you...
Then you're going to find the information in this guide very helpful.
I've been fortunate to get on quite a number of discovery calls myself...
And what you'll find in this guide is what's worked for me (and many of my students...)
Simply put:
Whether you're a beginner or intermediate...
You'll be able to use what you learn here to "ace" discovery calls with new clients ... without feeling inadequate.
Bonus Resource #6:
Copy resources and Swipes
To make your work easier...
And inspire you to Greatness....

Want to become a bloody good Copywriter?
Make a habit of studying controls and winners
(That is... some of the greatest stuff, written by some of the best Copywriters who ever lived...)
Stuff like this can be hard to find...
Especially if you're just getting started.
But the good news is...
I've invested (and still invest) thousands of dollars in Masterminds and coaching programs that give me access to some of the best performing sales letters in history...
Stuff you'll never get access to unless "you belong in certain circles..."
And I've taken the pain to pick out some of the very best ones...
Controls & winners that pulled $100s of millions in sales...
Past and very recent stuff.
And as you'll see...
Just studying these letters (how I recommend you study them)
Will help you sharpen your skills in ways that help you attract more clients...
And gives you all the confidence you need....
To create huge winners for your clients
Plus, build your reputation, as a copywriter to reckon with.
And 1x Monthly Live Calls with Me:
Copy breakdowns, "Q & A" Sessions, and the Recordings from every Call

