How Did This 26-Year-Old Hungry NERD From Lagos Humiliate Age-Old Internet Millionaires With His Special Set Of Stunning Marketing Secrets That Made Him 20 Thousand US Dollars Within 12 Months...While They Greedily Listened To Every Word Coming Out Of His Mouth?

If you would like to know how someone can start with a simple idea...and then...generate over $20,000 in just one year...this is going to be the most interesting message you'll ever read.

Here's why:

On the 6th of March 2020, I was invited to an inner circle meeting of top Expertnaire affiliates at Pelican Hotels, Chevron Drive, Lekki Lagos.

According to the meeting’s order of events, everyone was supposed to stand up turn by turn to share their marketing strategies.

When I stood up to give my speech, I paused for a moment. 

For about fifteen seconds I looked around that table at young ladies and gentlemen, most in their early 20s making as much as 200,000 - 500k weekly. 

And then it hit me! 

At least 75% of the top affiliates gathered here were either my students or members of my mentoring group.

And when each of them stood up to speak, they kept mentioning Bruno, Bruno, Bruno. 

And how he gave them the SECRET. 

But who was this Bruno guy? 

And what was this secret they all kept talking about? 

Well, hello there.

My name is Bruno Nwogu.

And this controversial letter you’re about to read will unveil stunning secrets that have so many internet marketing "Gurus" annoyed…


Up In arms and running for cover!...

Stunning Secrets I Used To Make $20,000 (Yes, you read it right… 20 Thousand US Dollars) Within 12 Months Without Owning A Single Product or Renting A Shop or Buying Any Goods.

And what’s amazing was I did this with just my phone.

But I'll be getting ahead of myself because this isn't where this story starts. 

This story starts on a bus along Mile 2 going to Yaba, Lagos…

"Mile 2, Mile 2, Orile Mile 2, last person"

"My phone!"

“My phone!!” 



“Oh, Jesus!!!"

“Oh, Jesus!!”

My phone had just been snatched from the window of the bus I was in.

I was just pressing my phone while on a bus to church.

The phone I was using to entertain myself and trying to kill time with.

And some random guy had just snatched it from me and ran off.

I cried inside of me.

Because this wasn’t the first time this was happening to me.

This was probably the second or third time I’d lost my phone under bizarre circumstances within the last 1 year.

During praise & worship in church, I think tears ran down my eyes.

People watching might have thought I was in the spirit.


But I think all through church service that day my mind was running riot.

I was thinking about how I could afford another phone anytime soon.

You see, at the time I was working a 40,000 Naira monthly job.

Out of which I spent 30,000 on transport fare and had just 10,000 left for other expenses.

A life which is normal if you live in Lagos or know people who do.

So, how could I get a smartphone with 10,000 Naira?

For how many months would I need to save to even make up the amount to get a decent phone?

I think this was why I had tears running down my eyes.

I know you reading this story right now might be thinking “Oh, the next part is his breakthrough” but I’m so sorry.

Because as if losing my phone wasn’t enough, the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

For a brief second, I thought I was about to have a moment of respite as we were asked to start working from home.

Aside from resting more and not commuting over long distances spending at least 3 hours in traffic every day, it meant I wouldn’t be spending money on transport to and from the office.

But remember I told you this wasn’t the breakthrough you were hoping for.

Because things got worse.

They slashed my monthly salary by half! 

I was a university graduate working 20+ days in a month for just N20,000.

That’s like 1k per day.

Even guys working at a building site dey try to see urgent 2k daily.

But there was now a silver lining in my dark cloudless sky.

Since I was still living with my mom and what to eat wasn’t going to be a problem, it meant I could keep more than N10,000 now monthly… 

Imagine that!

Fast forward a couple of weeks later, I was thinking about my life & what direction it was going to take.

I then remembered my friend Oge had told me of a side hustle earlier.

So, I reached out to her.

This broke guy wasn’t even interested in any other thing apart from profit.

