Now You Too Can Copy Our 7 Figure Export Business Model That Has Generated Over $495,990 in Export Deals For us and Our Students Through Our Export Business Coaching Program
Automatically Duplicate Our Results, Execute Your First Export Contract In 27 Days From Now Without Guesswork, Irrespective of Your Experience, Knowledge, Background or Location
Let Us Hold You By The Hand and Coach You On How to Start Your $3,000 - $10,000+ Per Month Export Business
Dear New Exporter,
Congratulations! You finally decided to start your export business and you are so passionate about your decision!!! You already dream about when you’ll get your first order and deposit your first Check into your bank account!
But, you don’t have the necessary background skills and experience to start and run this business successfully yet. And you know it.
Plus, you already tried to find some specific information on starting your own export business. You did research on this industry. You visited different blogs and forums, maybe even attended some export seminars and bought some courses, but you just found a lot of high-level information with very little practical start-up instructions or guides. All you’ve learned is a bunch of a theoretical fluff unrelated to your unique case.
Let's be sincere. The fastest and easiest way to start and scale any business is to get a coach. The truth is if you don’t have the right coach to show you exactly what to do when building your export business then your failure is pretty much the only thing that is guaranteed.
You NEED a coach, someone who has built his export business empire and ready to introduce you to his high network of exporters and importers around the world, that are ready to do business with you.
First, Who Am I and Why You Should Listen To Me