On these calls, you can ask me anything
But more than that...
There's quite a lot you'll be learning too
For example:
I might pick a winning sales letter and dissect it live
So you see why it worked
And how you can take some of the elements of that letter and use it to "up your game"
Or it could be something else...
Like how to write emails that get into the primary tab (very few copywriters understand this... but once you know how it works... you'll be in much more demand)
Or I might show you something I'm working on
And answer any questions you may have
About why I settled on a particular headline / email subject line ... Or my thought process behind a particular offer...
Whatever it is...
If you can make it to these calls (once a month...)
I'm confident you'll learn something that will be useful to you... (one way or another...)
And even if you can't attend these calls (for reasons beyond your control...)
You'll always have access to the recordings inside the members area.
So that's it.
As you can see, what I've tried to do is give you everything you'll need to succeed on this path...
Along with the guidance and support too
Plus... these resources are easy to study
There's even a guide on how to study (and implement)
To make it as easy as possible for you
So you're not confused on where to start...
Or what to do next
And remember, if you ever have any questions...
All you have to do is reach out in the members-area
And you'll have your questions answered...
Either by me... or any one of my students.
So that's it...
Everything outlined above is what you're getting when you join us today.
Now, to the question of…
"How Much to Enroll
...for the F.C.I Class of 2022?"
Before I tell you how much you're investing to join us today...
There's one more thing I'd like to say...
You see, before I discovered this skill (... and started making money with it...)
A lot of people didn't take me seriously .... And almost everyone who knew me felt like I was wasting my life away...
If you've ever been ridiculed because "you don't have money" ... because you don't have a job... or because you're still "sitting" in your parents house...
Then you know it's a position nobody wants to be in
My story is fairly consistent with the story of many of my students who once struggled (and were once ridiculed...)
But are now making thousands of dollars every month in writing fees alone
Today, we have an earning capacity (and lifestyle freedom) most people can only dream of...
All because we made a decision to change our story.
One of my students who's barely one year into Copywriting is already making plans to move her family into a bigger place
Another one, Eben... has since relocated to the U.K (with money he made in writing fees alone, as a Copywriter)
I mean, this guy had 2 degrees in Engineering.. but wasn't even earning anything to write home about....
But he discovered Copywriting, put in the work ... and his story changed for good.
Just like the 100s of others whose lives have been transformed by the invaluable information inside The FCI...
Anyway, my guess is...
You didn't get to this page by coincidence...
On one hand...
Maybe you were just curious to see what you'll find here
But on the other hand...
It's possible you're here because ...
Something in you keeps saying you deserve better, that you can have a better life, and that...
The Last Chapter of Your Life
...Has Not Been Written Yet
That you can prove the naysayers wrong
Everyone who now doubts and ridicules you...
Even treating you with disrespect ...
Simply because things don't seem to be going well for you just yet (and they think you have nothing to offer...)
But that voice keeps telling you things can get better
That same voice brought you here today...
And if you're the kind of person I think you are..
Fed up of where you are now...
And ready to change your story for good
I want to tell you you're on the right track
This stuff changed my life. (I have no idea where I'd be today if I didn't discover Copywriting).
I'm confident it can do the same (even more) for you
And if you take advantage of everything I'm putting at your disposal today...
It won't be long until you look back and realize you have a completely new level of personal income and lifestyle freedom...
And I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join us
On that basis...
Let's talk about ... how much you're investing to join The Foreign Copywriting Initiative today:
If we’re going to set a fair price for this
It shouldn’t be for anything less than $1,000
And even then...
It'd still be an out-and-out bargain
After all, this is the same program that's helped dozens of beginners crack their first $10,000...
And just one client more could cover for your sign-up fee (and you still have some change left to play with...)
So yeah... $1,000 would be a great bargain
See it as making a prudent investment that will come roaring back in multiple folds...
But I realize not everyone interested in joining us today will have $1,000 to invest right away....
Plus, I want to make this as affordable as possible for anyone interested in doing the kind of writing I do for a living...
That's why today ( ...until we raise the price)
I'm making this opportunity available to you...
For $100 (=N=49,000) only
Just one client through the FCI (eg: a gig for $1,000), and you've recouped your investment several times over...
And that's just one client...
The more you write, the more money you can make.
You know...
Many people will borrow just to impress others
They'll empty their bank accounts (even borrow lots more) to invest in ponzi schemes that promise fast gains ... or overnight riches...
But when it comes to investing in something that can actually change their lives for good...
Something that can lead them to true, lasting financial freedom (for them and their loved ones)
They'll say they don't have money (because it doesn't promise fast gains... or overnight riches...)
Then they look back 5years or 10-years down the line...
And realize they're still stuck with a life they hate.
It's at this point ....
That many people start wishing they did the right thing earlier
Anyway, I'm not here to tell you what to do with your money
...or your life for that matter.
I'm sure you're old enough to know what's good for you
And if you'd rather pass on this, that's fine, no pressure
But if you'd like to join us today through this special deal
It would be nice to have you on board
However, before you sign up, please note :
No Money-back Guarantees
(For Any Reason.)
As you can see, I've put a lot of work into this program
The testimonials you see on this page give you an idea just how valuable the F.C.I is...
I could easily charge $1,000 for this
Yet, I'm making it available at a ridiculously low-price
To make it easily accessible for anyone interested...
To help as many people who need this
But that's about the best I can do
Many people buy a course and never even bother to open it
Talk more of implementing what's inside
Then one day... they just wake up and ask for a refund
Too bad.
Long story short: I don't do money-back guarantees.
Everything I've offered you today is exactly what you're getting....
I have unshakable confidence in what I teach
And if you consistently implement what you learn, I'm confident you'll love the results.
But still.... no money-back guarantees.
You're either ready to go all the way, or you're not.
If you don't like it, feel free to pass on this deal
There are many other Copywriting teachers who offer money-back guarantees, you can learn from them.
But if you're okay with the no-refunds policy...
And you're ready to get started...
On your path to becoming a well-paid Copywriter...
Working with well-paying clients...
And living just the kind of life you've always wanted...
With enough money to take better care of yourself and your loved ones... (and prove the naysers wrong)
Click the black button below to get started today
Andy Mukolo,
Creator, The Foreign Copywriting Initiative
Got any Questions?
I'll Try to Answer Them Here:
When is this Program Starting?
Or has it Started Already?
It's actually an online program that's available so long as this page is live.
Anytime you join, you'll have access to the materials and resources as promised above.
And you won't have to worry about missing out
Because even the live calls (and review sessios) will be recorded ... and you'll have access to them inside the members area.
Plus, if you have any questions, you'll always get answers inside the members area too.
What if I'm not Good at writing?
Or I've Never been paid to write?

