after helping a Super Affiliate hit 10,000,000 in just 30 Days,  

This Facebook ad expert finally wants to show you how to sell more offers…


With His...

Facebook Ads to Whatsapp Lead Generation Blueprint!

  • You do not need to spend more to sell more…
  • You do not need to waste money on traffic sources like WhatsApp TVs and Facebook ad gooroos that do not deliver…
  • And You can now get as many as 70 to 100 prospective buyers to your list on a DAILY basis!

"We got 217 leads in 24 hours!"

Caleb Nwaneka  // Expertnaire Super Affiliate.

Lagos, Nigeria. 

March, 2022.

Imagine this…

You work hard to create a very good product that sure solves a budding problem…

Paid a good graphics designer to help you design your flyers...

You even got someone to help you build a good landing page and set up a nice funnel for you…

You go an extra mile for your offer to be irresistible and powerful…

Enough bonuses and incentives to make them take that buying decision…..

And just when you decide to release the offer to your WhatsApp list…

You are faced with…

No sale!

Then you realize that the majority of people on your list are either your friends or family…

And they are just there to support you…

Infact, the ones that are not your family….

….either do not have enough money to get your offer…

…Or are just not ready to get it.

In the end, all you are left with is a failed campaign and…

Big Regret!

  • But do you know all of these can be avoided?
  • And would you love to find out how?

If you answered yes to that question… 

Then sit back and shut out every distraction around you…

Because in the next three minutes, I'll show you how you can:

  • Set Up Your Own Facebook leads generation Ad that brings in 70-100 Quality Leads to your WhatsApp DM every day at a Super Low Cost
  • Massively Increase Your Status Views thereby getting more eyes on Any Digital Product you are selling or promoting
  • Drive prospective buyers on your WhatsApp list to see your offer on a daily basis
  • Get More sales Everyday because you generate Leads Everyday

I will show you how to do all of these in a moment…

Because let's face it.

If you sell anything at all on Whatsapp, then:

Traffic Is the Blood Of Your Business!

And you should be focused on getting enough quality leads streaming into your dm steadily…

Even Bruno Nwogu, the Einstein of marketing agrees with this;

Without enough quality traffic…

Without enough quality people seeing what you sell, you will end up making little or no sales at all….

Your offer becomes useless…

All your money spent on the campaign is lost just like that..

And worse, your business can even crash and you eventually go broke!


The MORE people you show your offer to, the BIGGER your chances of selling out!

Here's a quick illustration for you to understand it better:

Let's say you have a list of 50 people who can see your offer…

And you sell a product of #5000.

How many percentage of these people will you need to see your product - before you can get 50 sales and make #250,000?



Before you can make just #250,000 from a #5k offer….

You will need all 50 persons on your list to see your offer and pay for it.

Which is almost impossible in marketing.

Because some will see it and pass…

While some others will get interested, but won't have the money at that moment…

But what about this?

You have the same product worth of #5000…

But this time around, you have a list of 500 people to show your offer too.

Again, how many percentage of people needs to see your offer and buy before you make 50 =sales and #250,000?

Just 10% of your total list!

Which totally makes sense.

Since 500 people are seeing your offer, you only need 50 of them to make that purchase.

In fact, by increasing your conversion rate from 10% to 15% (just 5% increase)...

Either through an irresistible and improved offer…

Or by improving your sales message better…

You get a total of 75 sales!

That is #350,000 worth of sales!

An extra #125k by just increasing your conversion rate!

That's the beauty of having a large number of prospective buyers trooping to your dm on a DAILY basis!

And in a minute, you will see how you can start getting these large numbers into your dm daily… 

But first… 

I need to introduce myself to you properly…

My name is Victory Odewingwe

I am one of the top Facebook ads specialists in Nigeria

and I have helped several of my clients and students generate quality leads from Facebook to Whatsapp - worth millions of naira…

Like Caleb Nwaneka, a top affiliate who made over #10million on Whatsapp selling to the traffic source I kept generating for him everyday for a month…

I helped Caleb get quality people into his WhatsApp list for 30 days…

All he had to do was show them his offer….

