So You Have An Email List? Now, Let's Impregnate It!"

YES! Give Me 15 Minutes, And I Will Show You How To IMPLANT "BUYING DESIRE" In The Minds Of Your Subscribers Using Just Emails.

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  • Even if you only have a TINY email list.
  •'re not "native English speaking" like they mocked me back then.
  • Or you don't even have an email list just yet.
  • Or the mere thought of writing letters always gives you the hibbie-jibbies, ever since you wrote your high school crush and she showed it to everyone.
  • Or you're just a wet-eared newbie, and you wondering why ANYBODY would even listen to you in the first place.
  • Or maybe you're really just another burnt-out oldie whose list has gone silent on him, and the fish are no longer bitin'...

It doesn't matter if you're under so much pressure right now...

Maybe you're desperate to make money -before you go broke and are forced to return to that day job you hate.

IF you have an email list, no matter how small...

I can show yo how to change your story, almost overnight.

"A million dollars in 7 months!"

I was doing reasonably well in my Business without Much effort into email marketing, but then when I met Waju, and that's where the journey was fast-tracked, his coaching, and email copy made our Saas Business do Million Dollars in transaction in few Months. Waju's coaching & Product is meant for ONLY  Profit-Hungry Entrepreneurs

- Mohammed A.

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I've already decided I'm not going to put a cuntdown timer on this sales letter to aggravate your inner FOMO. Nah. This is not that day, homie.

There's a louder clock in your head already, telling you DAILY how far behind on your dreams you are -or not.

(Can you hear it? I hear mine when I climb upstairs and plop into bed.)

And if you aren't living with that pressure daily, I respectfully ask that you walk away from the BUY button NOW.

This offer is for ready minds and hearts.


From the Desk of: Waju Abraham

Somewhere in the Mid-West, USA

Here's the deal...

I wrote a book on email copywriting in 2020. It's titled Email Sorcery, and it is on Amazon for $97. But don't buy it right now. Relax.

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Being the incurable perfectionist, I realize there's so much more to email copywriting than a 200-page bible can capture.

So what I have done is make an ugly video course on the book.

Inside, I go into deeper pains to break down the exact same concepts that helped me build a $100,000/month coaching business with seksy little emails that make men beg.

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How do you say "no" to that???

I have also added a few more modules, that I missed in the book. 

IF you will implement these secrets, this video course can potentially make you rich(er) faster and less painfully.

All for just $197 -with amazing bonuses.


Now, here's what many do not understand...

The ONE thing that makes people buy and buy again from you ...

Is the same thing that makes them breathe and breathe again -even if some diabetic dude just farted nearby.

And if your emails are done right (the way I will show you), you can get your subscribers buying from you again and again like clockwork.

Here's what I mean...

  • Contrary to what you were told, buying is like breathing. People do it without thinking.
  • Thinking faculties are actually shut down.
  • Spending is loss. Humans hate loss. The only way they get themselves to spend is to STOP THINKING.
  • They will wait out in freezing cold to buy from anyone who can suspend their thinking with well-crafted attraction messaging. 
"Like Crackheads Waiting

On Their Dealer -In The Cold..."

If you've ever bought candy you didn't need, with money meant for textbooks as a kid, you're no different.

We weren't thinking. We said "Fook it!" and bought it -even if we regretted it later.

That's how ALL humans are wired.

If you want to finally start selling like crazy with emails, you must master how to suspend thought aka hypnotize -on command...

Then you "impregnate" them with buying desire.

The question is...

"How Does One Acquire This Superpower?"

Hey, look! Here's a human noodle!

If you ever sent out emails that failed miserably, it happened because you were talking to their "Thinking Brain".

Now pay attention...

Your subscriber's rational brain is where all the marketing goblins that hate you lurk.

- Fear


- Unbelief.

- Second Guessing.

- Analysis Paralysis

- Price Comparison.

- Forgetfulness.

- Procrastination.

- Just saying NO -even if they need it badly.

They screaming invisibly at your prospect, telling the, not to buy -even when they need it badly.

Most marketing messages are at the mercy of these Monsters of the Mind.

"And You Can't Win That Battle"
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If however, you can find a way to SNEAK PAST these "alarm bells" of the mind... 

And make it past the Palace Guard of emotions (Limbic Brain)...