Already told ya it doesn't matter.
But just as a reminder...
Most of my students started out with zero experience...
Like... they knew nothing about Copywriting
And had never been paid a single dollar to write anything before...
Yet... today.... they're making a lot of money in writing fees
Guess what?
They're not any smarter than you...
So if they could use what I shared with them to get results...
I'm confident you can do the same...
And who knows...
You'll probably go on to make more money than some of them
*What if I have a job...
Can I do this part-time.. On the side?
Yep, you can.
You can set aside weekends, or your spare-time...
At least 1-3 hours a day is a good start....
But this doesn't take away the fact that you'll have to put in the necessary work to make things happen.
My point is, even if you're doing this as a side hustle,
You have to be serious and implement what you learn (even if it's just a few hours daily for a start...)
Otherwise, please don't sign up.
How Long until I land my first Client?
I can easily tell you that you'll land a $3,000 client in your first month,
And I have proof to back up that kind of claim
In fact, some of the testimonials you see on this page are from regular beginners who got their first client before they finished going through the materials in the FCI
But I'd be lying if I said I knew exactly when you'd land your first client through the F.C.I.
The only thing I can assure you is:
If you focus on implementing (ruthlessly and patiently) what I show you,
You will get paying clients (... upwards of $1,000 per project ... and lots more ... as demand for your work grows) Probably much sooner than you expect.
*How Long Do You Think It Will Take Me to Finish Going through The Materials . . .before I start implementing ??
I'd say 14-days.... (that's the average time it takes most of my students ...)
But then...
What I've learned in all my years of teaching is:
People learn differently
So it might take you more or less (than 14-days) , depending on your learning speed...
But the good thing is...
Everything inside the F.C.I is easy to understand...
So I'd say go at your own pace (... using the implementation guide made available for you inside the program)
And if you have any questions...
Don't hesitate to ask inside the members area
We'll be there for you...
To provide answers and feedback...
To help you make progress daily (using what you learn inside the program)...
This way, you're getting everything out of the invaluable information at your disposal.
Should I be Worried that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Replace Copywriters in a few years time?
Here's what Seth Godin said during during an Interview at The Ad WORLD Conference 2021
(He's one of the most respected experts in our business)
"Is AI going to replace us? Mediocre copywriters or creatives are doomed. Extraordinary, off-the-charts, unpredictable, remarkable work will be really hard for AI to do. It always has been"
And here's what Stefan Georgi, One of the top 3 active Copywriters alive.. Had to say about this on Instagram:
The one thing people lose sight of is the art of persuasion is universal. Learning to be a great copywriter means learning to be great at sales. These same skills will be highly valuable to you no matter what you do in the future. So this is another reason it may make sense to continue studying and mastering copy:
Make sense?
So as long as your goal is to become a world-class copywriter...
And you understand that Copywriting is more than just writing
But a skill that will serve you for life
I don't think you should be worried one bit
And just to add...
Do you think Artificial Intelligence will be able to tackle sales objections the way you'd do it very effectively (with empathy) ... As a human Copywriter with blood running through your veins?
Think about it.
I really want This... But I Can't Afford The Sign-Up Fee Right NOW, How Else Can I Learn From YOU ....While I try to Raise The Money?
If you can't afford the sign-up fee at the moment,
There's a lot of valuable information on Copywriting and Marketing you'll find on...
My blog, my Twitter timeline and in my emails
For my blog, check out,
My Twitter handle is @andy_mukolo
And for my emails...
You can check out (... if you're not already subscribed...)
Hundreds of people take what they learn from my blogs, tweets and emails and they're getting incredible results for themselves
And if you're a serious person...I'm confident you can follow in their footsteps...
By implementing what you learn from my blog, emails, and Twitter handle.
Can I reach out to you Privately
.... if I have questions?
Unless it is a matter of life and death.
Please SEND ALL YOUR QUESTIONS to the "members area"
Because when you ask your questions in the members areas
Everyone else benefits from the answers that follow (either from me... or any one of my students...)
But when you're reaching out to me privately...
You're the only one benefitting.
Not good.
For How Long will I have Access to This program (And Everything Else you've Promised) ... Once I Sign Up Today ??
How does lifetime access sound?
Not bad right?
Hopefully, these answers were helpful
And if you're still interested in joining us...
To get all the guidance and support you'll need...
To become a well-paid Copywriter...
And have the kind of life you've always wanted...
All you have to do is click the black button below
I'll see you inside.
I'm not going to bullshit you and tell you the price is going up after tomorrow night.
Truth is, whether or not the price increases depends on me.
If I ever see the need to increase the price, I'll do so on my terms... and whatever the new price is...
Whether it's $250 or $500 or even $1,000...
It'd still be a steal...
Compared to what this program can do for you.
Whatever you decide... I wish you all the best.