This is why the first question I asked was: 

‘How much have you made from this venture?‘

See ehnn, I was only interested in the numbers. 

And she said, “N100,000 in 2 weeks!” 

Wait, what?

In 5 months, that was my monthly salary.

And to have an entire N100,000 meant I wouldn’t touch a single penny of it.

Well, I told myself if Oge was earning 100k in 2 weeks, it was possible I could even earn N100,000-N200,000 in a month.

And I made it my goal.

By November, 5 months after I’d started working on this new side hustle... 

I Became A Millionaire.

It was unbelievable to me! 

“Bruno, you are a millionaire!” I kept telling myself. 

I was 25.

All my bosses combined at my former workplace didn't earn as much as I did in 5 months...

Because I didn’t just have 1 million in 5 months…

I’d accumulated a little over 5 million in only 5 months.

Between July 2020 to July 2021, I have done well over N10M. 

When you convert at N500/$ that’s over $20,000.

And this is just from one platform. 

That’s like 1 million per month...from 1k per day.

A real 0-100 story.

And you know what is so interesting? 

Many of my students and those who’ve followed what I shared on my Telegram support group have made well over N30 Million.

And we made all of this money without even owning a single product.

Without renting a shop or buying any goods.

Just from the comfort of my bedroom, in my pyjamas, with my phone.

But how did we even pull this off?

Through a business model called Affiliate Marketing.

If you already know how affiliate marketing works, you can skip the next couple of paragraphs.

But to the uninitiated, you might not know what affiliate marketing is or how it works.

Or you might have heard of it or gone on Google, but then there is lots of misleading info out there.

So, to explain affiliate marketing in its simplest & easiest format, lemme give you an example.

Have you ever been to an open market and while looking around, someone approaches you to ask what you want to buy? 

He then claims he has what you are looking for and proceeds to take you to his ‘shop’.

But when you get there, something surprising happens to you…

Another person attends to you.


It appears the guy who brought you to the shop was just the middleman.

And this is what he does every day bringing different people to these shops to buy things.


And he’ll get paid a commission – a percentage of the price of the product you purchased.

Maybe 1,000 or 5,000 or 500 or whatever depending on how much what you’re buying is.

Of course, you won’t know about this commission payment because it happens after you’ve left.

And this is to reward and encourage him to bring more customers. 

And this is how it happens in every big open market around - Alaba, Computer Village, Balogun market and so on.

That’s just affiliate marketing in its basic form. 

This is the same thing as agents helping landlords find tenants, and then getting paid an “agency fee”.

Same with Uber, Airbnb, Amazon and a host of other companies.

But hold on.

Remember I told you we made all of this money from our respective bedrooms, in our pyjamas, using just our phones.

And that’s because affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be for physical products alone.

It also works online.

And it can be in the form of clicking a link or, downloading a file, filling a survey or signing up to a website, or even buying something. 

As long as a prospect or customer takes a desired action, the affiliate gets paid or rewarded.

And every party in this transaction benefits in the sense that;

  1. The customer gets the product easily 
  2. The company sells more of its product easily by having thousands of affiliates doing the sales & marketing job for them without the company needing to spend money on adverts.
  3. And you the Affiliate/Middle man, you get paid easily. 

So as an affiliate, you make money without even needing to have your product or service.

And you can do this from anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home, office, etc.

The cool thing is all these are digital.

There’s no need for physical transportation of goods or services so you don’t have to worry about logistic issues or customer service, etc.

Your job is to simply connect buyer to seller, and you know the best part?

You do it every day!

From the comfort of your bedroom.

In your pyjamas - just like me and my friends.

And this is what a lot of people are making anywhere from N20,000  - N500,000 daily, weekly, or monthly… 

But there’s something you need to know:

Affiliate marketing is a damn competitive business.

So, how did a complete rookie like me who had never done any online business before was able to pull in 10 million (20 Thousand Dollars) in 1 year?

And also lead a bunch of other rookies to bring in over 30 million naira in commissions.