Then you can plant BUY COMMANDS in their "third heaven" (lizard brain), and go to sleep.

Even if you shut down your business and go into hiding, they will hunt you down just to hand you their money.

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My Video Masterclass Reveals How To Bury "BUY NOW" Commands In The Mind Of Your Subscribers...

So Deep, They Will Be Thinking Of You When They Get Up To Pee At Night.

I mean, hypothetically getting messages like these out of the blue...

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Err...Full Disclaimer.

Results NOT Typical!

I know (almost) every word in this letter by heart. At no point did I promise you will develop my Jedi skills overnight.

I'm not promising you'll turn your list into a horde of hippie werewolves howling to the moon at night.

Matter of fact, I'm not "promising" anything at all. 

I don't know you or your state of mind. I don't know if you're one of those losers who need to fap in a sock before they get out of bed every morning.

This course will do you no good if you never implement the secrets I show you inside, or IF (eeew) you don't have an email list.

This ain't another course you buy and store in your hard drive just so you can say Waju is your mentor.

There's a lot of inner-work required to pull this off.

Some people get this from the get-go and start making bank, and some need weeks...maybe months to get in shape and start seeing results.

If this terrifies you, I urge you to save your money for your landlord.

Anyhoo...Here's What You Will Discover In Email Sorcery Video Masterclass.

Originally, this was a book I launched in 2020 (did I say this already?) and at least one of my students has made a MILLION DOLLARS implementing it. The book is on Amazon for $97.

But my inner perfectionist is never satisfied, you see. I found a lot of things I wanted to expand on but I didn't want to write another book.

So what I have done is to expand on everything in a bunch of videos I made from my kitchen table.

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Just a bunch of ugly videos that can make you more money than you know what to do with -IF you implement them.

I have broken down more concepts that aren't in the book, and added a few more modules.

Things like...

  • A neat and doable, no-code protocol for avoiding the great email graveyard aka promotion folderYou can forget about sales and just go back to your day job -IF you miss this.
  • How to stand out in the primary folder with a weak headline among emails from BIG competitors and famous gurus.
  • The underdog approach to winning affiliate contests, competing against gurus with bigger clout, fame and pockets.
  • 5 EMAIL SINS all the bottom-feeders are committing daily that keep them forever at the bottom of the profit ladder and hating those who are doing better than them.
  • The ancient secret, pirated by Harvard Professors and sold as big ticket courses for hypnotizing any audience in seconds -with just written text.
  • How to perform CPR on a dead list and start making money AGAIN in 24 hours.
  • Houdini's dark secret that kept the whole world spellbound for 50 years.
  • How to activate buyer mode in the subconscious of your subscriber with just your welcome email.
  • How to turn 5% of your subscribers into your brand evangelists for FREE with a simple email designed for that very purpose.
  • An illogical and reverse engineered strategy for using your writer's block to actually 10X your email career. Those who claim to never experience writer's block remain in perpetual mediocrity, while you just zoom higher and higher.

And there's more...

"How About $2997 In
BONUS Case Studies?"

No! I'm not really that "nice".

This is just a flat out, mother-hugging bribe to get you to take a chance, and BET  on yourself -for once!

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"A $3000 in 24 hours" Case Study

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"How to open a closed mind" case study.

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"$10k from a TINY list" case study.

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"$960 Email" case study.

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"Make em laugh 'n' Take My Money" case study.

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"How to beacon untapped niches" case study.

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"How to craft a southpaw headline punch" case study.

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"CIA-style water-board" case study.

"PLUS...You Also Get My

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Just Plug n Play

I've had this sequence for years. It is so loaded, I have only ever used like 10% of it.

If you hate daily work, and yo have an affiliate gig going, you can just bite the bullet and do this hard work once and for all. Customize the emails (of course) to your taste, and then set them up once and forever.

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My $97 Book
-For FREE!

This book is actually $97 on Amazon. ¯_(ツ)_/¯. 

Yayyy for you. I'm giving you the PDF version so you can read, print, underline...kiss...even lick it as you work your way to better, profitable emails!

There's tons and tons of gems to learn in these case studies and I will keep updating them indefinitely.

Definitely worth every penny of their $2997 value. But you can cop em all today for just FREE, when you grab Email Sorcery Video Masterclass.

Everything is designed to help you embed your messaging in their minds...

