Are you having any of these problems when you run ads on Facebook?


So you log in to your Facebook Ad Account to see this:

Or this:

Or this:

This is your 3rd Facebook ad account that has been banned in 2 weeks!

Meanwhile, your ad just started performing 

And you just started getting new customers. 

You're now wondering what led to Facebook banning your ad account. 

Or why they refuse to let your ads run.

You ask questions.

But all the answers you get are unclear. 

Was it because you violated one of their policies with your ads? 

You don't know.

Was it because they've rejected too many of your ads recently and they just decided to reject this one by default?

You have no Idea.

Sometimes they don't even provide a solid reason!

You're back to square one again.

I know the feeling. 

And it can be bad. 

The first time it happened to one of my ad accounts I couldn't sleep at night.

I kept wondering what I had done wrong. 






I felt all of these things. 

Running ads on Facebook is tiring.

It's hard to write. 

When you eventually write it, it might not even be allowed to run. 

If it's allowed to run, Facebook might wake up tomorrow and stop the ad. 

If they don't stop the ad, you might wake up in 2 months to see your Facebook ad account has been banned for no reason. 

It's crazy!

But what's even crazier is you might even have some money in the ad account.



Everything went into thin air. 

But hold on... 

Maybe none of this has happened to you yet. 

You're new to selling online and you're trying to expand your business by bringing in more customers. 

Your friend or mentor suggests Facebook Ads. 

But you read somewhere online how Facebook bans ad accounts for no reason. 

Here's this guy talking about

Facebook banning his ad account even before he ran a single ad. 


You're scared already!

But I know you're willing to try. 

But above all, you want to get it right. 

So you try to ask questions, buy Facebook courses, pay for mentorship, join different email lists... 

But somehow nothing works. 

Well, Here's How To Run Facebook Ads That Not Only Convert Like Crazy,

But Also Hijack All Your Competitors' Customers In 2022... 

even with the IOS15 upgrade, rising ad costs, Facebook's strictness, and constantly changing policies.

Hi there,


My name is Emmanuel Adiotu.


And within the past 4 years, I've spent around 10 million Naira running ads on Facebook. 

And that's just for my businesses.

I've also run ads to sell different stuff on Facebook: 


  • Affiliate Marketing programs
  • Business & moneymaking opportunities
  • Immigration
  • IELTS Programs
  • Real estate 

I've done E-commerce on Facebook. 

I've sold jewelry, gadgets, and even toothpaste. 

Now that's aside working on ads and setting up funnels for other businesses, individuals and brands selling diverse stuff... 

Including sexual enhancement products. 

But you're the only one I'm sharing this secret with 

Don't tell others.

Now within that period of time, guess what? 

My Facebook ad accounts have probably been banned more than 100 times.


Yes, at least 100 times. 

You're wondering why would someone keep going after getting kicked out of a platform 100 different times?

This is me literally fighting with Facebook every day.

Well, here's the story: 

I made my first million with Facebook.


I made my first 10 million with Facebook.


I've built different email lists where I sell stuff to thousands of people with Facebook.


In fact, I was one of the first guys to make a million naira doing affiliate marketing on Expertnaire.


And I did that with running ads on Facebook.


So despite all the negative comments people make, I still believe Facebook is a goldmine for any serious online marketer. 

Do you think I'm joking?


Here's a recent e-commerce campaign we launched doing N413 CPR for a product of 19,500. 

That means we were spending less than N500 to sell a product of almost 20 thousand Naira. 

Although we had to pause this campaign.


Because the demand was too much and we ran out of products.


And we've had countless campaigns like this.


For example, here's how I grew my friend's struggling e-commerce business to a multimillion cash-generating machine.

And I was paid a measly 300k for my efforts. 

Do you see the joy of running ads on Facebook? 

This is exactly why I love running ads on Facebook 

But then how do you navigate Facebook? 

How do you beat them at their own game? 

Especially considering the fact you can't advertise just any kind of product on Facebook 

Sometimes even when the product is legit and you've done everything according to Facebook's policy, Mark Zuckerberg's long hands still end up catching up with you. 

And this part is always surprising. 

For example, here's one of the complaints got during a live presentation: 

And complaints like this are not unusual. 

We see them every day.

We hear them every day. 

And if you're like me who's always selling one product or another, it happens to us almost every day too. 

People complain about how hard running ads on Facebook is. 

They even say things like "everyone is running away from Facebook". 

That is NOT true. 

Absolutely NOT true! 

Because people keep joining Facebook every single day. 

And lots of advertisers like me keep making millions with Facebook. 

Even most Facebook ad "gurus" would also have you believe advertising on Facebook has gotten harder. 

Or is almost impossible ever since Apple upgraded the iOS. 

Well, the simple truth is if you master Facebook ad marketing as I have, it doesn't matter if Apple upgrades their iOS or not. 

Every week you'll keep smiling to the bank. 

So instead of being scared of your ad not being approved or your ad account being banned, you should instead be bothered about one thing. 

Which is... 

How to set up Facebook ads and ad campaigns that are:

  • Successful & profitable.... and
  • Facebook compliant

And when you can get this right...