And unlike other online businesses where you need to spend lots of money running ads, I did this without knowing how to run a single ad on Facebook, Instagram or Google.

If you’ve read this far, or you're among the initiated, you already know affiliate marketing is done online, which means most of your audience will be reached via the internet. 

And Facebook and Google have 97% of the traffic on the internet.

This means if you’ll be successful as an affiliate, in the long run, you’ll have to know how to run ads on these platforms. 

However, if this will make you feel better, when I started I didn’t know about Facebook or Instagram ads, talkless of what all these terms meant… 

As I write this, I’m still learning Facebook and Google ads

But I didn’t allow my lack of knowledge to stop me from making over $20k in one year.

Even though I knew absolutely nothing about making money online. 

But probably don't even believe me right now.

I mean, why would you even listen to me? 

But this is Chigozie Mmebo: (when he reached out to me…)

Chigozie now

This is Caleb Nwanneka: (when we met)

Caleb now

And not just two of them, but many of those who’ve followed what I shared on my Telegram support group have made well over N30 Million. 

So, what did I do differently?

If you've been initiated as an affiliate marketer already, I know this should interest you.

Because this is the most interesting part of this letter and I'll need you to pay close attention to what I'll be saying over the next couple of minutes.

Because if you want increased sales.

More money.

More customers.

More word-of-mouth marketing.

More success in business.

Well, I did all of that.

And I did it using FREE Traffic.


But before I move on and tell you all about it, I need to make you understand something...

Most free traffic strategies are not sustainable.

You even know some of them already like:

Starting a blog & posting content over and over again for months hoping it might rank.

And when people search that particular topic they can see your content and you'll start getting traffic and hopefully sales from it.

The other is starting to post on any of your social media channels like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter etc and hoping somebody buys.

To even do this, you’d have to take weeks or even months to study;

  1. The algorithm
  2. How to craft viral content
  3. How to stand out in your niche, drive followers bla bla bla.

But all these are long-term results all tied to a word I don’t particularly like - HOPE.

You could try to run ads immediately, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it will be throwing money down a toilet and flushing it.

You don’t have that kind of time.

You don’t have that kind of money to throw away either.

Plus, if you’re going to spend your time & money trying to boost your business by boosting traffic,

I’m sure you’d want the result of your time & money spent to generate immediate and also long-term results.


Or don't you?

You see, I’ve had conversations with thousands of affiliates and when you ask them to tell you why they aren’t able to drive in more traffic, make more sales, or build their list size. 

They all give either of these five reasons:

  1. The economy (Nobody has money in Nigeria, which is a fallacy) 
  2. The price (Lol, people borrow money to buy iPhones and play Bet9ja, so this isn't valid) 
  3. The product (Some young Nigerian ladies bought tickets to go and see Kupe boys when they came to Nigeria. Google who Kupe boys are.) 
  4. The territory (All of us can't move to America, but what about the Nigerians making millions every week, they get two heads?) 

And then the last... 

Not knowing what to do as regards sales and marketing.

But do you know what most customers say when you ask them why they didn't buy a particular product? 

"The price was too high?" 


"I don't need the product for now?" 


"I'm on a budget?" 


Of course, some said this. 

But what most said was either 

"I don't trust the person selling the product" 


"I don't trust the product" 


"I don't like the person selling the product" even though nothing might be wrong with the product and it works. 

This proves one thing...

The hardest thing to engineer in the marketplace is trust. 

So, how did I make people on Twitter (where I made most of my sales) believe me?

How did I make people from Twitter who are some of the hardest people to convince believe me?

How can you overcome this and make people trust you enough to buy from you in a blink of an eye?

Through a concept I call Trust Engineering.

It’s one of the ways you can make people like & trust you in the shortest time possible and even beg you to take their money.

Yes, I regularly have people begging me to take their money so they can be a part of my mentorship group.

Mentoring that isn’t even cheap in the slightest.