"Like Syphilis In The Brain..."

This course is for you if...

  • You experience impostor syndrome with sending emails.
  • You have tried selling with emails, and failed -and it still hurts.
  • You have an email list -no matter how tiny(One of my lists has only 380 subscribers and it makes me a humble $4000-$7,000)
  • You've burned out your list, and they no longer respond or BUY.
  • You can't get people to open your emails, no matter what headline you steal from successful gurus.
  • Your emails get opened, but that's it. Nobody's buyin!
  • You believe in email marketing. You've seen people with results, and you can't wait to be like them someday.
  • You have a list but you don't know what to say to them.
  • You have a great offer, but you're not sure where to start selling in emails.
  • You failed high-school English, and you haven't forgiven yourself enough to take writing seriously again.

This is not a hard sell. The ONLY Question Is...

"Can You Show Up -DAILY?"

I type a good portion of my emails on the toilet. In the early hours before the family is awake and dragging Daddy everywhere but to my Mac.

Some, I type last minute as I hit the sack. Takes me 15 minutes to whack out, and then I schedule it for the next morning.

But the greater majority of my emails, I type on my kitchen table. Which is why I decided to shoot the trainings from my sinful kitchen table. (I eat there, work there even though I have an office, and I have ALSO been known to do some other unspeakable things there too. Wink. Wink)

"But You Don't NEED

A Kitchen Table"

You might even be sleeping on the bare floor for the moment, like I was, a few years back in Nigeria.

Yes! I slept on this thin, bed-bug infested blanket (on cold concrete) for 18 months in Lagos, Nigeria.

But if you have an email list...or the ability to build one fast (I will teach you for that), the secrets I unmask in Email Sorcery can change your story in a matter of months.

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Normally N498,000

NOW N98,999


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"Screw Guarantees"

You'll spend the money on something else anyway. And you'll still be where you were before you paid 'em!

Stressed. Overworked. Unappreciated. Hemmed in between a landlord, and an electric bill.

So buy this course, anyway.

Honestly, the ONLY way on earth I will issue a refund is if you quit on yourself, dump your dreams, and tell me you're going back to die at your nasty day job.

If you do that and have a public notary sign it, I WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY. I promise.

But to tell me Email Sorcery doesn't work??? C'mon, get outta here!

Long story short?

"Have Some Darn Faith In Yourself"

I made all this email mullah despite being from a non-native English thpeaking country, so what's your excuse???


You either want to bet yourself -or you don't.

I'm not gonna push it.

If you're still thinking about buying this course, it means you really need it. So why not do the next natural thing a person who LOVES themselves do.


Give yourself 6 mont...

Nah! That's too long. If you need 6 months to make this work, you either have daddy issues or you're hurting from a heartbreak you won't let go of.

Give yourself WEEKS -if you have a list. Days, even.

And give yourself 90 days, if you're just getting started building an email list.

Whichever you are, just do the work, and you could potentially be smiling to the bank in weeks.

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best email copywriting course, waju abraham, best email marketing expert, best freelance email marketer


What You're Gettin'"

(Abridged Version)

  • A neat and doable, no-code protocol for avoiding the great email graveyard aka promotion folderYou can forget about sales and just go back to your day job -IF you miss this.
  • How to stand out in the primary folder with a weak headline among emails from BIG competitors and famous gurus.
  • The underdog approach to winning affiliate contests, competing against gurus with bigger clout, fame and pockets.
  • 5 EMAIL SINS all the bottom-feeders are committing daily that keep them forever at the bottom of the profit ladder and hating those who are doing better than them.
  • The ancient secret, pirated by Harvard Professors and sold as big ticket courses for hypnotizing any audience in seconds -with just written text.
  • How to perform CPR on a dead list and start making money AGAIN in 24 hours.
  • Houdini's dark secret that kept the whole world spellbound for 50 years.
  • How to activate buyer mode in the subconscious of your subscriber with just your welcome email.
  • How to turn 5% of your subscribers into your brand evangelists for FREE with a simple email designed for that very purpose.
  • An illogical and reverse engineered strategy for using your writer's block to actually 10X your email career. Those who claim to never experience writer's block remain in perpetual mediocrity, while you just zoom higher and higher.