My name is Olatunde Wealth and here's one thing I want you to know about me before you even read any other word on this page...
I am the convener of the prestigious export business training in Nigeria, NIGERIA EXPORT WORKSHOP also known as N.E.W. The NIGERIA EXPORT WORKSHOP series is an intensive training facilitated by myself and seasoned exporters in Nigeria who have made millions of naira over the years doing export business in Nigeria.
We have also partnered with different organizations and Chambers of Commerce, including but not limited to Nigeria-American Chamber of Commerce, Lagos Chamber of Commerce, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, EMS, Skyway Aviation Handling Company Limited (SAHCOL), Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO Aviance) and a host of others.
The workshops over the years have also produced successful millionaire-exporters who were novice prior to having access to the same information and opportunity you're about to have access to as well.
I am also the president of African Business & Exporters Network (ABEN), an award-winning B2B export platform that has connected new and experienced exporters in Africa to foreign buyers and facilitated transactions worth over $400,000. (Details about this platform and how you can benefit from it will be revealed to you as you continue reading.)
I have also helped new exporters demystified the export business by showing and mentoring them on how to start export business on a very small scale and making over 200% profits from it using myself and others as a case study.
But You See, It Wasn’t Always Like this For Me…
Just a few years back, precisely in 2000, I was just a fresh SSCE school leaver who wanted to start a business to fund my Tertiary education and be successful. Like most parents in Nigeria, my dad couldn't afford to train me after my secondary school education because he wanted to focus on my siblings who were just starting secondary school.
I sat for Jamb once and passed. I got an admission offer from a Federal University in Nigeria but I had to decline the offer as I was unable to pay the acceptance fee.
My secondary school classmates who were not as brilliant as I was had already gained admission and resumed the first semester at a private university. Their school fees was over N400,000 per semester but it wasn't a problem for them because their dad could afford it.
Meanwhile, my acceptance fee was not even up to N10,000, but my dad couldn't afford it.
My friend continued to make me a laughing stock when I was still still unable to get admission into the University after 2 years because of money. I started thinking of ways to become successful…I was advised to learn a "handwork" and my first attempt in learning a vocational skill would lead me to becoming a computer repair technician.
I learnt it for just 2 months that I was so good at it and started fixing people's computer but never made enough money because I was underpaid and exploited as a teenager. Also, I was not having customers consistently except few referrals from existing customers because only few people and cybercafe had computers at that time.
I knew I had to find another source of income to sustain myself and become successful so I can gain admission.
I started looking for other ways to earn money and that was when I stumbled on something that totally transformed my life forever.
I realized very late, but not too late, that all my friends' dad who were mostly Igbos, were not just into any kind of business but Import and Export Business. I got to know when one of my friend's father was honoured and introduced at a wedding ceremony as "...Chief Ndubuisi Okoroafor, importer and exporter..". That was an eye-opener for me!
In fact, most successful business men I knew were either into importation or exportation of goods. I decided I was going to start my own import and export business. I had to join an export logistics company in Apapa, Lagos just to learn this business.
But I was sent to their ICT department to be fixing their computers because they saw I was very good at it. I tried to follow some of the staff to the Ports to see how products are cleared and exported and hopefully meet some kind exporters who could offer to teach me the business.
But no one wanted to teach me. I later find out that..
Succeeding in export business is a closely guarded secret....and those who were making millions from the business behave as if it's a cult
This continued for several months until I sneaked my way to the seaport at the Nigerian Ports Authority, Apapa, beating the security officers, just to learn more about this export business. I was later apprehended by a custom officer who was surprised to see an innocent-looking young man at a restricted-zone. He raised an alarm that attracted others.
To cut a long story short, the security officers were queried and I was sanctioned. It would have been a very serious case had it been a top custom officer did not bail me out. I told him my intention and he saw my passion to start this business. He decided to link me up with his friend who would coach me on how to start the export business.
His friend was not just a successful importer and exporter, but also the President of ANCLA (Association Of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents). He also happened to be related to one of my past clients. The positive testimonials he heard about my previous work and character convinced him to trust me completely. He generously shared the secrets of succeeding in the export and import business without holding anything back.
I learnt the exportation business rapidly and successfully secured a contract worth N15 million, which would span over a period of three months. At that time, the exchange rate was N115/$1, making it equivalent to $130,434.
But I faced a significant challenge during the execution of the contract.
Due to financial constraints, I decided to seek a joint venture partnership with my boss, hoping it would provide the necessary funding. Unfortunately, I neglected to protect my own interests in the arrangement. As we executed the contract together, my boss used his own funds, and ultimately took advantage of the situation. He siphoned the contract and the buyer to himself, leaving me with only a fraction of the profits, which I can only describe as a "peanut."
I felt cheated and betrayed by this unfortunate turn of events.
I started receiving numerous export deals, but I had to turn them down due to financial limitations and my fear of being cheated again by my boss or any other financier. Instead, I decided to invest the limited funds I received from my first export contract into starting an importation business.
Within a year, my importation business flourished, and I achieved my first million Naira in earnings. I became so interested in the importation business that I almost forgot about the export sector.
I continued importation for a few more years and was smiling to the bank monthly until the unexpected happened. The exchange rate between the Naira and the dollar began to rise, and high import duties started affecting the profitability of my importation business.
I was not making enough profit like before. People couldn't afford to buy things in the market due to inflation. Everywhere you go, you will hear people say "na dollar make am cost", in pidgin English. Then it occurred to me. What If I started earning in dollars through exportation business rather than buying dollar to import goods that I will struggle to sell?
So I went back to the drawing board and reviewed my thinking and my plan of action, and something became obvious to me.
I decided I was going to switch back to export business and I was going to do it in such a way that wont require large capital. I figured out how to start export business on a small scale, I became successful with it within a year and I gradually move to large scale export, over the years.
I was also helping other experienced exporters get contracts and execute them with my knowledge, resources and connection.
But then something made me feel very bad…
Whenever I come online, I see a lot of Nigerians complaining about the economy; blaming the then President, Buhari as the cause of inflation and the high naira-dollar exchange rate.
And to make matters worse, it was officially announced that Nigerians was in recession due to the fall of oil prices globally -Our major source of income as a country, because we were importing more than exporting.
The recession made a lot of Nigerians run from one income opportunity to the next, failing woefully or making peanuts and most getting scammed in MMM, TBC, MLM, HYIP, Forex, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and all the other crap that was pushed down their throat… It is so bad it made my stomach sink.
As a result of the fall of in global oil prices, the Federal Government saw the need for the diversification of the economy and started encouraging export of Non-oil products through agencies and successful exporters like me.
I was contacted by one of these Government agencies to start training Nigerians on how to export. I decided to hold the training online first to see how many people were interested. Over 700 people including infant and experienced exporters from differrent parts of Nigeria and outside Nigeria showed interest and participated in the online training.
They were all happy with the knowledge that was revealed at the training and requested for a physical training.
So, I decided to contact some top seasoned exporters and organization for their support. Together, we hosted the first edition of the NIGERIA EXPORT WORKSHOP (N.E.W).
It was really an intensive training with easy-to-follow, step-by-step BLUEPRINT to help them get started as soon as the following week. All the speakers and organization over-delivered on their promises and we had happy participants who are now successful exporters.
At the end of the training, testimonials started coming…
We have held several editions of the workshop which have produced a remarkable number of new successful exporters who have effectively executed the export contracts we provide on a monthly basis. Now, I want to extend the invitation to you.
If you are reading this page, it means you missed the last workshop. Our goal is to raise at least 100,000 African exporters that will join our network for export contracts and group export.
Though we had participants all over Nigeria and even from Canada, London, South Africa and United States that came to Lagos to attend the workshop, we still had many more people like you who were unable to attend due to one reason or the other but want to be part of our success stories.
In as much as we’d love to host the workshop regularly, the preparations, logistics and busy schedules of the different facilitators would not allow us to do so.
But this is a digital age and anything can be achieved.
The exact code we handed out to our students during our series of workshop has been digitalized so you can access them from anywhere in the world and design your own export business model that will position you as an international trade specialist, doing what you want to be doing ... and, getting paid incredibly well for it.
Export Business Coach
(The First Ever All-in-One 7 figure Export Business Coaching Program in Nigeria)