And the beauty of trust engineering is you can take the idea and apply it anywhere.

Doesn’t matter what platform because they all work the same way.

In fact, the reason it works so powerfully for me is if you use it right, you can generate an enormous amount of trust.

You know I always thought marketing and sales had to do with forcing people to do what they didn’t want to do. 

But something I’ve learned is anyone who is trusted by a decent amount of people can make money anywhere.

But not just make money.

I’m talking about making good money.

But most people are scared of trust engineering.

And it’s because most people don’t know exactly what can make people like and trust us in the shortest time possible.

For those who’ve made other people like them quickly, it is difficult for most of them to put into words. 

They’ll tell you it just happened.

But make no mistake.

Nothing just happens.

It’s a combination of different things.

And to be successful as an affiliate marketer, you must be aware of the things you do and say that push people away and make them not trust you quickly.

And then what next? 

You’ll have to re-engineer everything.

In fact, if I lost everything, THIS is exactly what I would do. 

And when I say everything, I mean…

No email list, nobody knows me, no website, no traffic, no social media followers, no audience of any kind to sell to, no clout at all



How would I get back on my feet if I woke up tomorrow with nothing?

I’ll start my affiliate marketing business with this concept of trust engineering.

I’m saying this because before I shared my free mega traffic strategies with thousands of affiliates on my Support group, most of them were using complicated, automated funnels with automated emails. 

Many were spending serious money on autoresponders monthly, massive ads, split-testing with no tangible results to show for it.

Here’s one of my students Caleb saying so:

He’s one of the biggest affiliate marketers in Nigeria at the moment.


So, if I had nothing... 

I mean, nothing… 

Zero naira in my account… wiped clean of everything... 

And let's say my goal was to build a business that could generate 10million naira in 1 year as fast as possible…

I Wouldn't try ANYTHING Complicated


Instead, I would focus 100% of my time, energy, and whatever money I had... on ONE thing.

A list.

But a list not built on just running massive ads with expensive budgets or paying absurd amounts on autoresponders.

But a list built by using trust engineering and my free traffic strategies. 

And here's why:

I get hundreds of questions on my Support group daily.

Hundreds of those questions are complaints:


"How do I make sales?"


"Lots of people are seeing my ads, but none of them are buying?"


"I’ve spent money on my autoresponder but nothing is working. What should I do?"


"Where do I get traffic from and how exactly do I get traffic from there?"

“I have people who know me who see my posts but don’t respond, what should I do?”


I would spend hours upon hours answering these questions one by one.

In a group with over 3,000 people.

And while answering these questions, it hit me...


There should be others who are dealing with similar problems. 

People wasting money and time left and right with no tangible results to show.


And trust me, I get it... 

I’ve seen so many people in that spot before.

I've been in that same spot before. 

And I’ve helped them as well as myself to come out of that black hole.

And while coming out, we came out with millions.

With exactly the same things I did and taught them how to do too.

And looking at everything we did, a lot of what I was teaching these guys helped them skip over a lot of rookie and newcomer affiliates.

It took them straight into higher-level strategies for driving massive traffic for free and selling to them. 

Something very few people are doing or even know how to do.

But something these guys were doing and bringing in millions monthly and even weekly.

So, I got a revelation one day.

And went like this:

If I had to write a letter to my younger brother Fred if he wanted to start and succeed in affiliate marketing, what would I tell him?

Then it hit me.

Just teach him everything you taught Caleb, Chigozie and all the top guys you’ve trained in your Support group.

It then got me thinking further about how I could help the "beginners". 

The people who are just getting started.


The people who are struggling to make sales.

Or those who don’t even know how to start affiliate marketing or what to do.

How could I show them HOW to build serious income from an online business from scratch?

How could I educate a novice, someone with little or no knowledge of affiliate marketing and teach them how to make massive sales organically (without spending money on ads)?

How could I show them what it is about, and how to succeed with definite steps?

How could I make those already selling sell more?