In the end, here is what he said about me

"Victory is very good at what he does. In just one month of managing my campaign. I was able to generate over #10 million from my affiliate marketing business. He's one of the best out there"

Caleb Nwaneka  // Expertnaire Super Affiliate.

Caleb is not my only top client that sings my praises…

Another 8-figure marketer agrees with the fact that I am awesome at what I do..

"When it comes to Facebook ads, Victory is the go to guy. He knows his onions. He has been working with for me for months now and the QUALITY of the leads I get for my digital products are top notch."

Joy Agbim  // 8-Figure Digital Marketer

And my clients are not just the only ones who say I am good..

I also have students that I have trained….

And showed my strategies to…

Who have gone ahead to generate massive leads for themselves.

One of them is Cajetan… 

He generated over 570 leads in just 3 days using my strategies…

And he has this to say.

And he is not the only one…

Tumise, another of my students, was struggling to get potential buyers into his WhatsApp list…

But all that changed when I taught him my strategies….

In less than 24 hours, he generated over 50 prospective buyers into his WhatsApp dm…

And he couldn't contain his joy in my dm

Now, you also can take the same strategies I gave Cajetan and Tumise to generate more leads daily… 

And this is how you can turn your sales game around…

Get new and ready-to-buy people from Facebook into your WhatsApp daily..

Hit more sales and sell more of your offers too…

And contrary to what you might believe…

You do not need to overspend  on your ads to achieve this.

Neither do you have to lose your money without getting any result…

Infact Olakunle, who is also one of my students, proved that point…

….when he already made over 40k from a 3k ad spend!!!

Even Victory attested to how possible it is to hit 1000 leads in 10 days with just a daily spend of #2000 to #3000 only!

And just for me to be clear, my strategies are for only marketers who want to sell to a lot of people on WhatsApp.

So if you are =>

  • An affiliate marketer
  • A digital marketer
  • Or you just sell Any Digital Product on WhatsApp 

Then let me introduce you to my….

Facebook Ads to Whatsapp Lead Generation Blueprint!

Where you will discover how to drive potential leads from Facebook straight to your WhatsApp…

…Using the exact strategies I used to get results for my clients and my students!

And with this blueprint,  you will not need to:

  • Spend a crazy amount of money on ad costs and ad budgets alone. You can simply divert that money into something more important.
  • Pay WhatsApp TVs to run ads for you that don't convert.
  • Use contact gains and buy VCL File contacts that end up not viewing your status
  • Spam Groups and DMs to grow your Audience… or even

  • Use WhatsApp hacks that don't work or give results..

You will finally stop wasting your time chasing after freebie seekers instead of getting hot and quality Lead

Instead, you'll drive quality traffic to your WhatsApp everyday by setting up EFFECTIVE Facebook ads - using the same strategies I use - over and over again…

Just like Joshua here already made 200k from a 55k ad spend

About 4x returns:

But I need to warn you:

You will not get results:-

  • If you get this blueprint and you do not implement what is inside…
  • If you are not ready to spend money - no matter how small - on Facebook ads.

The point is, you need to be ready to implement whatever you learn…

And implementing means spending money to bring in leads…

But that should not be a concern for you…

Because you know you get to make double or even triple what you spend on ads as ROI.

Clear on that?


Now here's what you get from the Blueprint:

In module 1, you will be introduced to the concept of lead generation…

You will discover how to select a good lead magnet that will bring your exact target audience…

And you will learn how to put together a lead magnet that will draw massive leads into your DM.

But that's not all..

In module 2, you will learn how to set up your Facebook page, business manager and your ads account the right way…

Because, unknown to many people…

There's a way you need to set up your account for you to properly run ads…

And this module is dedicated to showing you just that.

And then the real work begins in module 3.