How Your Life May Be Transformed…
When I cracked the code to a multi-million naira export business, even on a small scale. The next step for me was to dissect the code so I could replicate it again. I did that and designed this coaching program that made myself and other successful exporters millions in the years that followed, for you.
And it doesn't matter your location, even if you live outside Nigeria, you can be part of this coaching program and begin your export business with the training.
- 1LIVE "Over-the-Shoulder" Practical and Easy-to-Follow Video Training
Imagine yourself in a lab with your best lecturer who's very fun, smart and really knows how to explain even the most difficult topics so you understand it clearly? That is what it feels like when you enroll for the Export Business Coach. Myself and other facilitators will be handing over everything we've known and mastered for the last 19 years (collectively) of our export business. Showing you every simple baby step in the whole process. So, pour a drink, sit back and watch as we show you exactly what to do so it will quickly become second nature. - 2A High-Income Skill You Can Turn To For Life
As long as you can do what we teach in the program, you could have a High-Income Skill that will help you to become your own boss and potentially make a great living in Nigeria and of course, anywhere in the world. However, that does NOT mean you don’t need to do work. Within Export Business Coach Program, you WILL need to do work to be able to achieve the maximum results. The good news is that, we have simplified everything for you and how you can do this business part time, without affecting your current job or business.. - 3Priority Access to the Exact Tools/Strategies We Use For Export Business and Live Case Studies
I'm going to take the same tool and strategies that we use in our own export business and hand it over to you. You see, the tools and strategies you use in this business matters. It is like two tailors; one with a blunt scissors and the other with a very sharp one. What i will be giving to you works like a sharp scissors and it is going to help you "zap" your way to success. You will be able to use this "sharp tools" to get the same results i do. I have also made sure this is 100% practical for you. With the Live case studies we will be throwing in too, you will be able to fully understand exactly how to run this business like a boss and start doing $3k - $10k+ per month before the end of next month. - 4Customer Support, Coaching, Followups, Mentorship and Monthly Export Contract Till You Succeed You wouldn't just invest in this course and that is all. We will keep following up on your progress and keep giving out valuable content, opportunities, advise and export contract to you till you start succeeding. Your success as our customer and partner directly reflect the success, mission and vision of our project (African Business and Exporters Network) to help 1,000,000 African businesses do more trade globally and we take it seriously, especially for you our student, so we'll be there for you every step of the way.
Let me tell you a secret....
The Covid-19 Pandemic has been a windfall for African Exporters.
New exporters are turning into millionaires and the average millionaires are turning into multi-millionaires. You could get paid $12,000 to ship/export a 20 ft container, depending on the products.
During the pandeminc, one of my esteemed senior colleagues got an export contract valued at N4 Billion naira ($10 million). Within 7 months, he successfully shipped over 200 containers to Europe, a truly impressive accomplishment. The best part of this contract was, he got advance payment from the buyer after proving his competency and credibility to deliver the product.
His success story, and others, was one out of many export business opportunities that emerged after the pandemic, as reported by BusinessDay.