Even better is what specific strategies that are easy to implement and produce INSANE results would I show them?


Why not just take everything I share on this Support Group and turn it into a "beginner's blueprint"?

Show them how they could go from scratch to start making up to $2,000 in a couple of months.


So, instead of just teaching these strategies to the Support Group and just going on and on about why they work...why not simply document my progress every step of the way and then share it with you?

Document the blueprint of how I went from 0 to $20k from Affiliate Marketing.

Because I realized that to build an affiliate marketing business capable of generating 10 million a year…

All you need is a proven blueprint.

A blueprint with step-by-step instructions. 

Beginning to end. Nothing left out.

The title of this blueprint was supposed to be “0 to $20k Affiliate marketing Blueprint”. 

Because that’s how much I had made in profit from just one platform at least as at the writing of this blueprint…

But I knew that the majority of people would not believe that title…

So, I decided to call this: 


The plan was after you’ve gone through this blueprint, you’ll not only be knowledgeable about Affiliate marketing, you’ll have a clear road map of how much you can make from affiliate marketing and how to go about it.

Step by Step.

This blueprint would be me leading you by the hand and telling you what you may not like to hear.

Yes, I’ll be telling you what you’ve been doing that’s not working and how to change it.

I’ll be showing you what works for me and how it can work for you too. 

If what you’ve been doing has been working, then I’ll show you how to 2X, 5X, and even 10X your current results in your affiliate marketing business.

Also, I currently have a community of over 3,000 smart affiliates who are learning from me and doing great… far from the “miserable spot” they were used to. 

And this documented blueprint is the exact system I use… 

They use…

We all use…

And you will use too to make your first N500,000 ($1000), N2.5m ($5000) and N5m ($10,000) depending on how hungry and ready you are.

Now, just to give you a back story…

Some of those who attended the Expertnaire top affiliate meeting who were also part of my Support

Group were Chigozie Mmebo, Akin Emmanuel, Inikpi Suleiman and so on.

Chigozie was an underpaid and under appreciated jumia staff who was just looking to make extra 10k...

Akin was simply looking to earn an extra source of income...

Inikpi was a law student who had no idea of affiliate marketing…

And since then, with my expert guidance...

Chigozie has become an 8 figure affiliate marketer and also won a camry...

Caleb has become one of the top affiliate marketer on expertnaire.. Also winning a car and a trip to egypt...

Akin has become a 7 figure affiliate marketer.....


And the list goes on and on.

In the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, you'll learn about:

The HOW of Affiliate Marketing: including the types and niches of affiliate marketing systems you can explore, and the four things that you need to start and grow in Affiliate marketing;

(i.) Your readiness

(ii.) A reliable affiliate network

(iii.) The products/services that you believe in

(iv.) Hungry buyers 

You will see how money and physical stock is not one of the requirements. You can start with $0...

New, Unpopular, Easy-to-execute, and Flexible strategies: You can easily use these rare techniques from anywhere in the world, and easily scale your affiliate marketing as a business if you desire! 

How I Went From Hating The Word, Sales and Marketing, To Becoming A Top Affiliate Marketer: earning figures that my former bosses can’t brag about.

How you too can become an expert affiliate marketer by understanding the core of convincing anybody, understanding how people think; people’s buying psychology, and selling like crazy...

If there’s any aspect of this blueprint you should pay attention to, it’s this. 

The things I’ll share here will make you a better salesperson/marketer and this is the real secret of my success.

The Six(6) Agents of Influence: You will know the six agents of influence including what an authoritative badge is all about and why it works.

You’ll also see the importance of repetition, why Word-of-mouth marketing sells faster in your strategies, and how to win the battle of perception... 

In the third chapter, you will see the 8-Step Blueprint: One of them is to Be the First Mover.

You’ll see how Strengthening my offer separated me early from my competition and made it difficult for anyone to turn down my offers; applying only one of the 8 steps will make you an unbeatable affiliate marketer... 