Amber Bartek
God Bless you Andy, Thanks so much for all the help. You're a Godsend!

Eben Chidike
I started trading my Copywriting skills towards the end of 2018. And I got great help from Andy. Within 6 months, I made my first N1million writing Amazon Product copy for a Florida based marketing agency. Since then, it's been an amazing journey for me. The advantage of earning in dollars is enormous. I encourage you to work with foreign clients .... And Andy can show you how to do that.

Dean Jackson
copywriter, rep. of ireland
Andy is one of my go-to copywriting guys. When I started out,I was just absorbing his free content and picking his brain for copy knowledge. I was learning so much from that, that I decided I should try his paid content.Having already studied a couple of copywriting books and covering a few courses, I felt I still got a TON of value from his paid content. Knowledge I didn’t find elsewhere. And that wasn’t even the best part… He helped me in choosing a niche, Gave me extra resources to study, Gave me pointers on getting my first client, And was available to answer any questions I had on acquiring clients. Andy is a top copywriter, and a great guy to top it off. If you get the chance to learn from, or work with Andy in any way, You’d be a fool to not take it.

Mohammed Jimoh
freelance Copywriter
March 29, after the immediate lockdown of major cities I knew I had to do something… And I was lucky because Andy launched his Foreign Copywriting Initiative Course that week. I didn’t doubt his credibility for a second since I read his emails and tweets daily..So I figured if the best trains me I’d attain my desired outcome quicker. Learning this skill from Andy is my best decision this year.My favourite moment was closing a foreign client using the simple strategies in his FCI course… A client I still work with till date. Andy isn’t only the most sought after copywriter in Nigeria, he’s the best teacher and that’s why his students produce results.There’s a ton of fantastic things to write…But I’m grateful my path crossed with Andy’s

Michael Addit
What impresses me the most about Andy, is the kind of results his students and clients are getting. Its always from one testimonial to the other with him.

Wole Ogunlade
former head of growth, voguepay
Hiring Andy to work with me on one of my projects was one of the best business decisions I made in 2019.

phil geraghty
crowdfunder uk
I love your email, Andy. You have a gift for words

Elise Dopson
peak freelance
I put a tweet out asking for the best copywriters and you were mentioned. I’d love to chat with you for ~30 mins or so about the copywriting formula you have pinned to your profile, plus some other bits like finding clients, building a reputation as a great copywriter, etc.

Ikem Chris
property hub
A little tweak on one of my real estate ad copy and I was able to close home deals worth over N300m (with N14M in Commissions) — within few months after so many trials and errors. I usually call him a PSYCHO! Andy is Gold.