Also last year, I met a billionaire at an international trade conference outside Nigeria. He shared his secret with me, on how he has been exporting nothing less than 40 containers every month for the past 40 years and also been a beneficiary of the billions of Naira the Federal Government give to exporters as grant, every year, to encourage them.
Now, he cant work again like before because of old age. He asked me to be praying for him so he can live long to continue the export business because his foreign buyers are demanding more from him.
Lately, there has been a surge of foreign companies and buyers looking for steady supply of products from African exporters and are ready to even pay you upfront if you show competency and credibility. This is what the export business coach program is all about.
You will gain competency, credibility and confidence to execute your first or next multi-millionaire export contract.
The African Continental Free Trade Area (Afcfta) agreement signing by Nigeria and other African countries, which was brokered by the African Union (AU) has even made exporting within Africa attractive. The agreement initially requires members to remove tariffs from 90% of goods, allowing free access to commodities, goods, and services across the continent.
Here's Just A Sneak Peak of What You'll Find In The Member's Area
19+ self-paced Straight-to-the-Point video training that will help you accelerate your export business in less than 1 month
(You can decide to watch all at once or choose any of the module videos to watch and quickly implement what you learn to make money and come back to watch the rest)
Module 1
introduction to export business (Value: N27,000)
Module 3
how to package food and label it for export (Value: N30,000)
Module 5
How to get buyers for your exportable products through different export marketing channels (Value: N32,000)
Module 7
how lagos chamber of commerce can help your export business (Value: N30,000)
Module 9
tiger nut exportation – step by step guide on how to export tiger nut –practical class (value: n40,000)
Module 11
small scale export – step by step guide on how to start export business on a small scale using garri and kolanut as a case study 2 practical class and 2 teleclass (value: n60,000)
exploring export opportunities in nigeria and getting support from nigeria-american chamber of commerce (1 practical class) (value: n30,000)
Module 2
export procedures and payment mode (Value: N35,000)
Module 4
different export business opportunities in nigeria (Value: N27,000)
Module 6
common challenges In Exportation Business (Value: N29,000)
Module 8
how to use ems nigeria for export business (Value: N30,000)
Module 10
how to add value and packaging to maximize profits in export and how to penetrate a new export market –practical class (value: n40,000)
Module 12
how to source, package and export charcoal –2 practical class (value: n60,000)
how to do group export with shoptomydoor
(1 practical class) (value: n30,000)
Total value = ₦500,000
Everything you need to get your share of the $150 billion export market!
When you enroll today, you will get instant access to the members area where you can "COPY AND PASTE" the exact export business model that is generating $3k - $10k monthly profits for our super-successful student. You will also have the chance to connect and network with them through our monthly online/physical meetups.
The model and strategies to start your 7 figure export business in the Export Business Coach members area have been simplified to work for you in these 3 simple matter your background, knowledge or qualification.
You don't have to do anything else, just enroll today and copy everything we teach exactly, to achieve result

A digital member's area (updated regularly) that you can log into 24/7 and a community of 7-8 figure exporters who are also going through the course to get support from, network with, etc.

Access to tools, worksheets, PDF summaries, checklists, monthly video trainings, live Q&A, priority access support by phone and chat, consultation and follow up

Physical meeting for practicals, Monthly access to export contracts, opportunities, export financing and group export.
What People Are Saying...