Whatsapp Marketing Untold Secrets: You’ll learn how to maximise Status views, Broadcast messages, Whatsapp groups and the 4 DTs...and how to follow up without looking desperate even if it’s for a product with a commission worth 50 thousand naira! 

The Juice in Content Marketing: Earning $2,000 is as easy as earning $200, and sweet content marketing makes it that easy.

You’ll learn how to create quality content relevant to your prospective customers that makes them hungry for whatever you are promoting and even look forward to the next thing you will promote.

With this, the 6 Powerful Steps For Building an Audience, and the 4 things you can achieve with content marketing, you’ll watch your business balloon to epic proportions.

How To Activate The Super Eye: You’ll learn how to spot efficient and reliable affiliate networks (in and outside Nigeria) that give you great commissions and profits.

You’ll also know the factors that determine a fast-selling product and how to advertise it for a continuous flow of income.

I’ve included examples of most of these networks and products. 

Processes of Super Affiliates: There’s a lot of advice you won’t get on social media and Youtube.

I’ve included all of them like what to do when you make your first $1,000, your checklist for growth, how to never run out of traffic sources to the unique links that fetch you money, and how to start practising all you have learnt as an affiliate marketer 

The 22 little known facts about people as it concerns selling, 3 ways you can make others trust you,and The 4 steps to selling.

I’ll also be sharing my personal experiences with selling.

But not just that, I also added a section where I talked about what to do when you start making money.

This is where I talk about all the mistakes I and other affiliates have made and how you can avoid them.

And as a bonus, you get:

  1. 1
    BONUS 1:

    Membership to my closed Facebook group of affiliate marketers...for as long as the Internet exists. You won't be renewing your membership. (Worth over N22,000, you get it for free as a bonus).

  2. 2
    BIG BONUS 2:

    You can figure out how to do better and be encouraged by me and others. 

    You’ll also be in the fortunate position to benefit from the expertise and experience of your peers, in addition to hearing from me on a regular you can benefit from our cumulative experience, as well as a unique viewpoint on marketing and prosperity in difficult times.

  3. 3

    Monetizing your social media: You'll learn how to make your social media milk money literally, and stop spending so much of your hard-earned money on chatting idly. Using only ONE of my free traffic strategies could get you up and over $1,000/Month with ease using your social media channels. You simply pick the one that sounds the best to YOU.

    (Value: N40,500, but you are getting it for free)

  4. 4

    Generating organic traffic using social media: You'll see how several digital entrepreneurs drive massive traffic to their recommended products without spending any money on running ads. (N27,500 but you get it for free)

  5. 5

    A copy of all the resourceful information I have ever put on the Internet about Marketing and Selling effectively...for FREE! 

  6. 6

    The scripts you can use to sell on WhatsApp. You simply edit them to meet the purpose of what you are selling. 

  7. 7

    How to hold high converting & super engaging webinars you can milk thoroughly & sell like crazy. A step by step guidance on how to create and run high converting webinars and online sales presentations

  8. 8

    This one is so special I had to leave it for last.

    And that’s because it’s a special addition.

    It’s a book filled with lessons across 10 years of sales & marketing from the man who changed my life, Toyin Omotoso.

    Before I got him to give me permission to share his book with you, this is what he had to say about the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint:

    So, when you get the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, you also get a copy of 201 Sales & Marketing Lessons I’ve Learned In 10 Years by Toyin Omotoso.

I’m not going to lie and say this blueprint will make you a billionaire.

But what I’m about to share with you saved my life.

And the lives of thousands of other young broke guys and ladies.

And I’m certain it will put in your hands the keys to a life of freedom.

Freedom to live life the way you truly desire.

Starting from your first $2000 made online from the comfort of your bedroom… in your pyjamas… with just your phone.

If you've read the self-improvement classic Think & Grow Rich, what you're about to get is akin to Napoleon Hill interviewing over 500 of the world's richest and most successful people so he could discover and publish their formula for success.

