After 3 years of working with over 40 companies abroad, and making over 50m naira online, 22 year old millionaire reveals;
And how you can do it too, as a total newbie...
Dear Friend,
Before I start telling you of ways I can change your life financially
Which I can
I want you to picture this for a moment
Your best friend is on the roof of your house
Why is he on the roof of your house ....You ask?
You will find out in a minute
You see …my friend
It was his turn to catch pigeon eggs from the ceiling ,so we can sell
And that's when tragedy struck….
His foot slipped
And the next few moments, would be something you would never forget in a hurry
You then ask…
Is that..
Is that my friend…
Your palms begin to feel sweaty
The room has suddenly become hotter
You are trying to figure out…what was that loud sound you heard from the floor….
Your eyes begin to dart around the room , searching for answers
But You end up with Just one thought in the end
How did he end up on the floor…From the roof?
That my dear ,was the the reality of my life at 16 , my mum/breadwinner died…no money was coming in from my dad, I had a younger sister to take care of
And my best friend's fall , just stopped our new stream of income….
that's after I stopped selling iron, and selling beads to survive
Simply put
My life was hell
So believe me when I say
I know what's like to be in the trenches.
I know what's like to be hungry
I know what's like to repeat clothes so much…. that people start calling it "your uniform"
But life's not like that now
I'm a 22 yr old, multi -millionaire..
Top rated plus copywriter on Upwork , and at the dad and younger sister are on a 6 figure salary from me every month

But hey...
You don't have to take my word for it.
Here are some of the folks I showed my simple triple threat system for getting clients...
And this is what they have to say for themselves;
She made over $24,000 so far...

He made over $8,000 so far...

$800 made from a single gig after following my teachings...

Trust me…when I say this
If you follow what I'm telling you to the T
You wouldn't have to worry about money….ever again
And I really want this for you
I want you to experience the freedom that having money brings
I want you to get that new Lexus
Or move in to that new apartment
Or Maybe like Amara …Pay your school fees and live really comfortably in school
You know where it hits you the most….
And I'm all saying is….This is the missing piece in your freelancing journey
My triple threat system is all you need to move to the finances of your dreams in your freelancing journey.
So my friend,
If you have read up to this point
It means only one thing
You want to master how to get foreign clients
I'm talking...
I)How to find them
ii)How to pitch them and get the job on the spot
iii) How to get their Emails
and most importantly...
Iv) How to receive payment in foreign currencies
Its time to answer the fundamental question in your head…
Which is...
What exactly is the triple threat system?
It's no secret.
You have most likely heard it before...
My triple threat system is simply - Upwork, LinkedIn and Cold email
You probably know you could get clients from LinkedIn and doing cold emails
But Upwork ?…..never
I was like that too
The gurus told me I shouldn't be on Upwork….that it's too competitive…and I wouldn't get paid well
I joined
And I discovered the gurus lied
In fact, I have made most of money on Upwork...
About 53 thousand dollars to be exact.
I'm not someone that likes my business out there...
I just want to make money, take care of my family, and travel the world.
But my partner Joseph Don insisted that we put this training together.
After making me see reasons with him, I finally agreed.
So... I want to show you how to do Upwork the right way.
I have distilled everything about my triple threat system from my pitching strategy to how I get clients that just wouldn't stop working with me….and how you can do that too
...without holding anything back
Into what I call...
The Profitable Freelancing Academy