Honestly, N.E.W changed my perspective about the exportation business. My investment in this program all the way from Delta state, where we have several food stuffs wasting and jobless youths on the street, wasn't a waste. Thank you very much Mr. Wealth.
God bless you.
Edeha Anthony (Plantain and Foodstuff Exporter, Delta State)

Yes, Olatunde Wealth talks about exportation business, workshops and opportunities so passionately in my mailbox that you would even think he's talking to you one on one offline
Ade Olasumbo (Lagos)

I read through your mails and I must say I am impressed by your success and decided to learn from you. I enjoyed every bit of the training, it was great and knowledgable. This is my third training from different organizers but the content I got from N.E.W is an eye opener and unique. I appreciate your commitment and mindset toward exporting and encouraging we young ones to partake and be successful in exporting.
Temitayo Park (Wood Exporter, Abuja)

The follow up and the monthly export opportunities I was getting even as a subscriber encouraged me to enroll and I have no regret...Well, I would like the organizers to make this go round the country so that all interested citizens can benefit from it. It will also help our economy and create more jobs.
A.Y Kasfarin (Greenhouse Expert, Ogun State )

This program is an eye opener especially for an industry that is monopolized. Imagine the hidden wealth of bitter kola which I have been missing...This program will help people in my state create job for themselves. I'm thankful I came across this.
Angela Nwokolo (Ministry of Agriculture, Delta)
Video testimonial from 2 foreign buyers (out of many) who came to learn from me.
Testimonial from Mrs. Regina, full-time housewife, mother of 3 from Enugu who is already succeeding with export business
Is This Program Right For You?
Who is this for
Who is this not for
Amazing Bonuses, For Fast Action Takers
If You’re Someone Who Just Gets It And Who Takes Action Right Now, You’ll Also Get These Amazing Bonuses...

Lifetime Exclusive Access to a private Facebook/WhatsApp/Telegram Group
(Value - Priceless)
In this private community, you’ll get access to exclusive contents, on-demand training and opportunity to network with other successful student exporters. Profile of some of the students you will be networking with are, Top bank officials and Staffs, Top Government Agencies, PA to State First Ladies, Permanent Secretaries of Government Ministries, Retired State Chief Judge, Chief Accountants, Doctors, Importers, Exporters, MDs and CEOS of Multinationals, Young graduates, Retired Workers and Pensioners, Agri-business owners, Freight forwarders, Foreign buyers and Nigerians in Diaspora.
And beyond this, you’ll be part of a community who has your back - no matter what. This exclusive group will be filled with students and coaches who’ve made millions with export business. You’ll connect with friends who believe in you, secure partnerships and will help you reach your goals. We will also host several hangouts across the country to unwind, learn and strategize for deals and regular opportunities
When you’re in the private community, you will be more inspired, motivated and unstoppable than ever!
This is an INVITE-ONLY community and can shut down at ANY time. All future students may not get access...
But, for a LIMITED Time - YOU DO..

(Value - Priceless)
Sometimes, no matter how clear a process is, you still may have questions about how to implement it in your own export business. If that happens to you in this course, you’re going to have an opportunity each month to ask your questions to me directly and the rest of the facilitators so that we can answer them live for you on video. I will give you my personal number and I will also store yours so I will know it's you when you call. That way if you hit any roadblocks we’ll be able to bust through them together.
Stuck on your exportable product or ideal buyers? No problem, we’ll talk about it together.
Have questions about receiving payment or documentation? I have answers.
Wondering where to source for a product, freight forwarders, export contracts and form and what lead generation strategy you should try next? Let’s make a plan.
If we can settle it on phone, we will.
If not, we will fix a convenient date so we can meet and thrash it out.

Instant Membership to African Business and Exporters Network (ABEN)
(Value - Priceless)
African Business and Exporters Network (ABEN) is an international platform that connects trusted African businesses, suppliers and exporters to the global market. Membership application is strictly for trusted and competent businesses after verification. By enrolling in this course, you will get instant approval to the network because we know the knowledge you will acquire will make you to be competent for global trade. You will also earn the trust of foreign buyers easily by becoming a member.
Other benefits includes
>>Complimentary ticket to African Business and Exporters Network International Trade Fair and other partners events. This will be the largest export trade fair and conference in Nigeria. You will get a complimentary ticket to attend and also exhibit your products for foreign partnerships. Details will be sent to your email. Ticket value =N45,000
>>Access to ABEN Group Export where we export and ship as a group and share profit according to individual contribution.