Imagine sitting down with some of history's most famous names like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., F.W. Woolworth, Joseph Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and many more.

Now, think about the biggest affiliate marketers in Nigeria (and Africa) who make millions weekly & monthly like Chigozie, Caleb, Akin, etc..., sitting down with them, asking them for the blueprint to their success.

They tell you every single thing they did, and how you can do the same thing too to replicate their results...and even surpass them.

Imagine that!

As at the time of counting, this is how much I estimated the guys I've mentored directly have made.

Now think of Thanos and his Infinity Stones.

Think about the Avengers.

What I've put together is a world-class hack to keep you on track and provide you with the most effective, profitable, and cutting-edge ideas and assistance to help you take your affiliate marketing business to the next level.

You won't get some arbitrary, what-if-it-works theory about how to double your affiliate marketing business or market your products more effectively...

You won't get some “lemme just try this thing if it will work” ideas.

Rather you'll get the answers YOU want to the particular issues you're experiencing right now…

Low sales.

Low conversions.

Low traffic.

Low revenue.

Low profits.

Low income.

The same issues that have been keeping you from achieving all the success you so rightly deserve.

Furthermore, these solutions will be coming to you directly from the experts themselves.

Because these are things I’ve shared with them that have worked so effectively for them.

So, you won’t be reading a book. 

Or listening to a CD. 

Or even watching a video.

You'll be RIGHT THERE in the middle of the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, engaged at the moment with the business secrets of some of the most brilliant affiliate marketing masterminds in Nigerian history.

You'll be plugged in and following intently as I hand you the breakthroughs you've been seeking and dispel their gold nuggets of wisdom.

You’ll be scooping all their trade secrets and business strategies that will make your business balloon over the next few weeks and months.

Going through the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint is like having a one-on-one Q & A session with the very same consultants the CEOs of the biggest companies in the world have on speed-dial.

Except you won't have to pay their $250,000 a day consulting fees.

Neither will you pay me $20,000 which is less than the worth of what you’re about to get.

I won’t ask you for $2,000 which is less than the amount I’ve paid to learn everything I’ve put into this blueprint.

See, this year alone I’ve paid over $2,000 for an event that taught HALF the amount of stuff I'm revealing here.


I could charge $1,000 for what I’m about to show you and it’ll still be fair.


But no I won’t.

However, just to make the decision a little easier for you, I've decided you won’t even pay $200 which is less than the price point for my inner circle mentorship group.

How cool is that?

So, what do you need to do? 

Get the 0-$2K Affiliate Marketing Blueprint and all the added bonuses for just N35,000. 

But before you say, "Bruno is just trying to sell his stuff to me,"...hold on for a minute lemme tell you why.

When people decide to start a business or expand an already existing business, there are lots of expenses they'll need to do.

And so they'll need capital.

But don't see the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint as an expense.

Instead, see it as a business move.

Because as much as there's so much money in affiliate marketing and there are so many people who need the solution you're providing, you should understand you're also in competition with other affiliates.

Yes, you compete with other people for the same customers.

So before your competitors can even know what's going on, you've positioned yourself as the number 1 go-to guy in your space.

I'm saying this because I know what it means to be a first mover and all the advantages you can get.

I was the first Expertnaire affiliate to sell Expertnaire products using Twitter.

Before other affiliates even figured out how to use Twitter and they started trooping in.

Let me give you an example.

When I started making lots of money from the 72IG course, of course, other people started selling it too, meaning that my students who I taught started competing in the same market for the same product.

I didn’t reduce the price, I did something else.

I simply pulled out a secret weapon.

A secret weapon which I'll show you on page 30 of the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint.

So, regard this 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint in your hand as a secret weapon.

A weapon to blow all your competitors out of the water...before they even find out what's going on.

By then, you should have positioned yourself and well on your way to your own N10M/Year Affiliate Marketing Business all armed with everything you need to make it happen..

So ask yourself, if you knew a secret that would ensure you made more money than all your competitors, how much would you pay for it?