Benahili Ojeme
media buyer and advertisng consultant
Excellent teacher! — and the testimonials he gets everyday from people on his mailing list, his coaching program, social media , blog readers, etc. prove this. Andy is also very generous and selfless — That's why on his blog, he shares some of the best advice he gives members of his paid list. He wants literally everyone to live a good life. Whether you're an affiliate marketer, copywriter, ecommerce business owner, or anything really, you can benefit from his teachings

Golibe Ilechukwu
freelance copywriter
Andy helped me make my first $2000 off twitter alone as a Copywriter.... And I've NOT looked back since then... Lord Andy (as I fondly call him) not only gave me wonderful PDFs to digest & make money from my bed... He did two things which are beyond that: (1.) He gave me a listening ear any time I had one issue or the other especially with paying client (2). He gave me a community. From that community, I met people with who I grew in the copywriting industry. This is really invaluable.

Bright Djeje
freelance Copywriter
I make at least $2,000 every month writing and that's thanks to Andy. Andy Mukolo is not just a very good copywriter, he's the best and if there's anybody to teach copywriting and how to make money with it, it's Andy. Don't think twice when it's Andy, just do it.

Rachel Austin
freelance copywriter
Confused, clueless and without direction... I discovered Andy Mukolo at a very low point in my life. But the insane value I got from his tweets, emails and courses pointed me towards a lucrative path. And through Andy's help, I went from confused and clueless to landing my first paying client of over N100,000 in less than 100 days after I started learning Copywriting. I can think of no better guide in your path to financial freedom than Andy Mukolo. He's a mental giant and a selfless teacher.

Chimfoun D.
freelance Copywriter
When I grabbed the FCI, I never knew I was laying the right foundation for my internet marketing I applied the knowledge I got from your course in the promotion of my information product and made my first ₦100,000 online. Thank you Andy, you are a great teacher.

Joel Obafemi
freelance copywriter
I made over a million naira within 5 months simply by writing words that Andy taught me to write. Not having to be a born writer got me qualified as a candidate for his program. Andy said if I can write a simple sentence like this one, then I had what I needed to earn money on my own terms. I’ll be forever grateful to Andy for showing me this path.

Segun Samuel
freelance Copywriter
and facebook ads strategist
I didn’t know Copywriting was this valuable, Until I purchased Andy Mukolo’s FCI course. The truth is, I was skeptical at first…And that’s because I had no previous experience on Copywriting or salesmanship. But as I copied and pasted every template Andy gave us in the programme, Within my first month, I landed my first two clients ( in the coaching niche)…Then another, and another… And now, the rest is history. If you’re very serious about mastering Copywriting and making a great living with this skill, While enjoying the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, And getting heavily paid to do it… Andy Mukolo is your plug.

Oluwafemi Ojo
freelance copywriter
I didn’t I have been a copywriter for over 2 years but going through the FCI course is a refreshing experience that money can't buy. Nothing much to say here, but I want to assure you that God Bless you ma (I don't know if you believe in God's blessings from the tone of your emails.... but who cares?) God Bles you still lol. Thank you again

Nonso Emetoh
freelance Copywriter
I've been able to generate over N20M in revenue for the business writing home runs in health. Generally, I've helped health businesses here in Nigeria and Singapore break their controls resulting in over $50,000 in revenue....while also raking thousands in upfront and percentage per sale fees. Being under your tutelage was the lighter I needed to take my life serious as a writer.
3 New Clients From LinkedIn!
(All MONTHLY Retainers...)

3 New Clients From Twitter,
Plus a Lucrative YouTube Project
For a U.S Army Official >

Got the Opportunity to work with Top Financial Publisher, Banyan Hill Publishing!

New Client Blown Away by his Email Pitch, Replies and Asks for His Rates Immediately!

She Closed a New Client on her First Attempt at Client Acquisition!

Nathaniel Lands A New Client
without even Sending an Email or DM!

When an Innovative Supplement Company Wants to "Hire and Pay" You To Write Copy

A N100,000 Monthly Retainer, Royalties and a Vacation to any Country in The World

Got his investment Back in Less Than 1-week of signing Up!

New Writing Role For Multinational Financial Institution

More Testimonials....

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- Expertnaire is NOT a marketing or advertising agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.
- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Mr. Andy Mukolo, the product's vendor.
- This product is NOT covered by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy. The vendor states explicitly that there is no money back guarantee for this product as seen here.
- Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
- All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
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