You can use it to sell anything:

  • Moneymaking programs
  • Weightloss programs
  • Diets
  • Business opportunities
  • Digital products
  • Even physical products

But here's the major kicker.


With the IOS update, many people are finding it harder to get their ads to run on Facebook. 

Even if they eventually get it to run, many of them end up wasting money... 

Bringing in either low-quality leads. 

Or not even bringing in enough leads to buy their products. 

Now, to get this right, you'll have to learn two things:

  • How to craft simple Facebook ad copies that convert while also ensuring your ad account doesn't get banned.
  • Efficient targeting to get your desired customers willing to spend money on what you're selling.

When you can effectively do two of these, all the problems you used to have in your business:

-  Low Sales

- Low Income

- Low Profits

- Few Customers

...will all become a thing of the past.  

Soon you'll be having so many orders from so many customers you'll be struggling to fulfil them all.


Yes, I can assure you that. 

But then again,

what I just mentioned above are just 2 out of the many topics I've broken down for you in my intensive:

Facebook Ads Made Easy Program for scaling up your business.

The Facebook Ads Made Easy Program is an 8-hour Facebook ads training program broken down into easy-to-watch and simple-to-understand short videos that include: 

  • Understanding Facebook and The Differences Between User and Ad Accounts- This is one of the most important things most newbies miss. It's like Facebook 101 and extremely important. 
  • Setting Up Your Facebook Ad Accounts.

    Every serious business owner has to know how to set up a Facebook Page and Facebook Pixels. These are essential for running your ads and your business. 

You'll also learn how to warm up your Facebook Ad Accounts with dummy ads at the beginning. 

When you do this, you reduce the risk of your account getting banned.

Then we get to the meat of the program:

Facebook Targeting  

This is where I'll be showing you how to use different Audience Insight Tools like Interests and Behaviors to better reach your target audience. 

I'll also show you an effective way to fish for traffic on Facebook with Zero Targeting.

There's also a module covering Facebook Ads Objectives.

Here's where you'll learn everything you need to know about Traffic, Reach and Conversion. 

If you skip any modules, you can't even afford to skip this one. 

The next step is learning how to fund your Ad account with either Naira or dollars.


Here's where I'll be giving you my best ideas and which I think is better. 

But none of this would be important if you don't understand the Facebook Algorithm. 

What leads to Facebook banning your account? 

Why was your account banned? 

Why will your account be banned? 

You'll learn all of this here.

You'll also learn


Ads delivery and also the Facebook Ad Levels 

From The Campaign Level to the Ads Level to the Ad-set Level. 

I'll show you how to create your first ad for test running. 

And this is not a do this or do that approach. 

I'm talking about taking you by hand and guiding you step by step on how to do this. 

I'll also show you the importance of Ad Creatives and how integral they are to your campaign. 

You'll learn how to craft compelling ad creative designs that will grab attention right away and then get your prospect to buy whatever you're selling. 

Now your ad is up and running. 

You're doing well. 

Your business is doing well. 

But you're thinking about expanding. 

You're thinking about bringing in more customers. 

Making more sales. 

This is the time to scale up. 

In this module, you'll learn


And do you know why Retargeting is so important and I want to show you? 

Well, the thing is close to 97% of people who see your ad the first time won't buy. 

And they have lots of reasons not to. 

Retargeting helps you follow up your potential customers without looking aggressive. 

You also learn how to set up Custom Audiences and look alike audiences.

But prospering on Facebook is one thing. 


Knowing how to survive on Facebook is another.  

Facebook has been very strict and aggressive with stopping ads from running and banning ad accounts crazily for the last five years. 

So you need to protect your page, your ad account and yourself. 

Which is why I'll be showing you how to keep your Ad account safe from ban. 

We'll show you how to do this with Linked Data, Networks & Ip 

I've had Facebook ad accounts blocked with my money stuck in there. 

So having gone through the ordeal of my account getting banned lots of times, I've included a simple way to retrieve your banned Ad accounts


I'll also show you how to set up backup Ad accounts as a way to plan ahead just incase something happens. 

You don't want to lose momentum or begin afresh when your account is banned. 

You want to prepare for any eventuality. 

I'll also show you how to run direct WhatsApp DM Facebook Ads and so much more. 

Remember when I told you at the beginning of this page that when you learn how to run ads that convert on Facebook you'll be able to use it to sell both digital and physical products, yeah? 

Well just to make it even easier for you, when you get the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program,

I'll be giving you 4 special bonuses: 

BONUS #1: done for you template for selling physical products and doing e-commerce. 

This is a simple template I used to generate close to 10 million Naira during the Covid-19 pandemic selling just toothpaste. 

It's a simple plug and play template for even complete newbies.

You don't need to be an advanced online marketer to use it. 

What's more?

I'll show you how to use it to milk millions selling physical products from the comfort of your bedroom. 

Now the second bonus is also special.

BONUS #2: Simple Affiliate Funnels. 

It's a module on how to build simple affiliate funnels for selling digital products and earning big commissions from them. 

I've made millions from affiliate marketing 

(Insert images) 

So whatever you're getting from me is something that has been tested and certified to work. 