...And this is Regardless of Your Prior Experience!"

Whether you’re a rookie who has never made a dime online.

Or you’re an affiliate looking to grow your business...

I've Made This 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint So Simple My Mom Can Use It.

And mom is about as computer-illiterate as they come.

One of my students who recently got the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint had this to say:

Another had this to say:



Well, this letter has become a little long.

And that's something for which I apologize. 

I just want you to be conscious of what you're getting.

Hopefully, everything here is crystal clear.

Because in reality, I'm taking you by the hand and we're building your very own N10M/year business together.


And I'll be there every step of the way.

Every day on the pages of the 0-$2k Affiliate Marketing Blueprint. 

And, every day on the Support Group to hold you accountable.


That's honestly what you need the MOST. 

Someone to keep an eye on you every day to make sure you're doing all you're supposed to be doing.


Until when you can step back and be proud of what you've created.


But time is of the essence though.


Because I made up my mind to help just 1000 people make their first $2,000 online starting with affiliate marketing.

So far, I’ve already helped 3,000 plus people.

Which means I’ve done more than I bargained for at the beginning.

And I can decide to raise the price of this blueprint any day I wake up and start feeling like I’m being cheated.

So before I change my mind go ahead and order your copy of the 0-$2k Blueprint here:


You missed out!

The Price goes from #35,000 to #45,000 soon

But let me recap all you are getting when you pay now:

  • The $0 - $2,000 Affiliate Marketing Blueprint
  • Membership to Closed FB community of fast-rising affiliate marketers
  • Monthly life + Interactive Q and A sessions
  • Monetizing your Social media
  • Generating traffic for recommendations without spending a dime
  • Compiled Sales Value

Not everybody who reads this letter till this point gets the $0 - $2,000 Affiliate Marketing Blueprint.

But all those who decide to get the $0 - $2,000 Affiliate Marketing Blueprint  have one thing in common - they've opted to take control of their own destiny.

They are the folks who have refused to let the state of the economy dictate their life.

So grabbing a copy of the $0 - $2,000 Affiliate Marketing Blueprint is a choice you made because you want to be in charge of your financial future, and you should be.

Which is the correct decision for any rational individual to make.

So, if you've decided to sacrifice the 9-to-5 grind of working for someone else's goal in order to chase your own dream of financial freedom, you're one of the few people alive with whom I'm pleased to be associated.

And, listen, even if things are challenging for you right now, I am here to help.

And I can tell you that if you study this 0-$2k Blueprint all the way through and put it into practice, you will be successful.

If you do just a handful of the things I'm going to suggest, your life and business will never be the same again.

But just to make you comfortable, if at the end of 30 days, you have studied the content of the guide and practised them religiously but you think you wasted your money, simply send an email to me, tell me the steps you've taken with no results, and I'll refund your money 100%... 


But you might go through this and still decide affiliate marketing is not for me.

But is that a barrier? No.

In fact, I've helped so and so several entrepreneurs scale up their business...

And you can use them to scale up whatever business you’re currently running.

So, the ball is in your court.

Get the $0 - $2,000 Affiliate Marketing Blueprint here.


You missed out!

The Price goes from #35,000 to #45,000 soon


  • The product promoted on this page is a DIGITAL product. It is not a service or a physical product. Nothing whatsoever will be shipped.

  • Expertnaire is NOT a bank or a financial establishment. We do not offer financial or investment services services.

  • Expertnaire is not the owner of this product. Expertnaire only represents the creator of this product.

  • This product is created and sold by Mr. Bruno Nwogu, the product's vendor.

  • This product is protected by Expertnaire's 30 days refund policy.

  • Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the constraints of our privacy policy.

  • All support requests regarding this product must be directed to the product vendor, not Expertnaire (The vendor's contact details will be provided upon product purchase)

  • All information submitted here is subject to our terms and conditions.

  • Your information will be provided to the product's vendor upon successful completion of this sale.

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