Monthly Export Contracts and Financing
(Value - Priceless)
Sometimes, exporters are unable to execute an export contract after securing a deal, especially deals that are worth millions. By investing in th Export Business Coach, you will have the opportunity of getting funding to execute your export contract up to N5 million (T&C applies). Thanks to our growing network of crowdfunders and investors.
So, What's the Investment?
The value you'll be receiving through the individual module alone is worth more than ₦500,000 if purchased separately. However, I believe in delivering exceptional value for a reasonable price. My past students can testify to that. When you consider the additional bonuses, ongoing support, lifetime follow-ups, and monthly export contracts you'll receive, the true value becomes priceless.
In fact, if you were to take each of these comprehensive 14-module online training sessions at a popular Business School in Lagos, they would typically cost ₦2,000,000 per training session. I can confidently say this because myself and other experienced export facilitators in this program have been featured as speakers in similar high-level training programs, where organizations and executives paid that amount for participation.
Furthermore, with this program, you have the advantage of being able to watch each of the module videos and follow the step-by-step process to execute an export contract in as little as 27 days, all on your own.
To summarize, the Export Business Coach Program is worth far more than its price because you'll experience almost instant results while you're still enrolled in the program.
However, the investment required for this program is nowhere near ₦2,000,000 or even half of that. In fact, if you act quickly and join today as one of next 50 success stories, you can access the entire program for less than 10% of the value you'll be receiving.
Secure your spot now and invest in your future for just
₦99,999 only.
But wait!
You don’t have to pay the full price of ₦99,999 to enroll in this coaching program. You can pay just half of it, ₦49,999, if you are lucky to be among the first set of 50 people to order this month... And you don’t have to pay the remaining balance of N50,000 until you’ve made your first export deal with this course.
This incredible offer allows you to start your export journey without the financial burden. But the half price (₦49,999) is only available for the first 50 people automatically, during check out. So, you have to hurry!
So, why am I giving this away at such a HUGE bargain? You must be wondering - “WHAT’S THE CATCH?” Why would I offer such an amazing deal at such a jaw-dropping price? Well, it’s simple.
Honestly - it’s in MY best interest and passion to help you create a killer profitable export business and start earning in hard currency (dollar), as fast as possible.
The simple truth is that when you make a lot of money with this program, you’ll tell other people about this Program and African Business and Exporters Network. And the more successful you are, the more successful and stronger the network will become and we can be able to penetrate into other countries faster.
So, obviously if your success allows you to become a better exporter, the African Business and Exporters Network becomes better and stronger, and I finally get to profit in the future - sounds fair, right?
Don’t miss out on LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the tools you’ll ever need to run a successful commerce business!
Simply click the button below to enroll and make payment with your card online or via bank deposit.
Your Investment (₦99,999)
Half the upfront cost for the first 50 (₦49,999) 3 Slots Left!

What you will get when you enroll right now
WARNING! The price is going up. If you wait and come back later,
you’ll end up paying more for Export Business Coach program. These special discounts ends as soon as the counter hits zero irrespective of the slots remaining...

I am waiting to build a personal relationship with you as I coach and help you succeed in your export business like my past successful students. Enrol now and join me in the members area!
Olatunde Wealth
(African Business and Exporters Network (ABEN))
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Don't be Left Behind: Get Export Business Coach Today!
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. Every single income claim and proof we've shown you today are 100% true as stated on the website but the results are not typical, they are our own collective results from 19 years of being an exporter, some other proof and claims are the results of students that we have coached so their results are also not typical. You cannot expect to experience similar results overnight without doing any work and because we don't know how much time you're willing to commit, how experienced you are or your total performance as a human being, we cannot in any way or form guarantee you'll get our kind of results. In Export Business Coach program, We did our best to make sure what we teach you what is working right now but how you apply it and your experience will be the determining factor on the kind of results you will get, WE DO NOT GUARANTEE ANYTHING. If you have questions, email [email protected]. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.
- The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.
- Expertnaire is NOT a marketing or advertising agency, bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services.
- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Olatunde Wealth, the product's vendor.
- This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.
- Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.
- All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)
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