When you get the course...
You would see…it's divided into 3 modules
iii)Cold email
Let me show you what you would learn in each segment
i)How to Create and Verify Your Upwork Account
Here I would show you how to open an Upwork account live and verify it so that you always get paid….
I would also be showing you how to create a persuasive Upwork profile , that get clients on your page without you pitching
Most people do it wrong
ii)How to find the highest paying jobs on Upwork
Let's face it
That's all what we really want…The big payers
I have worked with these guys
I know how they think,
And I will show you how to get them to you…every single time.
iii)How to get great jobs from the best clients - even if you don't have experience!
For a beginner at Upwork
It would be tough to see well paying jobs right off the bat
But …it's possible
And I'm going to showing you the framework of how I did mine…and how you can do yours too
iv) My EXACT Dynamic Pitching Framework and Template that'll get you jobs 90% of the time.
Just so you know
I don't pitch a lot… believe me
But when I pitch…I get the job
Sounds like a bold claim…. right?
And it is...
I'm this bold because….I have lived it
I'm going to be showing you …why your pitches don't get the job…and how to make it better...
I will show you the pitches that got me high paying jobs, so you can model and get jobs yourself…
V)How to turn one-time projects into long-term collaborations
Remember when I told you I don't pitch a lot…right
Part of those reasons is because… ..clients always want to continue working with me.
I'm going to show you how to turn one time jobs to long term collaborations…that pay well.
And so much more….
2) LinkedIn
i)How to create and optimize your LinkedIn profile
This is your first step to making money on LinkedIn
If you get this wrong….even if you send stellar pitches
You won't get the job…..I have seen this play out too many times than I can count.
I don't want you to make those kind of mistakes.
I will also be showing you other LinkedIn profiles …you can model.
ii)How to pair LinkedIn with Upwork to increase your odds of getting jobs you pitch for
Once you can master this
Just know…that Upwork would become your playground
Your personal ATM machine
This is my personal secret for hitting it big every time on Upwork
I'm going to be exposing how to do that in this module….
iii)How to go out and get clients yourself
In this part,
I will be unveiling my connection messages on LinkedIn.
How to follow up your prospects on LinkedIn.
How to get their emails so you can send them cold emails and so much more.
3)Cold Email
I) How to write personalized lines
Listen my friend...
I have written over 10,000 personalized lines.
And I taught my good friend Elohor ,how to do this…and she has made over 25 thousand dollars just by doing this alone.
And this my friend…is why your pitches don't get replies…you don't know how to write personalized lines.
I will show you the difference between great personalized lines, mediocre ones, and the ones that are about absolutely whack…and I will also show you how only write great personalized lines….
ii)How to make sure your emails land in client's inboxes and not their spam folder
If you send a pitch…and it ends up in the spam folder,
Then what's the point?
I'm going to show you how to avoid this …and how you can too.
iii) My EXACT cold email framework and templates that get responses.
This is the best part...
In fact,
I did a 30 mins video in the course explaining the psychology behind my pitches...
How I structure them...
I also show you …how your prospect thinks when he sees your cold email.
Once you are done with this course….you will be armed with everything you need to win in your freelancing journey.
Just so you know...
If I taught you all that,
And we called it a day...
I'm pretty sure….it would be a good value for your money
But….I felt, what more could i add?
There's must be more...
I went back to do some searching….
I found some new things ,I can add so you won't have any excuse not to win
Here are the bonuses….I created for you
1)How to create Upwork projects so clients bring jobs directly to you without pitching.
2)How to pair your cold email with Upwork.
3)How to receive foreign currencies at actual dollar rate.
4)How to position yourself to always get job invites from Upwork.
With all said and done…
I'm sure you must have seen what you have access to if you get the Profitable freelancing academy...
I shared with you…. my story of how this triple threat system I distilled into this course….got me to where I am today.
Now is the time for a decision.
The way I see it….You have 3 options
1)Do absolutely nothing
I think this is pretty self explanatory…it probably means you like where you are…and you don't want to change status quo.
2)Do it Yourself
I used to be like this...
Until I realized that… I was running a useless race
I realized that if I paid people….I would get results faster and better than the person who decided to do it himself…. and take months or probably years …to learn what I would also learn in a course.
Who is wiser in the end?
3.Let me hold you by the hand ,and take you to the promised land.
This is my personal favourite...
It means…You have decided to follow the instructions in this course and in no time start raking in millions for yourself.
And ultimately live the life truly desire and eliminate the struggles you would encounter in this business.
I shouldn't charge anything less than N100,000 for a training like this...
If you wouldn't be opposed to being in the number 3 category for a sum of N35,000...for a limited time
Simply click the green button below.
And I would see you on the other side
P.S - This price point is only valid for a very limited time.
One more thing...
Did I mention that when you get this course, You also get access to our private community?
As at the time of writing this sales letter, about 200 freelancers are already in the group.
What we do here is answer questions, network and provide the necessary support you need to succeed.
You have access to other freelancers who are winning.
This way you stay sharp and inspired.
Looks like something you want?
Hit that green button and get in now

Nothing to see here...Just freelancers like you winning.
$5000 deal closed after implementing what he learnt.

Emmanuel got his first job after implementing what he learnt.

Zainab landed this job after implementing what she learnt.

Client responded after using my cold email framework

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- Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.
- This product is created and sold by Joseph Don & Messiah Ekaette, the product's vendor.
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