Here you'll be learning:

  • How to come up with crazily good ad copy that pulls your target audience - through creative research
  • Hacks on how to ethically Spy on Other Successful Marketers
  • How to double the amount of leads you get with several Targeting Techniques (SGT strategy, custom and lookalike audiences)... PLUS
  • How to design your Ad Image or Video with several case studies and examples of what to look out for.

Now if you don't have a website, you don't need to worry..

Because in module 4, you will see how to create a setup even without a website…

You will watch as I set up a campaign from scratch and you'll discover exactly how to generate tons of leads with your ads

Even without a website.

And if you do have a website…

Then module 5 is definitely for you!

Here, you get to see how to:

  • Design high converting landing pages using various preset templates.
  • Track everyone that comes to your landing page using the Facebook pixel setup.
  • Ethically steal what all top Digital product creators and affiliates use to set up their conversion ads.... PLUS
  • You will see how I set up my live campaigns that keeps generating over 200 leads in a day...

Like this one,

And that's not all.

Even though this blueprint is already full of value and worth every dime I charge for it…

I  figured out there are still some  valuable tools you will need to make everything easy for you…

Which is why I have decided to give you Four bonuses alongside the blueprint for FREE.

And because they are free doesn't make them not valuable… 

Infact, the total cost of these bonuses is over #25,000…

But since it will make your work easy for you, which is what I want, then I am going to give them to you absolutely free!

That being said, here are the four bonuses:

Bonus 1: WhatsApp Automation toolkit.

How do you cope with a sudden influx of new leads into your WhatsApp?


This tool will automatically help you save contacts and reply messages on WhatsApp so you do not get overwhelmed with having to save hundreds of contacts at a stretch.

This tool is worth N7500 but it comes as a free bonus when you get this blueprint today.

Bonus 2: Access to my Private Support group of Facebook ads specialists who are driving leads to the WhatsApp daily

Just in case you get stuck in your implementation…

Or everything looks like a big puzzle to you…

Or you just need an expert's view on a particular angle…

Then this group will be there to serve your needs.

In there, you can drop questions anytime and get swift response from competent Facebook Ads experts 

This ensures that no one is left behind in the aspect of implementation.

Access into the support group is costs #10,000 but you get this absolutely free when you get the guide today.

Bonus 3: How to Resolve All Facebook Ads Payment issues and pay with any Master or Visa Card

If you ever have any issues with your payment method…

Either because of a bank policy…

Or a government's decree on payments or transfers…

This guide will show you how to resolve the issue easily

And this is part of what you get absolutely free today!


Bonus 4: A blueprint on How to Resolve Disabled Ad account issues

No matter how careful you are with your ads, Facebook will definitely ban your ad account at some point…

Either because of a random mistake…

Or even because of a new policy you didn't hear of.

If that happens, you do not need to get worried.

With this blueprint, you will see how to resolve any issue related to account bans and disabled accounts in a very fast way…

This blueprint alone is worth #5000 but it's all yours for free today as soon as you get the blueprint

All these bonuses are structured such that they fit into everything you will need to find this blueprint easy to you…

Just like it was so easy for Collins here…

But then here comes the question:

How much is the blueprint?

Before I tell you the price… 

Let's talk about how much it would cost you to run an effective ads campaign.

You see, for you to employ the service of a good Facebook ads specialist…

You will need to pay at least #50,000 as their service charge alone.

And then prepare a minimum of #100,000 for your ads budget.

Still, this does not guarantee that your ads will deliver results…

Because you can easily fall into the hands of ads gooroos who are only using the trial and error method…

Which means you are taking a risk with your whole ads cost…

And the outcome could go either way…

But what if you hire someone like me who has a proven track record of getting you the result you want?

Well, because of how good my results are, my charges are nothing below #100,000

Which makes me quite non-affordable for just any marketer…

And even if you have the money to hire me…

There is no guarantee that you will get hold of me immediately.