BONUS #3: my simple & special blueprint for spying on your competitor's winning ads.  

Remember at the beginning of this letter when I told you I'd show you how to hijack your competitors customers? 

Well, when you get the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program you also get my simple & special blueprint for spying on your competitor's winning ads. 

You'll also learn how to use the information you've gotten from these winning ads to craft your own ad campaigns that will blow your competition out of the water. 

You'll be like this lady

The only difference is you don't get caught 

BONUS #4: How To Run High Profitable Instagram Ads.  

There are 3 reasons I'm adding this bonus: 

1. Instagram is owned by Meta (the parent company that owns Facebook too) and typically you can make your Facebook ad also run on Instagram. 

But there's an issue. 

You see, every single ad platform has differences. 

So even if you set up a winning Facebook ad, you'd have to optimize it to fit into Instagram's algorithm for it to be able to do well. 

2. This course will teach you how to set up highly profitable Instagram Ads with your phone. 

Yes, with just your phone. 

And as for number 3, this course has helped different people I know make millions selling different products online. 

(Insert if testimonial) 

So you see why you can't afford not to get it.

And yes I know I promised you 4 bonuses, but it just came to my mind to make this offer even more special for you by giving you something more. 

Now there's something that happens on Facebook


When you've spent serious sums of money running ads, you receive a call directly from Facebook's office. 

Facebook tells their ad experts to call you and schedule a strategy session. 

The idea of this session is to improve the conversion rate of your ads. 

Now how many times do you think I've been on this strategy sessions? 

I won't tell you.


But as an extra special bonus, I'll be sharing 3 different strategy sessions with 3 different ad experts directly from Facebook's office. 

So when you get the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program and everything it contains, you'll be getting 5 extra bonuses:

  • My 10 Million Naira personal e-commerce template for generating millions selling physical products
  • A simple funnel building guide for setting up funnels to sell digital products even as an affiliate.
  • A simple blueprint for swiping your competitors' ideas and hijacking their customers.
  • The High Profitable Instagram Ads Course people have used to make millions selling stuff online: This course will teach you how to set up highly profitable Instagram Ads with your phone. 
  • And 3 different strategy sessions with 3 different ad experts from Facebook's office.

I'll also share with you a live Question and Answer segment I held with my students. 

We're talking about real life examples and questions answered. 

This should help you answer any questions you might have related to Facebook.


And remember what you'll be learning on the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program includes:

  • Understanding Facebook and Facebook User & Ad accounts.
  • Setting Up Your Facebook Ad Accounts (Naira & dollar ad accounts)
  • Setting up Facebook Page and Facebook Pixels
  • Warming up Your Facebook Ad Accounts with Dummy Ads.
  • Facebook Targeting
  • And how to use Audience Tools like Interests and Behaviors to improve your conversions.
  • You'll also be learning Zero Targeting and how to use it to improve your customer search.
  • You'll also be learning Facebook Ads Objectives Including Traffic, engagement, lead generation and Conversion campaign.
  • You'll learn how to easily fund your Ad account ( whether in dollar or Naira)
  • I'll help you understand the Facebook Algorithm and Ads delivery.
  • You'll also understand The Facebook Ad levels from the Campaign Level to the Ads Level to the Ad-set Level.
  • I'll show you how to create your first Ad.
  • I'll show you how to create simple powerful and compelling Ad Creatives for your campaigns.
  • I'll show you how can increase your customers by increasing the number of people who see what you're selling daily. You'll do this by scaling up. 
  • You'll learn how to set up retargeting campaigns, custom audience and lookalike audience.
  • You'll also learn how to keeping your Ad account safe from ban by using linked data, networks & Ip
  • You'll also learn how to simply retrieve your banned Facebook Ad accounts while also protecting yourself in future by setting up backup Ad accounts.

And you'll get all of this for just N35,000.

Now I'm not asking you to rush and get the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program immediately. 

In fact, I want you to listen to what other people are saying about learning ads from me before you make any decision. 

Now some people wonder why am I so obsessed with running ads on Facebook?

Two reasons.


And there are: 

1. Competitive advantage

Facebook has 1.88 billion daily active users.


That's over 26% of the world's population. 

There's a reason why it's the most popular social network in the world. 

But the bigger reason why advertising on Facebook works leads us to number 2.

2. Reduced Intrusiveness

See, people come on social media to be informed or entertained or just be distracted.


Advertising on Facebook is like those boutiques with see-through glass doors & their goods on display.


It tells people to "come and buy" without being forceful (something Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like)


Facebook's Advertising rules might be hard.


But it works soundly for people who use the major ideas in copywriting & direct response in their marketing: 

  • Grabbing attention
  • Holding interest
  • Uniqueness
  • Understanding Your Audience
  • Targeting

Which is why I dedicated different sections in the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program discussing every single one of this in detail.

With that said, click the button below to get the Facebook Ads Made Easy Program and its accompanying bonuses for just N35,000.

Your business will thank you for it.




Total Value- #350,000

Today's Price- #35,000


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  • Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
  • This product is created and sold by Emmanuel Adiotu, the product's vendor.
  • This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
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