"And Then There's


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best email copywriting course, waju abraham, best email marketing expert, best freelance email marketer2

"And More


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Just Plug n Play

I've had this sequence for years. It is so loaded, I have only ever used like 10% of it.

If you hate daily work, and yo have an affiliate gig going, you can just bite the bullet and do this hard work once and for all. Customize the emails (of course) to your taste, and then set them up once and forever.

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My $97 Book
-For FREE!

This book is actually $97 on Amazon. ¯_(ツ)_/¯. 

Yayyy for you. I'm giving you the PDF version so you can read, print, underline...kiss...even lick it as you work your way to better, profitable emails!

Normally N498,000

NOW N98,999

"Why So Cheap?"

Because Balablooo.

But more importantly, because I know you will be back to hire me to fast track you.

You're going to enjoy this training so much, you'll almost want to move in with me. (But I won't allow it. Lol.)

Instead, I'll offer you one of my my more hands-on opportunities. That's where I charge in $$$$.

But not everybody needs my coaching offers, you see? Some are able to hit their revenue goals with just my book and course alone. 

That's why I am charging a ridiculous N98,999 today. (Even though this course goes for $497 in the international market)

Might raise the fees. Might not. But better safe than sorry.

So, stop reading and secure your access today -while you still can.

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Normally N498,000

NOW N98,999

"One Last Thing
Before I Let You Go!"

Know the #1 best way to handle an objection???

Kill it before it spawns.

What many don't realize...

The #1 reason people raise objections is BECAUSE THEY CAN.

Picture this...

Some dude (or chick) has had a hard day, week, month, year...even a hard life.

Everything has them browbeaten, suplexed and dejected. Not just the problem you solve. NOthing has gone their way this year.

Everything has said NO to them. From their dreams, girlfriends, to their old friends, to their siblings -even their childhood.

Even their wife had a headache objection, the last time they tried.

She's not given him 🗣 in a year.

He's mad, frustrated, bitter...


And hurt people hurt people, so he's on the prowl, looking for someone to say "NO" to in revenge.

Then comes along a guru, selling a solution with great promise. 


That tired, angry, suplexed and dejected human has just discovered an opportunity to say "NO" to someone/something -for godamn once.

To hurt "life" back...(even if they NEED the solution).

Are they gonna seize it?

You betchur ass they will. 

Most will anyway. It is therapeutic. A moment of power for them in their current misery.

And you will lose that sale....

Unless you can prevent it -before they think it. (I'm whispering this. Can ya hear it?)

Unless, you're able to nip that shit in the bud. Way before it manifests as a thought bubble that farts through their lips.

This is what I teach my students.

This is what you will discover in my Email Sorcery Masterclass.

Say NO To NO
In Your Business

I've already decided I'm not going to put a cuntdown timer on this sales letter to inspire your inner FOMO. Nah. This is not that day, my dear.

After all, there's a LOUDER clock in your head already, telling you how far behind on your dreams you are -or not.

(Can you hear it? I hear mine when I climb upstairs and plop on the bed.)

If you aren't living with that pressure DAILY, then I insist this program is not for you...And I respectfully ask that you walk away from the BUY button NOW.

This offer is for ready minds and hearts.

"So If Your Revenue Sucks"

If you've read this far...

If you've laughed or sighed at anything in this letter...

EMAIL SORCERY is for you.

You have the highest potential of succeeding with it.

There's no point "mind-twistin" you into making a purchase...

Or threatening fire and brimstone if you delay.

Your dreams are delayed enough already. 

(And life can't wait)

Our kids can't wait.

Our loved ones can't wait.

And if you still have paws and maws, they can't wait either, to see you become what they always suspected you'd become.

The time is now (Unless they were wrong about you)

Grab Email Sorcery NOW.

Or keep things the way they've always been.

And keep everyone who believes in you (including me) wondering if they were wrong about you.

Your move.

Normally N498,000

NOW N98,999


Click your favorite question to see my radical answers.

Will This Serve Me? I Don't Have A List.

Does This Work For Affiliate or Ecom

Freelancer Here. Will This Help Me Serve Clients Better? Or Is It Just For Personal Selling?

I Like Your Style, Waju. Can I Be Your Friend?



  • The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
  • Expertnaire is NOT a marketing or advertising agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services.
  • Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
  • This product is created and sold by Waju Abraham, the product's vendor.
  • This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
  • Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
  • All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
  • All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.
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