Here's what I mean:

You see, because of how diligent I take my work, and the amount of clients I get in a month…

I only take on four to five campaigns monthly…

And I am sometimes booked down for weeks

Which simply means, anyone who wants to hire my service will have to wait till I can clear up my schedule…

And I don't think you have that kind of time to waste…

Which is one of the reasons why I created this blueprint for you…

So that, even if you can't get my services personally..

You can simply take my own strategies, apply it by yourself and get an identical result.

So if you look at it that way, you get to "hire me" without having to hire me.

How much now do you think this will really cost you?

I'll save you the stress of thinking.

To get access to the Facebook Ads to Whatsapp Lead Generation Blueprint…


  • access to my Private Support group (Worth N10,000)
  • My WhatsApp Automation Blueprint (Worth N7500)
  • Facebook Ads course on How to Resolve Disabled Ad account issues (Worth N5000)

And finally

  • A guide on how to Resolve All Facebook Ads Payment issues and pay with any Master or Visa Card.

…You won't be paying #120,000, which is what my clients pay to hire my services…

You won't even pay half of it…

Not even #25,000, which is the total worth of the bonuses alone…


You get access to the blueprint and all included bonuses at just #20,000 only!

Now this is everything someone got that made him declare that he robbed me!

And I think I share his opinion too.

This blueprint is too valuable to be priced at such a ridiculous price…

Or why do you think Akpove called it a great course at a cheap rate?

Still, I will let you "rob" me for now.

But I can't promise that the price will not change in the possible future…

I can decide to increase the price in a week…

Or in a month.

Or even tomorrow night.

And since it's my course, I think I have the authority to change the price so as to match the value.

But of course...

You can still get it right now for just #20,000 only!

Before you get this blueprint…

So what is it gonna be?

Are you going to close this page and forget everything you read here?

Forget that you were ever shown the way to get constant buyers into your DM…

Forget that you were offered an opportunity to double your profits on a weekly basis…

Heck, forget that you were even shown how to play the game that top affiliate and digital marketers play….

Are you going to ignore all of these?

Or are you going to take that chance now?!

That one opportunity to sell out your offer within days or even hours of announcing it on your status…

That chance for you to take part in top affiliate challenges and also become one of the super affiliates…

You can now get back at those who said marketing was not for you by making your six months profits in just 30 days…

You can even pepper the naysayers who once told you that you were doing your marketing wrongly…

And while you are at it…

You are making cool cash for yourself as a marketer…

Enough to scale up your business/brand and take it to the next level…

Enough to take care of your personal needs and even enough to send to your parents and loved ones….

Sounds like what you want?

Click on the button below and get your access into the  blueprint now.

And immediately you click on that button above, you will see the flutterwave payment page looking at you.

Pay and after successful payment.

Wait for like 5 seconds depending on your network.

You will be redirected to my dm with a preset message…

After which you will receive a message almost immediately which will contain your unique link to the course..

That’s it.

You are in automatically…

I’ll see you inside

Victory Odemwingie

Still here?

Let's have a quick Q&A then!

Victory, I haven't run a Facebook ad before, do you think this course is for me?

See, no matter the level of your experience in Facebook ads, this course is specifically designed to suit that level.

Infact, if for anything, complete beginners will find the course more fun and easy to implement.

That's how I created it.

Do I need any special device to get results with this blueprint?

No. Definitely not.

As long as you have a smartphone, and you can read this message on that smartphone…

Then you have all you need.

Can I help other marketers run their Facebook ads and get paid for it if I learn it from this blueprint?


That totally depends on you.

But if you are confident enough to take what you learn, implement it for someone else, get results and get paid for it…

Then by all means go for it.

For how long do I have access to the blueprint?

It's a lifetime access.

Last question, can I get the course right now?


You can get it right now, right here!


  • The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
  • Expertnaire is NOT a marketing or advertising agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services.
  • Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
  • This product is created and sold by Victory Odewingwe, the product's vendor.
  • This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
  • Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
  • All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
  • All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.
  • Your information will be provided to the product's vendor upon successful completion of this sale.

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